
Worksheet: Thermistors and LDRs
Challenging and engaging Thermistors and LDRs Worksheet for students with an answer sheet. Great for revision too! This worksheet is suitable for KS4 but can also be used for high attaining KS3 students.
Drawings of Thermistors and LDRs
Uses of Thermistors and LDRs
How Thermistors and LDRs work at high and low temperatures and light levels
Circuit diagram to complete
Circuit diagram to label
My students really enjoyed these sheets but please let me know how it works for you and your classes by leaving a review ! :)

KS3 (Year 7) Science Achievement Scout Badges/Printable Stickers - Physics/Chem/Bio
KS3 Science Achievement Scout Badges to reward your year 7 students. Made up of Physics, Chemistry and Biology icons. All have been designed and illustrated by me. 40 Original Designs.
These can be printed as stickers or cut out and glued into students’ books.
The idea is that throughout the academic year, students achieve different badges as they meet certain accomplishments. They earn these the same way scouts earn their badges. This has increased engagement in my classes and created an interest in Science.
Students can be rewarded for practical skills, complete work, complete homework or for completing 6 Mark Questions (Found on my page, with matching icons).
These badge follow the scheme of work at my school and may fit in with yours. You can rearrange them or match them with the year 8 badges on my page to create your own scheme of work.
Super excited to hear how this works for your class!

RP6: Force and Extension (Hookes' Law) - AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical Cheat Sheets
Challenging and engaging Required Practical Cheat Sheet for the AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical for Force and Extension (Hookes’ Law).
X2 Fill in sheets
X2 Answer sheets
A diagram/model
Equation for Force and equation for Extension
Results table with and without answers
Graph to complete and a completed version
Errors - systematic and Random
Made by a teacher for teachers.
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after a demonstration or alongside a practical. Alternatively, students can complete these after watching RP videos on YouTube.

Terminal Velocity - Higher and Foundation sheets - AQA Forces - GCSE Combined Science
Challenging and engaging Terminal Velocity worksheets:
Black and White sheets
Higher sheet: No prompts
Foundation sheet: prompts
Answer sheet
Coloured sheets
Higher sheet: No prompts
Foundation sheet: prompts
Answer sheet
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after demonstrating Terminal Velocity with either a video or modeling this on the board. Then students complete this independently.

RP3: Resistance (Length of a Wire)- AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical Cheat Sheets
Challenging and engaging Required Practical Cheat Sheet for the AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical for Resistance (Length of a Wire).
X2 Fill in sheets
X2 Answer sheets
A diagram/model
Equation for Resistance
Results table with and without answers
Graph to complete and a completed version
Resolution - Definition and examples
Errors - Zero and Random
Made by a teacher for teachers.
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after a demonstration or alongside a practical. Alternatively, students can complete these after watching RP videos on YouTube.

BUNDLE (6) KS4 Physics Paper 2 - 6 Mark Questions with Markschemes (Formative Assessed Tasks)
Challenging and engaging 6 mark Formative Assessment
Each topic includes:
A question sheet with a diagram
Learning aim box
Support prompts (in the notes section)
Markscheme sheet
RP: Hooke’s Law
Stopping Distance
RP: Infrared Radiation
Radio waves vs Sound waves
Motor Effect (Higher Tier only)
Tailored for KS4 AQA Combined Science Physics.
PPT Editable Document.
My students love these, and always try their best to get 6 marks when we do these tasks.
If you enjoy these, find KS4 Paper 1 or KS3 Assessed Tasks on my page.

BUNDLE (11) - KS3 Science 6 Mark Questions with Markscheme (Year 7)
Challenging and engaging 6 mark Formative Assessment questions for students with structured mark schemes. A mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics Question Sheets. Set of 11 Assessments:
Specialised Cells
Gas Pressure
Sound Waves
Hookes’ Law
Group 1, 7, 0 of the Periodic table
Temperature of the Planets
Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
The Menstrual Cycle
Prisms (Dispersion of Light)
Making Crystals (Chemical Reactions Practical)
Support box on the question sheets to scaffold students.
Tailored for year 7 students (6th Grade in US)
PPT Editable Document.
My students love these, and always try their best to get 6 marks when we do these tasks. I reward them by giving them badges matching the image I designed on the Assessment sheet.
These badges will be available on my page.

RP8: Measuring Waves- AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical Cheat Sheets
Challenging and engaging Required Practical Cheat Sheet for AQA GCSE Combined Science on Measuring Waves.
X2 Fill in sheets
X2 Answer sheets
A diagram/model
Equation for Wavespeed
Results table with and without answers
Graph to complete and a completed version
Errors - Random errors and reduce it.
Made by a teacher for teachers.
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after a demonstration or alongside a practical. Alternatively, students can complete these after watching RP videos on YouTube.

RP7: Acceleration - AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical Cheat Sheets
Challenging and engaging Required Practical Cheat Sheet for the AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical for Acceleration.
X2 Fill in sheets
X2 Answer sheets
A diagram/model
Equations for acceleration
Results table with and without answers
Graph to complete and a completed version
Errors - systematic and Random
Made by a teacher for teachers.
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after a demonstration or alongside a practical. Alternatively, students can complete these after watching RP videos on YouTube.

RP10: Infrared Radiation (Part 1 and 2)- AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical Cheat Sheets
Challenging and engaging Required Practical Cheat Sheet for the AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical for Infrared Radiation (Part 1 and Part 2)
X2 Fill in sheets
X2 Answer sheets
Part 1: Emission
A diagram/model
Results table with and without answers
Graph to complete and a completed version
Part 2: Absorption
A diagram/model
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after a demonstration or alongside a practical. Alternatively, students can complete these after watching RP videos on YouTube

Marking Sheet Stickers/Stamps for Live Marking/Book Marking
X2 Marking sheets
**How to use: **
Print one-sided
Guillotine into strips
Live in lesson or when marking books use scissors to cut off the top sticker, and glue them in students books.
Use a ruler= When students haven’t used rulers, e.g. for graphs or tables or titles
Complete by:__ = for incomplete work. This can then be checked on the date written to check for a response.
Respond and improve = great for when students haven’t responded to your feedback, e.g. for tests/assessments.
Outstanding = live in lesson or when marking to award great work.
Mark in green = for unmarked work, or when students haven’t used green pen to promote self-assessment
Challenge = best when used live in lesson to set students who have finished on another task. Or can be used when marking to set another challenge task
Use ISSR = A science strategy to answering equations. To promote all the marks for working out. (I = identify the equation, S= Substitute values, S= Simplify working, R= Rearrange if needed)
Use a pencil = When students haven’t used pencils, e.g. for graphs or tables
stands out in lesson
good for student engagement
promotes presentation in books
easy to use
stands out in work-scrutiny
need to print
need to cut and stick, unless printed on sticky paper

RP1: Specific Heat Capacity - AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical Cheat Sheets
Challenging and engaging Required Practical Cheat Sheet for the AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical for Specific Heat Capacity
X2 Fill in sheets
X2 Answer sheets
A diagram/model
Equation involving Power, Current and Potential difference
Equation involving Energy, Power and Time
Equation involving Specific Heat Capacity, Energy, Mass and Change in Temperature
Graph to finish and a completed version
Sources of inaccuracy
Made by a teacher for teachers.
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after a demonstration or alongside a practical. Alternatively, students can complete these after watching RP videos on YouTube.

Hooke's Law Worksheet
Challenging and engaging Hooke’s Law Worksheet for students with an answer sheet.
Hooke’s Law definition
A diagram to label
Elastic Deformation
Inelastic Deformation
Limit of Proportionality
Force, spring constant and extension equation
Calculating extension from the length (Challenge Question)
Best to complete this worksheet after completing the RP6: Force and Extension Cheat Sheet: (https://www.tes.com/resource-detail/resource-12987714)

Magnetism and Magnetic Fields Knowledge Organiser Worksheet KS4 and KS3 Science with Markscheme
Challenging and engaging Magnetism and Magnetic Fields Worksheet for students with an answer sheet. Knowledge Organiser style worksheet suitable for KS4 and KS3
Bar-Magnet Magnetic Field Diagram
Induced magnetism
Magnetic Metals
How compasses work
Compass around a bar-magnet Diagram
How distance from a magnetic field/poles affects its strength
Answer sheet
Please let me know how it worked for you and your classes by leaving a review ! :)

Newton's Laws of Motion Knowledge Organiser Worksheet KS4 and KS3 Combined Science with Markscheme
Challenging and engaging Newton’s Laws of Motion Worksheet for students with an answer sheet. Knowledge Organiser style worksheet suitable for KS4 and KS3
Force diagrams
Newton’s Cradle
Newton’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Law
Newton’s 2nd Law equation and calculation
Answer sheet
Please let me know how it worked for you and your classes by leaving a review ! :)

RP5: Density (Liquids, Regular and Irregular Solids) - AQA GCSE Required Practical Cheat Sheets
Challenging and engaging Required Practical Cheat Sheet for the AQA GCSE Combined Science Required Practical for Density.
X2 Fill in sheets
X2 Answer sheets
A diagram for:
Regular Solids
Irregular Solids
Vernier Calipers
Method 1: Liquids
Method 2: Regular Solids
Method 3: Irregular Solids
Results table to complete
Results table completed version
Calculation: Density = mass / volume
Converting Grams to Kilograms
Vernier Calipers
Errors - Random and Systematic
Made by a teacher for teachers.
My students love these sheets. They are best completed after a demonstration or alongside a practical. Alternatively, students can complete these after watching RP videos on YouTube.

KS4 Atomic Structure (Includes Isotopes) Lesson PPT
AQA GCSE Combined Science - Physics or Chemistry at KS4 level. Mixed Ability.
No printing needed for this lesson. All answers for all questions included.
Includes independent tasks and answers.
PPT includes:
Do Now recall questions
Do Now Answers
Atoms and Atomic Numbers and Atomic Masses
Subatomic Particle Charges and Masses
Independent practice - Atomic Numbers and Masses
Independent practice: Isotopes
Structure of an Atom
Independent practice: Labeling the structure of an atom
Energy Levels
Summary Questions and Answers
Find other resources you may wish to use on my site :)
Thanks for having a look!

KS4 Nuclear Fission and Fusion Lesson PPT
AQA GCSE Combined Science - Physics at KS4 level. Higher lesson.
No printing needed for this lesson. All answers for all questions included.
Includes independent tasks and answers.
PPT includes:
Do Now recall questions
Do Now Answers
Nuclear Fission diagrams and process
Chain reaction and control rods
Independent practice - Order the process of Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fusion
Independent practice: quick questions on Fission and Fusion
Pros and Cons on Fission and Fusion
6 mark question: Advantages and Disadvantages of Fission and Fusion
Summary questions and answers
Find other resources you may wish to use on my site :)
Thanks for having a look!

Electromagnetic Spectrum Worksheet KS4 Combined Science with Markscheme
Challenging and engaging EM Spectrum Worksheet for students with an answer sheet.
An EM Spectrum
Applications for each of the EM Waves
Dangers of UV waves compared to X-rays and Gamma Rays
Transverse Waves vs Longitudinal with examples
Challenge: Speed of EM waves in a vacuum
An answer sheet
Please let me know how you and your classes found the worksheet by leaving a review! :)

Energy Types and Transfers Knowledge Organiser Worksheet KS4 Science with Markscheme
Challenging and engaging Energy Types and Transfers Worksheet for students with an answer sheet. Knowledge Organiser style worksheet suitable for KS4 mainly.
Energy Type examples
Ways energy is transferred
Energy types labeling task
Conservation of energy
Sankey Diagram
Internal Energy
Defining Specific Heat Capacity and labeling equipment
Calculating Kinetic Energy (rearranged and conversion)
Answer sheet
Please let me know how it worked for you and your classes by leaving a review ! :)