**Mind maps **for key themes in 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ for A Level Spanish.
Bundle of all the mind maps - all great for revision for the*** Paper 2 Writing exam***!
**SAVE MONEY **buying the bundle!
Detailed mind map on the AQA theme ‘El Racismo’ for the NEW 2017 A LEVEL SPANISH. Includes information on the 3 subthemes: ‘Las actitudes racistas y xenofobas’, ‘Las medidas contra el racismo’ and ‘La legislacion anti racista’. Very useful for revision for the *AQA Speaking exam *with the tarjeta.
Mind map for ‘LAS TECNICAS LITERARIAS’ en 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico Garcia Lorca for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH.
Includes: notes on the literary techniques of Lorca in CDBA, key quotes from specific characters to do with the themes and hand drawn illustrations to aid memory!
Very useful for revision for PAPER 2 WRITING EXAM with the essay!
Resource including all the** Key quotations in Spanish from Lorca’s play ‘***La Casa de Bernarda Alba’*! Analysis of the quotations including act, page and character references for the new spec AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7962 (but relevant to any other boards with an essay on CDBA too).
Essential resource for revision and when writing essays! Aimed for knowledge of CDBA for the AQA PAPER 2 Writing exam.
Has all the most important quotes highlighted in colour.
Detailed notes on the AQA theme ‘Jovenes de hoy, ciudadanos de manana’ for the NEW 2017 SPANISH A LEVEL. Includes information on the 3 subthemes ‘Los jovenes y su actitud hacia la politica’, ‘El paro entre los jovenes’ y ‘Su sociedad ideal’ . Very useful for the AQA Spanish Speaking Exam with the tarjeta!
Detailed notes on the AQA theme ‘La Convivencia’ for the NEW 2017 SPANISH A LEVEL. Includes information on the 3 subthemes ‘La convivencia de culturas’,‘La educacion’ y ‘La religion’ . Very useful for the AQA Spanish Speaking Exam with the tarjeta!
Character analysis notes for ‘MARTIRIO’ in ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ by Federico Garcia Lorca for AQA A LEVEL 7692 SPANISH (new spec). Includes: notes on the role of the character in the play, key quotations from the character (with Act and page references) and links of the character with the themes of CDBA.
Very useful information for ***PAPER 2 Writing ***on ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ - great for revision and essays!
Has important points highlighted in colours
Mind map on the Volver, Almodovar film theme 'Las mujeres, la maternidad y la familia.
Great for revision as includes key points and quotes from the film to use in the Paper 2 Writing Exam with the essay.
For*** AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7692***, but relevant to any other boards with an essay on Volver.
Mind Map for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH (New* 2017* Specification) for the cultural theme ‘La Igualdad de los Sexos’. Includes the sub themes: ‘La mujer en el mundo laboral’, ‘El machismo y el feminismo’ and ‘Los derechos de los gays y las personas transgenero’. Very useful for facts and knowledge for the Speaking exam and includes illustrations to prompt memory.
Very detailed notes on everything you need to know for the AQA theme ‘El Ciberespacio’ for the NEW 2017 Spanish A LEVEL. Includes information on the subthemes: ‘La Influencia de Internet’, ‘Los moviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad’, ‘Las redes sociales beneficios y peligros’. Very useful for the AQA Speaking exam!
Mind map for ‘LA REPUTACION Y EL QUE DIRAN’ for 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ by Lorca for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7962.
Great for revision of key themes in ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ for the Paper 2 Writing Exam!
Includes key quotes with act and character references as well as hand drawn illustrations to aid memory.
Written for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH (new spec) - but is relevant to any board with an essay on ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’.
Character analysis notes for ‘BERNARDA ALBA’ in ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ by Federico Garcia Lorca for AQA A LEVEL 7692 SPANISH (new spec). Includes: notes on the role of the character in the play, key quotations from the character (with Act and page references) and links of the character with the themes of CDBA.
Very useful information for ***PAPER 2 Writing ***on ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ - great for revision and essays!
Has important points highlighted in colours
CHARACTER ANALYSIS notes for ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ by Lorca. Includes key quotations of the characters (with page and act references), their relation with the key themes and their role in the play.
Characters included: Bernarda Alba, Adela, Poncia and Martirio.
ALL IN SPANISH for the AQA A LEVEL** Paper 2 Writing** Exam with the essay.
Essential for revision and essays!
Mind map revising the theme ‘El Ciberespacio’ for the New A Level Specification 2017. Includes La Influencia de Internet, Los moviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad and Las redes sociales
Mind map for the A LEVEL SPANISH theme ‘El patrimonio cultural’ for the NEW 2017 A LEVEL SPEC. Includes notes and facts on the subthemes: ‘Sitios historicos y civilizaciones prehispanicas’, ‘Arte y arquitectura’ and ‘El patrimonio musical’. Very useful for the AQA Speaking exam for the Tarjetas and has images to help prompt memory.
Mind map on the** Volver**, Almodovar theme ‘La Vida Rural y Urbana’. Includes key points and quotes to do with the contrast between La Mancha and Madrid in the film ‘Volver’.
Great for revision for the Paper 2 Writing exam for the essay!
For*** AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7692***, but relevant to any other board with an essay on Volver.
Detailed notes on the AQA topic 3.4.7**‘INVESTIGATING DIVERSITY’** for the NEW AQA A LEVEL 7402 BIOLOGY SPEC. Very useful for as revision notes and includes important information highlighted in colours and diagrams illustrating concepts.
Mind map on ‘EL CONTEXTO HISTORICO Y SOCIAL’ in La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico Garcia Lorca for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7692.
Includes key points and quotes on the historical context of the book and includes essential quotes from characters, as well as hand drawn illustrations to aid memory.
Very useful for the PAPER 2 WRITING ESSAY in AQA. Written for AQA students, but relevant to any board doing an exam in ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’.
Mind map on ‘El Amor y el Deseo’ de 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba for*** AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7692***.
Includes: Key quotes from the play and hand drawn illustrations to aid memory!
Very useful information for PAPER 2 WRITING on ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ - great for revision and essays!