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Phase 2 - 5 phonics phoneme and tricky words flashcards or working wall display cards
All phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 phonics phonemes and tricky words on striped flashcards.
Prefect for assessment, intervention or displays.
Flashcards and tricky words also available for other phases.

KS1 year 2 expanded column method posters addition and subtraction maths
Two step by step posters to explain the expanded column method of addition and subtraction in a simple and visual way.
I found that they work well when printed on A3.

Missing number posters part-whole posters using the inverse to calculate missing numbers
A bundle of posters to hep children understand how to solve missing number problems.
These posters will help children to identify the which number is the whole and which is the part in a number sentence.
They will help children to correctly decide if they need to add or subtract to find the missing number and to understand why. They will help them to understand when they should and shouldn’t use the inverse operation.

KS1 year 2 big set of differentiated maths arithmetic starters with answers SATs practise numeracy
A big set of 40 arithmetic starters with answers for self or peer assessment.
Perfect as maths starters or morning work.
3 difficulty levels:
The first for children below expected or for expected/greater depth children to practise instant recall of number facts, the second if for expected ability and the third is aimed at developing the skills of greater depth children.
These starters have lots of questions based on the following essential KS1 skills:
Doubles and halves
The four operations
Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
Using part-whole models.
Missing number questions
1 more and less
10 more and less
Writing numbers as words

clock display digital, analogue, Roman numerals & 24 hour. KS1 KS2 maths telling the time
A bright display to make your classroom clock look brighter whilst turning it into a resource for telling the time.
The following petal cards are included, so that you can edit your clock to best suit your class:
Analouge words
didgital minutes
24 hours
Roman numerals
Also included is a set of ‘times of the day’ cards and arrows to point out these times on the clock.

Synonym display posters and table fan resource English writing working wall year 2, 3, 4 KS1 KS2
Synonyms for eight ‘boring’ words to make children’s writing more interesting.
There are A4 display posters and a table resource included.
The table resource is the same as the display posters but reduced in size. I print, laminate and clip them all together with a treasury tag to make a handy fan for children to use when writing or editing.

Big set of Christmas Mud Kitchen Recipe cards EYFS counting and maths outdoor activity
Big set of bright, colourful Christmas themed Mud Kitched recipe cards.
With numbers from 1-10, these cards promote counting through loose parts and outdoor play.
6 of the 16 cards are blank for children to make their own recipes.
Laminate to create a fun,festive mud kitchen cook book!

KS1 year 2 Maths Working Wall Display pack ~ titles, pictures, posters ~ supports WRM
Everything that is needed to create a maths working wall display in a year two classroom with the focus of place value.
These resources have been designed to be interactive and to fully support the teaching of WRM (White Rose Maths) Year 2, Autumn block 1.
The files contain a bunting header plus lots of other subheadings and interactive questions.
Also included are templates such as tens frames, place value charts, part-whole models as well as pictorial representations of concrete resouces such as base 10, place value counters etc.
There are other decorative bits and pieces such as speech bubbles and arrows and frames to be laminated and written on by adults and children.

KS1 year 2 Maths Working Wall Display addition & subtraction titles, pictures, posters supports WRM
Everything that is needed to create a maths working wall display in a year two classroom with the focus of addition and subtraction.
These resources have been designed to be interactive and to fully support the teaching of WRM (White Rose Maths) Year 2, addition and subtraction unit.

Bundle of year 2 morning maths work mats. KS1 SATs practise. arithmetic & problem solving starters
Bundle of morning work mats aimed at year 2.
2 of the mats have space for a number to be written in the center by the teacher, then activities around the edge are based on this number (one is based on 3 digit numbers for HA children). This allows the mats to be used over and over again with different numbers.
2 of the mats have an amount of objects in the center with different word problems based on these objects around the edges.
The other mat has SATs style number card questions on it.
All mats are in word format and so numbers/questions can be easily edited to extend their use and allow for differentiation.

UKS2 40 English/literacy morning work/starters/homework/SATs practice differentiated task/activities
Lots of differentiated literacy challenges suitable for UKS2.
Perfect as morning work, starters or time fillers.
Each slide has 3 challenges. Challenge 1 asks children to find synonyms or antonyms of commonly over used words, challenge 2 looks at figurative language and challenge 3 asks that children write a short paragraph using a sentence opener and requests that they use a specific feature of writing taken from the UKS2 writing objectives.
To differentiate, children could be asked to work from challenge 1-3, or they could be given a specific challenge to look at.
They would also work well as homework tasks.

40 arithmetic maths starters morning work SATs practise year 2 KS1 with answers differentiated
A big set of 40 arithmetic starters with answers for self or peer assessment.
Perfect as maths starters or morning work.
3 difficulty levels:
The first for children below expected or for expected/greater depth children to practise instant recall of number facts. These questions deal with numbers to 30 and 2 x table only.
The second looks at 10x table and addition and subtraction where carrying and exchanging is not needed.
The third looks at 5 x table and addition and subtraction where carrying and exchanging is needed.

Animals that lay eggs display poster hessian/natural back ground KS1 EYFS science
Display poster showing a range of animals that lay eggs.
Animals are from different classification groups such as birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and insects.
Real photographs used on a natural hessian background.
A good addition to an investigation area or to encourage discussion and generate questions.

Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards KS1 science investigation area display
20 bright and colourful fact cards about caterpillars and butterflies.
I used these to set up a science investigation area in year 2 when we had caterpillars that we kept to observe and release as they turned into butterflies. (I also sell them in a bundle with matching display title bunting and key vocabulary)
These cards concentrate on the things that children will notice while the caterpillars are in the classroom. They allow the children to find out about what they can see happening.
These cards are also a geat resource for teachers and support staff to explain what is happening and answer any tricky questions that the children might ask!

'Our Caterpillars' display/investigation area bunting title natural green leaf design
‘Our Caterpillars’ bunting.
The bunting has a green leaf background that will completment natural classrooms perfectly.
I used this bunting to create an investigation area in year two when we got caterpillars in class. (I also sell this bunting as part of a bundle which also has matching caterpillar fat cards and key vocab cards.)

Caterpillar and butterfly key vocab cards for display or science investigation area
12 vocab cards for learning about caterpillars and butterflies.
With a nice leaf design in the corner.
I used these when setting up an investigation area in year two when we had class caterpillars! (I also sell these as part of a bundle which includes butterfly and caterpillar fact cards and display bunting.)

Caterpillar and butterfly complete display/science investigation area pack bundle
Bundle of resources to create a caterpillar and butterfly investigation area or display.
‘Our Caterpillars’ display bunting
Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards
Caterpillar and butterfly key vocab cards
All items have a matching leaf design

Bundle counting in twos worksheets intervention games homework times tables year 1 and 2 KS1 maths
7 different worksheets and a matching game to target fluency when counting in twos.
These resources would be ideal for interventions or homework.

KS1 maths multiplication strategy display posters working wall
Bright and bold display posters to clearly show students different methods for multiplication.
equal groups
skip counting
repeated addition
Text is kept to a minimum, the picture is the prompt to aid children’s recall of the practical way to use each method.

KS1 Year 2 multiplication and division maths working wall display
Multiplication and division display for working walls
‘Maths’ title in bunting
Various multiplication strategy posters
Vocabulary posters for both operations
Posters for counting in 2s, 5s and 10s