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Comparing the impacts of the Haiti and Christchurch earthquakes

Comparing the impacts of the Haiti and Christchurch earthquakes

A lesson originally taught to year 10 GCSE Geography students (for AQA). It introduces the two earthquakes and allows students to see how levels of development affect the scale of the damage. The lesson includes a card sort activity, peer teaching and examination practice. This lesson could also be adapted for KS3 Geography classes. Fully resourced.
India's Caste System

India's Caste System

A year 8 Geography lesson exploring India's caste system. Was included in an India SOW and could be taught to any KS3 class. The lesson covers the structure of the caste system and how prevalent it is in India today. The main task has a choice of 3 activities - differentiated. Also includes a fact file activity and video clips. Fully resourced lesson.
Living Conditions in Dharavi Slum India

Living Conditions in Dharavi Slum India

A KS3 Geography lesson exploring living conditions in the Dharavi slum, India as part of an Investigating India SoW. Students complete a senses board and group labelling activity to explore the characteristics of housing in Dharavi. They the work in groups to create a labelled model of a Dharavi house with Play-Doh. Challenge tasks for more able and writing frames for SEN students. Fully resourced.
The Northern Lights

The Northern Lights

A year 7 Geography lesson on the Northern Lights as part of a Fantastic Places SOW. Could be taught to any KS3 class. Covers the location, appearance and causes of the Northern Lights. The main activities include map work, code breaking and group work. Differentiated learning objectives and activities. Fully resourced.
AQA New GCSE Cold Environments work booklet

AQA New GCSE Cold Environments work booklet

This booklet covers the entire sub-unit of Cold Environments for the new AQA Geography GCSE. It was created to help save some time and get through the content quickly. It is split into 5 lessons that cover all of the content from the specification: 1. Characteristics of Cold Environments 2. Plant and Animal Adaptations in Cold Environments 3. Opportunities and Challenges in Svalbard 4. Cold Environments Under Threat 5. Managing Cold Environments There is an accompanying PowerPoint with extra challenge tasks, links to video clips and answers to many of the tasks. Should take no more than 5 hours to cover this section as large amounts of information have been supplied to reduce wasted time taking notes in class. Practice examination questions have been included throughout. No need for any other materials to deliver this sub-unit.
The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef

A year 7 Geography lesson on the Great Barrier Reef as part of a Fantastic Places SOW. Could be taught to any KS3 class. Covers the characteristics of the GBR and the human impacts on the ecosystem. Main activities include video clips, a significance activity, fact file creation and creating a TV advert. Differentiate learning objectives and worksheets.
AQA The Living World - Indigenous tribes and rates of deforestation

AQA The Living World - Indigenous tribes and rates of deforestation

Sixth lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson covers how indigenous tribes use the rainforest for their needs (students watch several clips from the Human Planet - Jungles episode). It then covers the changing rates of deforestation in which students are required to analyse graphs and maps. Fully resourced.
Geography Skills: Population Pyramids

Geography Skills: Population Pyramids

A KS3/ KS4 Geography lesson to improve skills with a focus on population pyramids. Students draw their own population pyramid using UK data. They then describe and explain the patterns in the population pyramid. The final task requires them to compare population pyramids from 4 different countries. Differentiated with extra support for the less able and challenge tasks for the more able. Fully resourced.
AQA The Living World - A freshwater Pond Ecosystem

AQA The Living World - A freshwater Pond Ecosystem

Second lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson focuses on an example of a small scale freshwater pond ecosystem. Food webs, food chains and the impact of change within an ecosystem are explored. Fully resourced.
AQA The Living World - Global Biomes

AQA The Living World - Global Biomes

Third lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson covers the distribution and characteristics of the worlds biomes. Factors affecting their distribution are also covered. Peer teaching activity included. Fully resourced.
Introduction to ecosystems AQA GCSE Geography

Introduction to ecosystems AQA GCSE Geography

3 Resources
The first 3 lessons in the Living Word section of the new AQA GCSE. Lesson 1 - Introduction to ecosystems. Lesson 2 - A small scale ecosystem. Lesson 3 - Global Biomes Fully resourced.
AQA The Living World - Introduction to Ecosystems

AQA The Living World - Introduction to Ecosystems

First lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson introduces ecosystems and focuses on the interrelationships within them. Lesson includes a glossary for the section, worksheets and a card sort. Fully resourced.
Classifying types of Crime

Classifying types of Crime

A KS3 Geography lesson on different types of crime that was part of a Geography of Crime SOW. The lesson was taught to a mixed ability year 8 class but could be taught across all years in KS3. The lesson was observed by colleagues with a focus on methods of differentiation and so the lesson contains activities that stretch the most able and scaffolding that supports lower ability students. Fully resourced.
Coastal Systems

Coastal Systems

The second lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This lesson reviews the structure of geographical systems and introduces the concept of the coastal system. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet.
Introduction to Waves

Introduction to Waves

The third lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This lesson introduces the formation, anatomy and types of waves. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet and use the geofile to gather the relevant information.
Geographical Systems

Geographical Systems

The first lesson in the Coastal Systems and Landscapes unit of the new AQA A Level Geography specification. This short introduction lesson outlines the concept of geographical systems and introduces important systems terminology. Students make notes on the accompanying A3 worksheet.
Sand Dune Protection

Sand Dune Protection

A KS3 Geography lesson investigating the work and importance of the Sefton sand dune rangers. The lesson includes a mix of collaborative and independent learning activities. Students identify rangers activities through image inquiry, video clips and discussion. They imagine a day in the life of a ranger by creating a diary account and design a rangers rucksack to help them complete their work. Differentiated learning objectives, worksheets and activities throughout. Fully resourced.
Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls

A year 7 Geography lesson on Victoria Falls as part of a Fantastic Places SOW. Could be taught to any KS3 class. Covers the location, characteristics and formation of Victoria Falls. The main activities include map work, video clips and creating a storyboard. Differentiated learning objectives and worksheets. Fully resourced.
Paricutin Volcano

Paricutin Volcano

A year 7 Geography lesson on Paricutin Volcano as part of a Fantastic Places SOW. Could be taught to any KS3 class. Covers the location and formation of the volcano and explores why it deserves to be a natural wonder. The main activity is a mystery solving exercise in which students work in groups to figure out what happened when Paricutin volcano appeared. Differentiated learning objectives and activities. Fully resourced.
AQA The Living World - Causes of deforestation in Malaysia

AQA The Living World - Causes of deforestation in Malaysia

Sixth lesson in The Living World section of the NEW AQA GCSE Geography course. The lesson covers the causes of deforestation in Malaysia. Students are required to locate Malaysia in the world, create a mind map of the causes and design a riddle to help them remember the causes. Homework task included on Palm Oil. Fully resourced.