Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in:
* Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose,
* Using creative modalities for Reading,
* Most Able,
* Well Being through English,
* Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing
* Numeracy in English
Outstanding teaching and learning resources from a Lead Teacher in English specialising in:
* Transactional Writing, * Creative Prose,
* Using creative modalities for Reading,
* Most Able,
* Well Being through English,
* Whole School Advocacy Days for Poetry, Reading, Writing, Literacy and WEllbeing
* Numeracy in English
Three homeworks or classroom activities that help lower grading students 1-4 revise or establish straightforward ways to regard Carla Carter in the beginning, middle and end of the story. Contains key quotes and key informed personal responses. Also a sheet on Dunmore’s writing style. Low price reflects the ‘no frills’ worksheets which are clearly presented by have no graphics to anchor learning.
Little bundle of activities helping range of grades to engage with the text during or post reading. Especially useful for class tasks or homework since all are worksheet based. Please see individual resources for fuller write up.
This resource provides half of a high level AQA English Literature type response to Paper 2 Section A on ‘Follower’ from 'Love and Relationships Anthology. Students have to provide the comparison response, aiming for equally high level quality to make up the other 50% of the examination response.
The essay itself provides great revision notes for most able students on ‘Follower’ if used alone and also provides an exemplar of a Level 6 assessment response covering all the assessment objectives.
Provides one lesson and/or homework.
An anthology of extracts, each between one and three A4 pages, with a focussed reading task exploring 19th Century Gothic and Science Fiction Writing (note that the extracts are more Gothic in focus but the research tasks allow for working on Science Fiction writing).
Used as a KS3 introduction to 19th Century Literature in preparation for KS4 English Literature and the GCSE set texts, this workbook can be used as an anthology to offer range of reading and coverage of all the assessment objectives for English Literature study. Authors covered are Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram Stoker, Wilkie Collins, Daphne DuMaurier. Other cultures (though not 19th Century) is covered by two tales from the Arabian Nights.
It also has spelling lists to broaden vocabulary in Latinate terms to help with the reading of 19th Century texts.
There are a set of research tasks that can be used during class or set as a series of homework over a half term.
Easily edited up or down - I haven't included pictures for copyright reasons here - for shorter or longer terms or units of work covering 19th Century Literature.
I've used this both in class for guided reading, as a homework booklet and as a Drop Everything and Read and Shared Reading resource.
In the workbook, there is potential to compare the description of Dracula to the Cullens from 'Twilight'. For copyright purposes, I haven't included the Meyer's extract but it is easily googled as a PDF and I've included where from and to that are good start and end points.
Over three A3 pages, the master resource gives you the option of tailor- making homework for a full half term for classes studying Gothic Literature at KS3.
Three tasks levels that are differentiated within each level with students choosing the level they wish to work at. There are at least 21 different tasks and with differentiated options - you can actually have about 50 tasks to choose from. Range of creative approaches that you might not dare take in class to encourage students to use a fuller range of modalities with which to explore Gothic Literature. There's even a Beat the Teacher task so that they can show you what they would prefer to be doing!
Over 30 PPT slides, students gain an introduction to, review or renew knowledge of Macbeth as a tragic hero following tragic form.
General resource for all GCSE study and a great quick look at tragedy for the start of A Level.
For the AQA English Literature GCSE, discussion of tragic form can gain marks for AO1, 2 and 3 (tragic form is regarded as a context or perspective with which to consider the text).
Memorable 'anchoring' images that support concepts in the PPT as well as 30 second think tasks to keep students engaged.
Also considers the role other characters and imagery play in the tragic form. Concludes by asking the question 'Why is the play not called The Tragedy of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth'?
Put your feet up - all you will need to do is a little light photocopying from time to time. With a saving of 39%, this bundle offers everything you need for a few weeks of immersion in all things Gothic at KS3. Excellent preparation for 19th Century novel units at KS4. Full anthology of 19th Century Gothic extracts with activities to enhance reading skills. Full PPT lasting several lessons on creating Gothic villains. A six - seven week take away homework that, with differentiation, offers 21 tasks initially, up to 50 if students choose additional challenge tasks. Full contexts lesson with running dictation and notetaking.
After a reading of the story, this will help students explore short story form and the literary contexts of the story as a fairy tale/Bildungsroman/cautionary tale.
All three assessment objectives are covered and there is an exemplary high-level response provided for students to learn from and revise.
Suits Grade 5+ and aims to raise achievement by making closer links between contexts and writer’s choices and purpose. With this method, the AO1 follows naturally and all three assessed areas are covered.
Goes well with two other resources:
Also available as a bundle for a considerable reduction on all three resources.
Bargain Bundle: Activities on all the acts differentiated from low to high grades presented as a 100+ activity grid for homework/classwork/revision. Perspectives on womanhood via Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff. Tragic form explained in an accessible manner for AO2 analysis of form and AO3 literary contexts with activities. A grid that helps students revise Macbeth's character development over the course of the play.
Developed in creative writing workshops from my professional creative writing life and transferred to outstanding classroom practice, this learning sequence helps students broaden descriptive writing skills beyond the use of ‘regular’ linguistic and structural devices to lift their achievement through the GCSE grades. Plenty of quick delivery and small practice to build a piece of descriptive writing. All new techniques are easily memorable and fully transferable across any piece of descriptive writing. Learning mat embedded into the powerpoint, Hugely methodical in delivery. Students will have a developed piece of writing with opportunities to consolidate learning through a homework.
Save 65%. You won’t want to teach creative writing in any other way once you’ve experienced this bundle. From a professional creative writing tutor and Outstanding Lead Teacher in English, this bundle is suitable for Year 9 onwards for English Language. Range of resources to teach, embed and consolidate creative prose short stories and descriptive writing as a lone skill or as part of story writing. All are methodical to teach with easy to learn and apply techniques to lift creative writing through the grades.
Get them to write the stories you will need them to create for GCSE right now! This PPT sequence of learning has everything you need for a 4 week unit (it would dovetail beautifully to reading short stories alongside or a class novel).
Lay the foundations of creative prose for the remainder of the secondary years. Designed following extensive visits to KS2 classrooms to absorb the rigour and with the aim of avoiding the wasteland years of Years 7 and 8.
Unit has had a full run through by my department and has differentiation for lower ability and challenge built in to the tasks for higher ability.
Action-Description-Emotion triangle
Narrative order and Story Order
Builds to a 300-500 creative prose assessment. Includes the Improving Creative Writing Grid for writing and a Learning Mat for self-editing which can be used throughout all years and are really classroom tools that are essential beyond this unit.
60 pages/slides of revision detailing word and phrase analysis of all 15 poems with some extracts from exemplar responses. Main context used are the ideas from Romanticism which are explored in each poem in this anthology. Works as a booklet for revision or a learning tool in class. PPT format so can be displayed and utilised for whole class learning as well as more individual revision.
A lesson aimed at getting borderline students up to Grade 5 from the get go of the novella by exploring how the Preface to the novella primes the reader for writer’s purpose and gives the modern reader an opportunity to explore Victorian class contexts.
A full fiction reading exam practice paper with Eduqas style English Language Paper 1 Section A questions.
Extract from ‘The Great Gatsby’. Fully line referenced.
Follows question pattern:
list five
how does the writer (craft language) …?
how does the writer (mood and atmosphere) …?
build argument/evaluate
Indicative content included to support marking.
Designed to aid teaching of Act 4 Scene 2 on Lady Macduff as a contrast to Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’. First delivered as an observed lesson which was graded as ‘outstanding’. Designed for middle to higher ability students for AQA English Literature but would be equally useful for Eduqas English Literature (which I’m also familiar with through tutoring).
Covers assessment objectives 1-3. Great for visual learners, no hands questioning, paired thinking time and leads to Grade 5-9 knowledge of the scene.
59% saving. Great for initial learning, revision, inspiring higher grade answers from your top target grade students or building your confidence if you are new to teaching AQA Love and Relationships and need a quick glance crash course.
Set of activities included with the essays for students to interact with. Versatile bundle.
An A4 sheet with a grid of three levels of differentiated homework to accompany a novel and creative writing scheme of work. Generic tasks that use a range of skills from creative writing to design to research to non-fiction spin off writing. Some tasks encourage home discussion and sharing of student work.
Excellent time saver and will go will with the KS3 Homework and Independent Reading Log which is also available as a free download to minimise marking yet maintain good contact with home.
I am happy to share this resource for free. Please consider a purchased download in future with the money you saved here. You won't be disappointed.
I’m sharing this freely for subscribers to my YouTube channel as the workpack that is referred to in the support video. How to write a review of a website/websites for GCSE transactional writing. Please download if you think it will be useful but it will need adapting to suit your students.
I’m sharing this freely as a basis for a homework task for Years 9, 10 and 11 to build skills in exploring unseen poetry. Supporting videos are available and I’ve provided links to these and the poem that they explore which is available on BBC bitesize. Aimed at supporting students to grade right through to grade 5-6. Please adapt to your students’ needs, should you need to.