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AQA The Living World - Rainforest Adaptations

AQA The Living World - Rainforest Adaptations

Fifth lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson covers animal and plant adaptations in the rainforest. Video links, worksheets and examination practice included within the lesson. Fully resourced.
Conditions in Kibera Slum Kenya

Conditions in Kibera Slum Kenya

An introduction lesson on the living conditions in Kibera slum, Kenya. Includes a wide range of activities including a senses board, video clip activity and a silent conversation. Originally taught to a year 10 Geography class but could be easily adapted for KS3. Progress indicators throughout and differentiation incorporated through scaffolding resources and challenge tasks. Used in an interview lesson and I was offered the job. Fully resourced - all worksheets included.
AQA The Living World - Causes of deforestation in Malaysia

AQA The Living World - Causes of deforestation in Malaysia

Sixth lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson covers the causes of deforestation in Malaysia. Students are required to locate Malaysia in the world, create a mind map of the causes and design a riddle to help them remember the causes. Homework task included on Palm Oil. Fully resourced.
Coasts - hard and soft engineering.

Coasts - hard and soft engineering.

A KS3 Geography lesson introducing coastal hard and soft engineering strategies. It was originally taught to a mixed ability year 8 class but could easily be adapted for GCSE. The lesson includes a carousel activity and a paired decision making activity. The carousel activity has been differentiated - the worksheets are colour coded to allow lower ability students to access the information easily. The decision making activity incorporates numeracy into the lesson as students are required to work within a budget. Fully resourced.
Introduction to Antarctica

Introduction to Antarctica

A KS3 Geography lesson introducing the location and human and physical features of Antarctica. The lesson includes video clips, a map from memory activity and incorporates atlas skills. Differentiated learning objectives and challenge tasks included. Fully resourced.
The Impacts of Climate Change in Africa

The Impacts of Climate Change in Africa

A KS3 Geography lesson on the impacts of climate change in Africa as part of an Investigating Africa SoW. The lesson was taught to a mixed ability year 7 class but could be taught across all of KS3. Students investigate the different impacts of climate change and locate them on a map. Differentiated worksheets are provided and challenge tasks are incorporated into the PowerPoint. Fully resourced.
Tides and Ocean Currents

Tides and Ocean Currents

The fifth lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This lesson covers tides and ocean currents. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet.
AQA The Living World - Characteristics of Rainforests

AQA The Living World - Characteristics of Rainforests

Fourth lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson focuses on the characteristics of rainforests. Main tasks include mapping the distribution of tropical rainforests, creating a rainforest climate graph and understanding how the components of a rainforest are interdependent. Fully resourced.
Erosion of a Headland

Erosion of a Headland

Another lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This lesson covers the erosion of a headland. Students use the card sort activity to make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet.
Coastal Systems

Coastal Systems

The second lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This lesson reviews the structure of geographical systems and introduces the concept of the coastal system. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet.
AQA GCSE Geography Cold Environments Takeaway Homework

AQA GCSE Geography Cold Environments Takeaway Homework

Created as part of the AQA GCSE Geography Cold Environments Unit. A set of homework tasks in the style of a restaurant menu. Each course has a specific focus: Appetiser - key words revision Starter - recall 3 facts activity Main - 9 mark question Dessert - skills question (based on maps/ graphs/ photographs) To finish - A research task to further expand their knowledge and understanding Students have a choice of question and can be set a certain task/ combination of tasks depending on the focus of the homework e.g. practicing 9 mark questions. A popular homework with students and a versatile resource for teachers. Could also be used as an extension resource for more able students during lessons.
Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina

A KS3 Geography lesson on the impacts of Hurricane Katrina. A varied lesson including a senses board, silent conversation and report writing activity. Differentiated learning objectives and worksheets. Progress checks integrated into lesson. Taught to a year 8 mixed ability class but could be taught to any KS3 class. Fully resourced.
Introduction to Brazil

Introduction to Brazil

Year 7 Geography lesson introducing Brazil. Could be adapted to any KS3 class. An interactive lesson covering the main physical and human features of Brazil. Activities include maps from memory, paired drawing activity and a peer assessed map work. Includes differentiated learning objectives and worksheets. Fully resourced.
Storm Chasers

Storm Chasers

A KS3 Geography lesson looking at the role of storm chasers as part of a hurricanes and tornadoes SoW. Originally taught to a mixed ability year 8 class but could be taught across KS3. Students look at the skills required to be a storm chaser, the equipment that they need to do their job and design their own storm chasing vehicles. Many students favourite lesson in the SoW.
Headlands, Bays and Wave Cut Platforms

Headlands, Bays and Wave Cut Platforms

A lesson on erosional landforms in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This lesson covers headlands, bays, concordant and discordant coastlines and wave cut platforms. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet.
Introduction to Waves

Introduction to Waves

The third lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This lesson introduces the formation, anatomy and types of waves. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet and use the geofile to gather the relevant information.
Geographical Systems

Geographical Systems

The first lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This short introduction lesson outlines the concept of geographical systems and introduces important systems terminology. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet.
AQA GCSE Geography Tropical Rainforests Takeaway Homework

AQA GCSE Geography Tropical Rainforests Takeaway Homework

Created as part of the AQA GCSE Geography Tropical Rainforests Unit (Living World). A set of homework tasks in the style of a restaurant menu. Each course has a specific focus: Appetiser - key words revision Starter - recall 3 facts activity Main - 9 mark question Dessert - skills question (based on maps/ graphs/ photographs) To finish - A research task to further expand their knowledge and understanding Students have a choice of question and can be set a certain task/ combination of tasks depending on the focus of the homework e.g. practicing 9 mark questions. A popular homework with students and a versatile resource for teachers. Could also be used as an extension resource for more able students during lessons.


A Geography lesson introducing avalanches to a low ability year 9 class. Could also be used with year 7 and 8 classes. The lesson explores the characteristics, causes and impacts of avalanches. Video clips, senses board and worksheet are all included.
Sand Dune Protection

Sand Dune Protection

A KS3 Geography lesson investigating the work and importance of the Sefton sand dune rangers. The lesson includes a mix of collaborative and independent learning activities. Students identify rangers activities through image inquiry, video clips and discussion. They imagine a day in the life of a ranger by creating a diary account and design a rangers rucksack to help them complete their work. Differentiated learning objectives, worksheets and activities throughout. Fully resourced.