We specialise in educational resources linked to the English Primary National Curriculum.
Easy to use, concise lesson plans, presentations, assemblies, worksheets and activities.
Our emphasis is on fun and creativity with pupil engagement as our driver.
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We specialise in educational resources linked to the English Primary National Curriculum.
Easy to use, concise lesson plans, presentations, assemblies, worksheets and activities.
Our emphasis is on fun and creativity with pupil engagement as our driver.
Follow us on Facebook for more information and ideas.
We are ExcitEd to share a collection of mixed level word problem cards with pictures related to fractions and percentages.
For UKS2 Years 5 and 6.
Cut out and laminate.
Cards are differentiated 4 ways, blue being mostly L3 questions and yellow being L5.
Can also be used for lower KS3 classes.
Years 5 / 6 / 7
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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We are ExcitEd to share a fun and exciting lesson where children use persuasive writing skills to create radio adverts.
*** Radio Adverts - Can you persuade me??***
A one off, great fun lesson for UKS2.
Giving children a chance to revise persuasive writing skills and also to use their speaking and listening skills.
The included lesson notebook revises different persuasive writing techniques and focuses on how these are used in radio adverts to persuade listeners. Recordings of real radio adverts are included so that they may be discussed before asking children to have a go at making their own persuasive radio adverts.
The activity cards are differentiated - Yellow MA, Green A and Red LA
These were given out in the lesson in envelopes (so that other groups were not aware of each others target audience etc) and the children worked in pairs to come up with ways to persuade certain groups of people to visit various places.
e.g Elderly people to visit a swimming pool, children to visit a museum.
At the end of the lesson, children read out, or play their radio adverts. The rest of the class should then guess who the adverts were aimed at and discuss how and why they were successful.
Also includes a persuasive bingo plenary game
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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We are ExcitEd to share two fun and original stories used to explain the concept of number bonds to 5 and 10.
The number stories of the the Balloon birthday and Fred Five the ladybird are provided in animated PowerPoint format
Added worksheets are also included.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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We are ExcitEd to share a notebook used in introduce masks as part of a topic on Africa.
Children design masks based after looking at images of real ones. Then children made masks using cardboard. They layered the cardboard to make them 3D then painted them.
Picture of finished product at the end of notebook.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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We are ExcitEd to share a plan for a 6 week literacy unit to accompany the class reader "The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.
A super text for LKS2. Hugely engaging and chapters which are not too long!
We know that your class will love this topic and this will show in their writing outcomes.
This free resources gives you a 6 week outline with writing genres, differentiated targets and objectives.
If you like this resource we offer all of the related planning, lesson presentations and resources in our shop! Available to purchase as individual weekly units or as a 6 week bundle.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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materials and photo of display for CSI science topic
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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We are ExcitEd to share a script and PowerPoint presentation for a simple class assembly celebrating Bastille Day.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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We are excited to share this fun game which allows children to revise colours in French and learn a little more about the French flag - The Tricolore.
With clear instructions and printable resources included, this game is simple to set up and fun to play. Would be a great starter or plenary game, or as part of a whole school French day.
Aimed at KS2 where children will be formally learning a language, but could easily be used in KS1 to introduce French learning to younger children.
“Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.”
The National Curriculum 2014
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
Take a look at our TES shop or follow us on Facebook @ExcitEd Teachers for updates and freebies.
We are Excited to share a temple for a ‘World’s Best Dad’ certificate which makes a special gift on Fathers Day.
Certificates for:
Simply print on to card, allow the children to personalise and put in an envelope.
The date section on this resource has been left blank so that you can fill it in and use again year after year.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
Take a look at our TES shop or follow us on Facebook @ExcitEd Teachers for updates and freebies.
We are ExcitEd to share a newspaper front page template for The Daily News - Special Edition. Children fill in the missing words and add their own picture to create a personalised Father’s Day present.
Templates for the following
Plus Smart Notebook introducing Father’s Day as a celebration to say thank you to male caregivers in our lives (not just Dads) and demonstrating the activity.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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Reception teachers, we are ExcitEd to share a fantastic set of activities to welcome children to school on their very first day!
Using the book ‘Hey Duggee First Day at Squirrel Club’, we have developed a follow up activity and keepsake certificate that can be personalised and taken home. ( Book available on Amazon )
This download Includes:
Lesson ideas sheet with lots of fun ideas for the first day of school and links to additional resources.
A hide and seek activity game. Print off the images of the characters and hide around the classroom. A tick sheet is included for the children.
First day of school certificate. A double sided document, in either A4 or postcard size, which can be personalised and printed for each child.
A first day of school badge image which can be printed as stickers using Avery labels.*
Duggee is a great character to use at the very start of the year as most children will already be familiar with him. This familiarity creates a link for children with their new classroom and teacher. A topic that they can all talk about.
Our hide and seek activity, uses the characters featured in the story and encourages children to explore their new classroom. This can be a particularly good activity for more timid children.
Stickers and certificates to take home make a special reward for children.
We are ExcitEd! Follow us on Facebook @Excited Resources for more ideas and freebies.
**'It’s Christmas!!!" **
We are ExcitEd to share this fun, Christmas themed, maths lesson which will keep children busy using their maths skills to break the code and find the punch lines for Great Uncle Fred’s Christmas cracker jokes.
Light hearted but productive, just what we all need in school in the run up to Christmas.
Various addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions have been included, but these can be edited to suit the ability groups within class.
This download includes:
Lesson Plan
Lesson Presentation (in PowerPoint)
Pupil Worksheets. 2 versions - mixed ability including all 4 operations or a simple addition ans subtraction only version.
Fully editable Microsoft Word version of worksheet
Additional jokes for extension work.
Teacher’s Answer Sheet
A fun and useful maths lesson to fill a Christmas afternoon and get children practising their own strategies for solving various mathematical questions.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
Take a look at our TES shop or follow us on Facebook @ExcitEd Teachers for updates and freebies.
We are ExcitEd to share a Class Assembly Script.
This assembly is linked to our Literacy Unit - The Iron Man, and is to help children to share and celebrate the work achieved in the 6 week unit.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
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We are ExcitEd to share a fabulous literacy lesson for KS1. Focusing on developing children’s knowledge and correct use of sentences and creating a class book linked to the Usborne touchy feely book ‘That’s Not My Dragon.’
This approximately 1hr stand-alone lesson, has been planned for children working in Year 1 and using the National Curriculum. Although, it would also be suitable for year 2 classes in need of support with accurate sentence writing.
TAF statements have been used to differentiate this lesson for children working towards, at the expected level or at greater depth.
This download includes:
A detailed lesson plan with links to the National Curriculum.
A PowerPoint presentation to support the lesson.
Printable sentence building cards for use in the main part of the lesson.
A printable book page template / Worksheets - differentiated
Support Materials - Differentiated word banks and sentence builder cards.
Printable dragon colouring images.
The objective of this lesson is for all children to write accurate sentences about their own dragons. Most children will then extend their simple sentences with ‘and’ and some will create compound sentences using ‘but’ and ‘so’.
The main teaching of the lesson starts with an adult led reading of ‘That’s Not My Dragon’ with the reveal of the teacher’s dragon at the end of the book. This acts as a hook for the lesson.
During the lesson, the rules for sentence writing are reviewed and then children are asked to help physically create sentences about the teacher’s dragon using sentence building cards. (Included).
To accompany and enhance the lesson a PowerPoint presentation is included. All visuals have dyslexia friendly styling, with a clear and simple format. The lesson plan has also been broken down alongside each corresponding PPT slide in the notes to support lesson delivery.
To create your class book, a page template is included. 2 versions, each with a dragon image to colour, but one version with a sentence starter already included and the other without the sentence starter and more space for children to write.
Alternatively, separate dragon colouring images are also included if you wish for children’s writing and colouring to be done separately.
In their independent work, children working towards the expected standard are supported with a word bank and sentence building cards, similar to the class activity. Support materials are also included for children working at the expected level or at greater depth. These are appropriately differentiated to include a wider range of vocabulary and conjunctions and can be used at your discretion
We have found this to be a fun lesson with a fantastic outcome that children often like to revisit when in the class library.
We are ExcitEd! Follow us on Facebook for more ideas and freebies.
This resource was updated following teacher feedback.
We are ExcitEd to share a wonderful Mother’s day assembly celebrating all the mother figures in our lives.
This assembly is best suited to KS2 and lasts approximately 20 minutes.
This download includes:
An easy to follow script.
A powerpoint presentation to add images to your assembly
Entrance and Exit Music embedded into the PowerPoint.
An original story all about an amazing animal mother - The Killdeer bird.
This story is professional read allowed and the audio is embedded into the PowerPoint.
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We are ExcitEd to share two templates for Father’s Day cards plus instructions and Smart notebook (PowerPoint) Presentation about Father’s Day and introducing activity.
See photo examples
I love you this much card - template contains instructions and words for children to colour / decorate. Will need to be printed on card and chilldren’s hand cutouts added.
Medals card - Template with editable date line. Blank inside card to add yor own message.
All resources are white labelled - no logos here!
Where dates are included on any resources they are editable - So that all resources can be used year after year.
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
Take a look at our TES shop or follow us on Facebook @ExcitEd Teachers for updates and freebies.
We are ExcitEd to share a firework themed maths project specifically planned for UKS2 (Year 6).
Spend an afternoon allowing children to apply their maths skills in this topical, fun, themed lesson.
This download includes:
A Detailed Lesson Plan
PowerPoint Lesson presentation with starter activity and plenary included.
All printable resources are included - emails from the council, fireworks price list and planning sheets - Differentiated four ways.
Answer Sheets for teachers are also included.
For this lesson, children get to take on the role of pyrotechnic event coordinators. They’re going to plan a fireworks display!
They will work in teams or pairs and get to use calculators to check their work. This has been a winning formula with my classes.
The starter activity is a game called Target 100. Children must add, subtract, divide or multiply a start number to attempt to make 100 or stop anyone else making 100.
Children will be given ‘an email’ from a local council asking them to plan a fantastic fireworks display to celebrate an upcoming national event. What an exciting opportunity!
In the form of an email from a council events department, children will be given a brief. This sets out details of a budget and length of time that their display must be along with any special requirements which could make this activity more challenging. Along with the email, each team will be given a fireworks price list and a planning sheet. These handouts will support the children in planning their displays and completing the task.
Included is also a follow up email from each council which can be used as an extension activity, asking children to calculate prices in discounts are added, or ticket prices for the event.
The plenary ends the session with a review of questions about planning a fireworks display.
Answer sheets for each differentiated activity are also included to make marking, reviewing and following up this lesson simple.
National Curriculum Links:
NC2014 - Mathematics - Year 6 Programme of Study.
Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why
Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Use estimation to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, an appropriate degree of accuracy
Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages and the use of percentages for comparison
Solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to 3 decimal places where appropriate****
Planned for use around a national celebration, such as Halloween, Diwali, Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Bastille Day, July 4th or any date when fireworks are set off nationally.
ExcitEd Resources bring you effective, fun and creative resources linked to the English Primary National Curriculum.
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We are Excited to share a lesson for the 5th of November!
A bonfire night acrostic poem lesson, plus a collection of firework themed handwriting worksheets.
Planned with curriculum references for KS1 but could easily be adapted and used with KS2 or EYFS.
This download includes…
A detailed lesson plan including links to the National Curriculum and TAF statements.
A PowerPoint Presentation for Acrostic Poem lesson - including starter activity and plenary
Acrostic poem writing templates
Fireworks handwriting patterns worksheets
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
Take a look at our TES shop or follow us on Facebook @ExcitEd Teachers for updates and freebies.
KS1 Maths - Discovering Fractions. A Maths Investigation Lesson.
We are ExcitEd to share this practical and engaging maths lesson especially for KS1. Focusing on introducing fractions. We ask the question ‘How many ways to make half ?’ Children investigate ways to find half of a square in a practical and hands on way.
SpoilerThere are 13 ways to find half in our fun maths investigation lesson, but shh don’t tell your class they have to find out for themselves!
This download includes:
Detailed lesson plan with curriculum links for both year 1 and year 2.
Differentiated worksheets for MA,A, LA and SEN
Suggested extension task
Lesson presentation in SmartNotebook and PowerPoint
We bring you effective, teacher made, fun and creative resources for use in primary schools linked to the English National Curriculum.
Take a look at our TES shop or follow us on Facebook @ExcitEd Teachers for updates and freebies.