Detailed notes on the AQA topic 3.4.6 ‘BIODIVERSITY WITHIN A COMMUNITY’ for the NEW AQA A LEVEL 7402 BIOLOGY SPEC. Very useful for as revision notes and includes important information highlighted in colours and diagrams illustrating concepts.
Detailed notes on the AQA topic 3.2.4 ‘CELL RECOGNITION AND IMMUNE SYSTEM’ for the NEW AQA A LEVEL 7402 BIOLOGY SPEC. Very useful for as revision notes and includes important information highlighted in colours and diagrams illustrating concepts.
Detailed notes bundle on the AQA A LEVEL Biology 7402 Spec theme ‘Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms’ (aka notes on DNA, genes, protein synthesis, species and taxonomy, adaptation, investigating diversity).
Very good as a revision resource and is written for the new A LEVEL 7402 AQA specification.
Detailed notes on the AQA theme 'La Influencia de los idolos’ for the NEW SPANISH 2017 A LEVEL. Includes information on the 3 subthemes: ‘Cantantes y musicos’, ‘Estrellas de television y cine’ and ‘Modelos’. Extremely useful for the AQA Speaking exam with the tarjeta as it includes examples of specific celebrities.
Detailed notes on the AQA theme ‘El Patrimonio Cultural’ for the NEW 2017 SPANISH A LEVEL. Includes information on the 3 subthemes ‘Sitios historicos y civilizaciones prehispanicas’ , ‘Arte y arquitectura’ and ‘El patrimonio musical’ . Very useful for the AQA Spanish Speaking Exam with the tarjeta!
Mind map for the theme **‘El Autoridad y el orden’ **in 'La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ by Lorca for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7962.
Great revision resource for the*** Paper 2 Writing exam***, focusing on the role of authority and order in the house.
Written for AQA A LEVEL Spanish (new spec), but is relevant to any boards that have an essay on La Casa de Bernarda Alba.
Detailed notes on the AQA topic 3.1.5 ‘NUCLEIC ACIDS’ for the NEW A LEVEL BIOLOGY SPEC. Very useful for as revision notes and includes important information highlighted in colours.
Notes of the KEY THEMES in ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ for AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7692. All key quotations split up into the key themes: La represion, la libertad, el papel de las mujeres y la clase social. Includes analysis of the quotes and page and act references for ease of use of the resource.
Very useful information for ***PAPER 2 Writing ***on ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ - great for revision and essays!
Has important points highlighted in colours
Character analysis notes for ‘PONCIA’ in ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ by Federico Garcia Lorca for AQA A LEVEL 7692 SPANISH (new spec). Includes: notes on the role of the character in the play, key quotations from the character (with Act and page references) and links of the character with the themes of CDBA.
Very useful information for ***PAPER 2 Writing ***on ‘La Casa de Bernarda Alba’ - great for revision and essays!
Has important points highlighted in colours
Mind map for the Volver Almodovar theme ‘El contexto historivo y social’. Includes notes on: el mundo laboral, La Mancha, la cultura televisa, la cultura de la muerte y la supersticion y las mujeres.
Great for revision for the*** AQA Paper 2 Writing ***- includes key points and quotes from the film ‘Volver’.
Aimed at* AQA A LEVEL SPANISH 7692*, but is relevant to any board with an essay on ‘Volver’.
Detailed notes on the AQA topic 3.1.2 'Carbohydrates for the* NEW 2017 SPEC A LEVEL BIOLOGY* (7402). Includes notes on Monosaccharides, Disaccharides and Polysaccharides. Very useful for Revision!
Detailed notes on the** AQA** topic ‘ENZYMES’ for the NEW A LEVEL BIOLOGY SPEC. Very useful as revision notes and includes important information highlighted in colours.
Detailed notes on the AQA topic ‘EUKARYOTIC CELLS’ for the NEW AQA A LEVEL BIOLOGY SPEC. Very useful for as revision notes and includes important information highlighted in colours and diagrams illustrating concepts.
Detailed notes on the AQA topic 3.1.7 ‘WATER’ for the NEW AQA A LEVEL BIOLOGY SPEC. Very useful for as revision notes and includes important information highlighted in colours and diagrams.