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Population and Megacities Need to Know Learning Matrix

Population and Megacities Need to Know Learning Matrix

Need to Know Learning Matrix Topic - Population Growth and Megacities Linked to AQA GCSE Geography I use these to assess student understanding and progress through the term and to provide quality feedback without the need for excessive comment writing. I simply put the matrix in the front of the students book, every time I mark their books I highlight the relevant criteria in one colour (usually yellow) and criteria I would like them to attempt in DIRT in another (usually pink). Once the criteria to attempt is achieved I simply tick it off on the matrix. In their books I will write WWW and list the codes for the criteria achieved. I will then draw steps to indicate how to level up and write the corresponding codes of criteria I want them to attempt. The Need to Know questions are based on the lessons & learning objectives over the term, which are also used to create the coded success criteria. I find this technique reduces the time I spend marking books however allows me to provide quality feedback and to clearly see progress over the term. It's great for outline the SoW and encouraging independent learning. Hope it's of use.
Plate Boundaries Playdough Activitiy

Plate Boundaries Playdough Activitiy

Instruction sheet to help students to understand tectonic plate boundaries - the movements, hazards and landforms. Requires playdough and cardboard - photos included of an example taking place.
Megafauna Extinction and Climate Change

Megafauna Extinction and Climate Change

Lesson on the decline and extinctions of mega-fauna as part of a study on climate change. Can be done as two lessons or one lesson and choose between the two tasks offered in the powerpoint. When I've taught this students have enjoyed taking the role on the wall sheet home with them to decorate to suit thetheory of climate change or hunted to extinction.
Farming Key Word Match Up

Farming Key Word Match Up

Starter activity - key words have been split into two. Give individuals one part of the word. As a starter they find their partner - the student with the other half of the word.
Project - Geography of Fashion and Sport

Project - Geography of Fashion and Sport

Dragon's den style project. Pupils to design a product and complete a project on it to show their understanding of globalisation, interdependence and the social and environmental consequences of the things we buy. Designed as a homework to be completed along side classwork on the Geography of Fashion and Sport. Pupils to hand in a project and to produce a presentation on their product to be delivered in a Dragon&'s Den style.
World Issues Word List

World Issues Word List

A word list to support KS3 learners with the spelling of key words for a global issues topic that covers global warming, energy and food and water security. These are the words I find they most frequently use within the topic.
Dangerous World (Natural Hazards) Project

Dangerous World (Natural Hazards) Project

Resources to go with a SoW on Natural Hazards - can be set in class or for homework. Powerpoints for the SoW can be found here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dangerous-world-project-powerpoints-and-resources-11278771
Passage of a depression

Passage of a depression

A complete the table activity on the passage of a depression. Ideally used after watching a video. Pupils given the worksheet with the table and the diagram. They must then place the cards onto the table to complete it. Some parts of the table have been filled in but you could remove these or change the words on the cards for differentation purposes.
Countries: Flags lesson for KS2 / KS3 geography

Countries: Flags lesson for KS2 / KS3 geography

This is a lesson I did for year 6's during transition week to help develop atlas skills and knowledge of places. Pupils used the atlas to create a fact file on the country of their choice on the back of the balloon outline. They then drew the flag on the balloon. Once complete they cut them out and hung them on a 'washing line&' in alphabetical order. This required them to look at the factfile to find out the country represented by each flag.
Dangerous World (Natural Hazards) Project  Powerpoints & Resources

Dangerous World (Natural Hazards) Project Powerpoints & Resources

Powerpoints to go with the the project on Dangerous World. Resource consists of a range of powerpoints and resources to assist with the delivery of a project on natural hazards. Project resources can be found here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dangerous-world-natural-hazards-project-11278775 Lesson 1 - takes a look at tectonic plate movements with a variety of activities to choose from to demonstrate. Set 1 I do the oreo activity but lower sets I do the tectonic kung fu. After each project lesson students complete an exit ticket each to demonstrate what they've learnt. I mark these throughout the project to check understanding and misconceptions.
Why is renewable energy important?

Why is renewable energy important?

This lesson works on encouraging pupils to think about what the world would be like if we ran out of fossil fuels. When I taught this most pupils thought about the problems that would arise from reduced fossil fuel availability but some started to discuss the positive options and future developments that might occur. Some of the ideas were inspiring. The pupils clearly understood the issues surrounding fossil fuels and the need for renewable energy. They really enjoyed the creative side of this.
Investigating Brazil

Investigating Brazil

Lesson 1 - What is Brazil like? Lesson 2 - Main physical features of Brazil Lesson 3 - Climate of Brazil Lesson 4 - Ecosystems of Brazil Any references to books will be to Geog.2 For any mentioned video either the word 'video' will be hyper-linked or the picture on the slide will be. PM me if you would like more of the resources for this scheme of work.
Map Skills - Describing Routes - Catch the Criminal

Map Skills - Describing Routes - Catch the Criminal

An activity to encourage students to use a wide variety of map skills in order to describe routes. Activity is centered around a police chase to catch bank robbers in the fictional town of Kingstown. This was made quite some time ago in my PGCE 6year, probably dated but useful.
Global Connections Workbook and Lessons

Global Connections Workbook and Lessons

A complete unit of work on global connections - based on clothing. Looks at Transnational Companies, Trade, Globalisation, Worker's Rights and Fair Trade. Cross-Curricular, some differentiation. Suitable for Key Stage 3
Climate Change Scheme of Work

Climate Change Scheme of Work

Powerpoints and resources for a Scheme of Work on Climate Change Planned for 2012-2016 Edexcel B specification but suitable for other GCSE specs. I'm sharing these resources to support others in their planning for the new specs. Some of the resources have been adapted from resources I've collected over the years. Please feel free to ask for credit where credit is due.