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GCSE Sociology {EDUQAS}- The importance of material factors in education.

GCSE Sociology {EDUQAS}- The importance of material factors in education.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [EDUQAS/ WJEC] which focuses on the importance of material factors within education. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. By the end of the lesson students will be able to outline and explain the different material factors and start to make connections to class differences in achievement. Included: Starter, methods recap. Primary Vs. Secondary data (retrieval practice) Title page- encouraging students to think about what material factors are and whether they are internal or external. How free is school? student task- write down all the things their parents need to pay for within education. Example list with prices included on the pp. Explanation of material factors and material deprivation. Explanation of how material factors could lead to working class underachievement. Link back to key question ‘is education meritocratic?’. The effects of income on attainment. Student task- rank the material factors in order of biggest impact on educational achievement. Link to choice of school. Short youtube clip- students to make a note of the cultural and material factors affecting the student’s achievement at school. Poor housing and underachievement. Wider connections to class differences- student task. Plenary- Bingo.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Stratification & differentiation. Authority and power.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Stratification & differentiation. Authority and power.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on authority and power. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, retrieval practice - education unit. Answers on pp. Title page- students to start to think about who has the most power in school. What is power? Feminist view on power in society. Explanation of social control. Links between social control and theory. Who has more power and authority why? images on board- discussion task. Do some people have more power than others? student task- worksheet provided. Explanation on power point. What is authority? Weber three types of authority. Student task- what type of authority do the people in the images have? Plenary- key question on pp slide.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Globalisation & poverty. Social stratification and differentiation.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Globalisation & poverty. Social stratification and differentiation.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS] based on the stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson focuses on globalisation and poverty. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. Students work out the missing words, based on Paul Willis key study. Title page- encouraging students to think about what globalisation means. Globalisation definition. Multinational corporations explanation. Student task, read through the McDonalds information sheet (attached as a separate document) and students answer questions on the pp. Explanation of a global elite. Fill in the blanks task with answers on pp. The connection between employment, globalisation and poverty. Work sheet for students to read through where they can highlight evidence of globalisation. Attached as a separate document. 9 mark practice question. Functionalist and Marxist views on stratification. Example answer included on pp. There is also a brief explanation about how students should answer this question.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Mind maps for each topic

GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Mind maps for each topic

This is a power point which includes a mind-map which summaries each of the key topics taught in the GCSE sociology eduqas specification. The mind-maps include key concepts and studies where necessary. The topics included are: Cultural transmission, Families & households, Education, Crime & Deviance, Social stratification & differentiation.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- Education. Ethnic differences Lesson 2. Internal factors.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- Education. Ethnic differences Lesson 2. Internal factors.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson based on the education unit. This lesson is lesson 2 of ethnic differences which focuses on internal factors. The lesson is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and there are a total of 9 slides on the power point. Challenge questions provided throughout. Included: Starter- methods recap. Unscramble the key words. (answers on pp) Title page- encouraging students to think about how schools/ teachers may be unconsciously racist. Quick recap of ethnic differences lesson 1. Includes, who performs better in education, also material and cultural factors. Explanation of how racism can lead to underachievement. Explanation of how institutional racism can lead to underachievement. Explanation of how labelling and low expectations can lead to underachievement. Explanation of how the ethnocentric curriculum can lead to underachievement. Consolidating knowledge task. Students to complete the mind-map using all the information they have learnt about ethnic differences. The mindmap has been started, students too add as much information as they can. Attached as a separate document. 15 mark practice exam question. Students have the option of two questions focusing on ethnic differences. Example structure provided.
GCSE sociology- Roles and status

GCSE sociology- Roles and status

GCSE sociology Eduqas/ WJEC. This lesson focuses on roles and status, with reference to identities. The lesson is designed to fill 90 minutes and has a total of 10 slides. Included: -students should try to work out the missing words (recap activity)- includes key concepts such as, sanctions, primary and secondary socialisation. -students to look at some images of celebrities and discuss what roles they think they have. -student task - draw an image of themselves and write down what roles they play. -explanation of roles and role conflict -explanation of status, ascribed and achieved -student task- have a look at the images and decide whether they have an ascribed or achieved status. Students should then rank these images in order of importance in society. -explanation of status and identity, referring to Howard Becker. -fact file task- encouraging students to use key terms in order to describe a celebrity -game of guess who (instructions on the powerpoint)
A-Level sociology- The Marxist View of education.

A-Level sociology- The Marxist View of education.

This is an A-Level AQA sociology lesson. The lesson focuses on The Marxist view of education. There is a total of 9 power point slides and it is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: -true or false starter activity, based on Functionalism and New Right perspectives. (worksheet attached) -starter, encouraging students to think about what key concepts they associate with Marxism. -detailed explanations of Althusser, Bowles and Gintis ideas. -the lesson finishes with a reading task for students to complete. The A-Level AQA book one (orange textbook) will be needed to complete this exercise. A worksheet containing the questions is attached.
GCSE Sociology- The Feminist view of education

GCSE Sociology- The Feminist view of education

This is a lesson based on GCSE Sociology Eduqas, The Feminist view of education. It contains four different worksheets: a true or false starter activity, a feminist view of education fill in the gaps, a 15 mark exam style question, the exam question planning sheet. The lesson consists of 11 slides, students should be able to answer the exam style question at the end based on their knowledge of the three structural theories.
A-Level sociology. The media and crime

A-Level sociology. The media and crime

This is a lesson based on The media and Crime. Content addresses that covered in the AQA Sociology Specification. The lesson goes through the Sociological perspectives of the crime and the media, along with detailed information about cyber-crime. The lesson finishes with a 30 mark exam style question, this is based on the AQA specification. The powerpoint suggests what students could take out of the item when writing this question. The lesson consists of 12 slides.
A-level sociology [AQA]- Education- streaming.

A-level sociology [AQA]- Education- streaming.

This is an AQA A-level sociology lesson which focuses on streaming, with reference to labelling. The lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson, the power point consists of 12 slides. Included: -starter, fill in the blanks activity. This recaps students knowledge on the labelling theory. Task included on a work documents. -explanation of streaming with links to labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy. -explanation of Gillborn and Youdell 2001, the educational triage (A-C economy) -quick knowledge check- questioning activity. -explanation of pupil subcultures. With reference to Lacey (1970) concepts of polarisation and differentiation. -explanations of pro and anti-school subcultures with reference to key sociologists such as Hargreaves. -Stephen Ball abolishing streaming -Woods (1979)- other student responses to streaming and labelling. -criticisms of the labelling theory -finish the lesson with a Kahoot. One is already made on Kahoot: titled ‘class differences in achievement’ by AFitch7.
GCSE sociology [Eduqas/ WJEC]- The increase in lone-parent families

GCSE sociology [Eduqas/ WJEC]- The increase in lone-parent families

This is GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC] which focuses on the increase in lone parent families. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 14 slides on the power point. Included: -starter ‘the odd one out’. Students should look at the key concepts and identify/ explain the odd one out. Answers are in the notes section on the power point. -key information and statistics about lone-parent families. Students should try and work out the missing statistics before giving them the answers. -reasons for changes in the law and norms explained with examples. -video clip. Watch up to five minutes. Students should identify the reasons for why the woman thinks lone-parent families are bad for society. Link on the power point slide. -explanation of how the changing position of women has led to an increase in lone-parent families. -explanation of The New Right view of the family with reference to Charles Murray. Feminism used as evaluation. -15 mark exam question practice. This question requires students to use their knowledge about sociological theory to asses whether the nuclear family is the best type of family . The power point includes the key question and explains how students should answer the question. There is an example paragraph to support students. Mark scheme also included.
GCSE Sociology [WKEC]- Research methods. Planning successful research.

GCSE Sociology [WKEC]- Research methods. Planning successful research.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on ‘planning successful research’. The lesson covers pilot studies, triangulation and designing your own research. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 7 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity, retrieval practice- families and households. Key studies match up task- answers provided. Using mixed methods in research. Explanation of triangulation. Reasons for using mixed methods. Reading task- provided on a separate document. Students to complete the reading and answer the questions on the power point. Explanation of what a pilot study is- evaluation included. For the rest of the lesson students are encouraged to design their own research project. This is where they can apply their knowledge about everything covered in the research methods unit. Included, what method they will use, aims/ hypothesis, who their sample will be and how they will obtain them. All instructions are included on the power point.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- The Marxist view of education.

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- The Marxist view of education.

GCSE Sociology (WJEC/ EDUQAS)- the Marxist view of education. This lesson is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and contains a total of 10 slides on the power point. This lesson follows on from the Functionalist view of education. Included: Starter activity which focuses on recapping research methods. Title page. Recapping functionalism. Encouraging students to think about what they already know about Marxism and start to apply this to education. Explanation of Marxism and capitalism. Bourdieu- schools reproducing the class system- Cultural capital. Bowles and Gintis correspondence principle. correspondence principle VS role allocation. Encouraging students to think about what viewpoint they agree with- functionalism or marxism. Schools and giant myths. Evaluating the marxist view. Summarising the marxist view. Discussion about whether students think the education system is meritocratic? Short answer exam practice question. 2 marker- mark scheme included.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- introduction to cultural factors.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- introduction to cultural factors.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the importance of cultural factors. Students will be able to explain what the cultural factors are and make connections to educational achievement. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there is a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: starter, research methods recap. Exam questions, two marker and four marker. explanation of internal and external factors. explanation of material and cultural factors. (this lesson will focus on cultural factors) parental encouragement and how it can lead to middle class children performing better in education. Ext task provided. values- how it can lead to certain children underachieving in education. Challenge questions provided. Language skills- students are challenging by being encouraged to think about what the restricted language code might mean. parental aspirations- students to think about what type of parents are likely to place higher value on education. explanation of cultural deprivation. student independent task- they will need access to the EDUQAS GCSE sociology textbook to help them. Students are asked to create either a poster or mind map of the different cultural factors influencing achievement. EXT task- linking to cultural capital. Challenge task- 4 mark exam question.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- gender and differentiation

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- gender and differentiation

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the stratification and differentiation unit. This lesson specifically focuses on gender and differentiation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, education recap. Students to unscramble the key concepts. Title page- encouraging students to think about Feminism and stratification. How does society present gender roles in the UK today? Male and female roles- image, students to discuss what the image shows. Socialisation- reference to Ann Oakley. Labelling and gender. How have men been affected by changes in society? short video clip. Link on pp slide. New roles for men. Men and life chances. The crisis of masculinity. 9 mark exam question, example structure provided on pp. Plenary- articulate.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Stratification & differentiation. Social exclusion and deprivation.

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Stratification & differentiation. Social exclusion and deprivation.

This is a GCSE sociology lessson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on the social stratification and differentiation topic. With a particular focus on social exclusion and deprivation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity. Education recap- students work out the missing words. Title page. Encouraging students to think about what deprivation means, recap absolute and relative poverty. Outline of spec provided on pp slide. Definition of deprivation and how it can be a social construct. Research into relative deprivation. Townsend. Handout provided on a separate document. The cycle of deprivation. Explanation and student task. Provided on a separate work sheet. Students make their own cycle of deprivation, put the statements in the correct order. Answers provided on a separate document. What is social exclusion? - explanation & student task. On pp slide. Social inclusion, explanation provided & challenge question for students. Why are poverty and social exclusion hard to solve? What do sociological theories say about poverty? Student task- instructions on the pp slide. Goes through, marxism, the new right, functionalism and feminism. Plenary- student task. Explaining why some groups are more likely to suffer from poverty, Instructions and examples on pp slide.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Sampling techniques.

GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Sampling techniques.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on sampling techniques. The lesson has a total of 12 slides and is designed to last a 90 minute lesson. Included: Starter activity focuses on recapping the families and households unit. Key questions for students to answer- they are based on different difficulty lessons. Title page- encouraging students to think about what they think sampling means. Introduction to key terms such as: sampling frame, target population, samples. This includes key questions for students to have a go at. Whilst going through each of the sampling techniques, students have a worksheet to complete (attached as a separate document). The lesson also involves students having a small pack of Haribo each to test out some of the sampling methods. This task could be taken out if needed. Explanation of each sampling method: quote, random, stratified, systematic, snowballing and opportunities. Strengths and weaknesses also addressed. The power point explains what students should do with their pack of sweets when each technique is covered. Student task- which sampling method would be most effective? students to outline and explain which sampling method they would use to select their sample when investigating the following topics on the pp slide. Plenary involves answering some sort answer exam questions about methods. A 2 marker and 4 marker is provided so students can select which one they want to complete.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- education unit. Parental choice and competition between schools.

GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- education unit. Parental choice and competition between schools.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on parental choice and competition between schools. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: -Starter, research methods recap. Title page, encouraging students to think about whether parents have more choice over schools now. Timeline- the history of education in Britain. Competition between schools- including the funding formula. The price is right. Students to guess how much the government gives school per student. Answer included on pp. Challenge Q provided. League tables- link to why some parents may not use them. Give students an example of a league table to look at. An example is provided on a separate document, could find an example which includes your own school. Explanation of why academies were set up, along with free schools. Evaluation- free choice? including Stephen Ball. Panorama documentary- links provided on the pp. Questions for students to think about. ’ The academy scandal’. Plenary- education revision. Game provided on the last pp slide- students will need a dice to complete this game.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance. Marxist view of crime.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance. Marxist view of crime.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is specifically about the Marxist view of crime and deviance. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, based on recapping the social stratification and differentiation unit. Title page- encouraging students to think about what Marxists would say about crime. ‘The price is right’- students to guess the price fraud costs per year. All answers on the pp. Definitions of white-collar and corporate crime. Example of white collar crime, encouraging students to think about why rich people may get treated differently. Capitalism and consumerism. Short video clip, questions for students to answer. Link on pp slide. Social power and crime- links to William Chambliss. Fill in the blanks task, provided on a separate worksheet. Answers on pp slide. What is white collar crime? reading and question task. Reading provided on a separate worksheet. Evaluation of Marxism. Plenary- summary task, students write a tweet using the key concepts on the board.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance, Merton: strain theory.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance, Merton: strain theory.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson specifically focuses on Merton’s strain theory, within the functionalist perspective of crime. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, recapping social differentiation. Title page, encouraging students to think about the motivation for why people commit crimes. Quick quiz- assessing students knowledge on the functionalist perspective. Answers and questions provided on the pp. Explanation of what Merton means by the word Anomie- links to the American dream. Explanation of Merton’s strain theory- short video clip showing how society is not meritocratic. Link included on power point. Explanation of Merton’s reactions to strain. Drawing task- students to create a storyboard which represents each reaction. Template for this included as a separate document. Explanation of Marxist criticisms of strain theory. Student task/ instructions on power point. Consolidation task- students to add what they have learnt to their worksheet. Students come back to this each time they learn about a new theory. Provided as a separate worksheet. Short answer exam questions, differentiated. Students choose which questions they want to answer. Mark scheme for 5 marker provided on the pp. Plenary- match the deviant reaction to its definition. Answers provided.