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Alevel sociology- green crime

Alevel sociology- green crime

This lesson focuses on Green crime part of the crime and deviance unit of the AQA specification. The power point consists of 8 slides and would fill a 80 minute lesson. The starter activity consists of a true or false task which assesses students previous knowledge on globalisation and crime. The lesson then goes on to give a definition of green crime, explain global risk society and the environment and types of criminology. One activity included in this lesson refers to primary and secondary crimes. Students are required to read about types of green crime and decide whether they are primary or secondary (worksheets are included with this lesson, along with the correct answers). The lesson then leads on to an independent research task whereby they should have access to the internet. The lesson finishes with a 4 mark exam style question.
ALevel Sociology- Situational crime prevention

ALevel Sociology- Situational crime prevention

This lesson focuses on Situational crime prevention. Unit 4 of the AQA sociology spec. The power point consists of 10 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. The starter activity is a retrieval practice task which assesses student’s understanding of the Functionalist view of crime and deviance. The lesson then goes on to explain what is meant by situational crime prevention, with reference to key terms and key sociologists as mentioned in the specification. For example; the idea of displacement, Felson (2002) explanation of crime prevention. Also explained in this lesson is the idea of environmental crime prevention. With reference to social and community crime prevention. In the middle of the lesson there is a true or false statement activity to assess students understanding. The lesson then moves on to discuss the idea of surveillance- this links to the panopticon and Foucault. The lesson finishes with a fill in the blanks activity explaining the panopticon. Worksheets are included with this lesson.
GCSE sociology- Eduqas- Family revision resources.

GCSE sociology- Eduqas- Family revision resources.

This pack contains GCSE sociology WJEC revision resources/ worksheets for the family unit. The two sheets included are: a double sided key terms sheet all from the family unit, students could be given these at the start or end of the unit to complete. There is also a sheet which refers to all of the key studies for the family unit. Again, students should fill in the key details of the study.
GCSE sociology- Introduction to key sociological theories.

GCSE sociology- Introduction to key sociological theories.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson (WJEC). The lesson focuses on introducing students to the key sociological theories. The power point consists of 9 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: -starter activity, students are provided some statements and they are required to write whether they agree or disagree with then. Each statement is linked to a key theory. -explanation of the difference between conflict and consensus. -a slide each on the three theories. Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism. Each slide provides a key thinker for each theory along with their basic key ideas. -application task. Students are required to draw a table with each theory as a heading. They should put the statements from the pp slide under the correct heading. Extension question provided. -creative poster task. Students may need access to the GCSE sociology WJEC textbook in order to obtain additional information. They should create a poster on one of the theories they have been introduced to.
A-Level sociology (AQA)- Class differences in achievement. Labelling.

A-Level sociology (AQA)- Class differences in achievement. Labelling.

This is a A-Level sociology (AQA) lesson based on explaining class differences in education with a particular focus on labelling theory (internal factors). This is a power point lesson which includes a total of 10 slides. The lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: -starter activity- unscramble the key concepts. (answers included) -explanation of labelling, referring to Interactionism and Becker. -labelling in secondary schools (Dunne & Gazeley 2008) -labelling in primary schools (Rist’s 1970) -student activity- encouraging them to think about how teacher’s label students, where they get these ideas from. - Answer’s/ ideas included on the power point. -explanation of the self-fulfilling prophecy. -teacher expectations reading activity. Students will need access to the AQA book 1, textbook. Pages, 28-29. This activity will allow students to understand and explain Rosenthal & Jacobson 1968. Question worksheet included. -questions to assess students understanding from this lesson. 5 questions, they should be able to complete these using their notes from this lesson and prior knowledge.
GCSE sociology [Eduqas/ WJEC]- Global families

GCSE sociology [Eduqas/ WJEC]- Global families

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on Global families. The lesson is designed to fill 90 minutes and the power point contains 12 slides. **Included: ** -starter activity- recap/ quiz of the theories of the family. -explanation of key concepts such as; polygamy, polandry, polygyny. Two video clips to demonstrate these ideas. Links included on the powerpoint. Encouraging students to think about the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family. -explanation of monogamy and serial monogamy. -explanation of arranged marriages with comparisons to the UK. -video clip. Maasai tribe- views on arranged marriages. Link included on power point. -explanation of the one child policy in China. -‘life on a Kibbutz’. Video clip to show a unique way of living in Isreal, questions for students to answer whilst watching the clip. Link included. -‘inside China’s last Matriarchy’. Explanation of what a matriarchy is, video clip- students to answer questions whilst watching the clip. Throughout, students are encouraged to compare different family structures to that of the UK. -plenary. Students should use the scrabble board to try and score the highest sociological key concept.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- How far have conjugal roles changed?

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- How far have conjugal roles changed?

This is a GCSE sociology lesson, which focuses on how far conjugal roles have changed. This is the second lesson on conjugal roles, lesson 1 explains what conjugal roles are. The lesson is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. By the end of the lesson students will be able to explain whether conjugal roles have changed or not, by referring to decision making and money management, the dual burden, triple shift, the media and childcare patterns. Included: -starter activity. Students are shown some graphs which explain housework patters. Students to answer key questions using the data on the graph. -students are encouraged to think about the problems women may face with the domestic division of labour. -have families become more equal? pair activity. Students are given information packs, these contain information about conjugal roles (decision making, money management, dual burden etc). Students will then teach their partner. -the power point then goes on to explain each point in more detail. For example, the hours spent on household tasks, Ann Oakely, Duncombe and Marsden, Pahl and Edgell. Challenge questions are also provided on the power point. -male and female roles. Students are given a list of characteristics and they should decide whether they belong pre or post 1970s. Answers on power point. -conjugal role quick quiz. This tests students on everything they have learnt about conjugal roles. The quiz is provided on a separate document. -plenary. How well do students know their key concepts and sociologists? Students are provided with key terms and people, their task is to ensure they can explain each one. This is a differentiated task, each key concept is worth a different amount of points (colour coded).
GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- The role of older people in the family.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- The role of older people in the family.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC]. The lesson focuses on the role of older people in the family. The powerpoint consist of 11 slides in total and is designed to last a 90 minute lesson. included: Starter activity. Students to try and identify the key terms and key sociologists. Title page, encouraging students to think about the role older people have played in their lives and within their family. Explanation of what has happened to life expectancy. Graph interpretation. What impact will this have on families? The result of increased life expectancy on the family and society. Students to create a list or mind map. Answers included on the power point. Explanation of the modified extended family, how this links to increased life expectancy and how it benefits families. Explanation of traditional extended families. With reference to Forester (1990s). Explanation of how increased life expectancy has lead to an increase in beanpole families. Is the ageing population in Britain a problem? this is a reading task for students to complete. Questions for students to answer on the powerpoint. The reading is provided on a separate document. This task starts to refer to some of the A-level content, this is therefore a ‘challenge’ higher ability task. Evaluation, with reference to the sandwich generation and boomerang children. Summary/ comparison worksheet. Students to summaries their knowledge on the role of children, role of men and role of older people in the family. Plenary. Students to define as many key terms as they can from the slide.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Establishing an aim and/ or hypothesis

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Establishing an aim and/ or hypothesis

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on aims and hypothesis. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. The lesson covers; hypothesis, aims, questions for research and 2 mark exam questions. Included: Starter activity which recaps key concepts. Answers included on the pp. Title page. Encouraging students to think about what an aim and hypothesis is. Explanation of hypothesis. Challenge question provided. Writing an hypothesis. Student task, to write a hypothesis for the topic areas provided. An example is also given. Questions for research. Challenge question provided. Establishing an aim. Student task- to write an aim for an area they would want to research. Making your terms clear and operationalising concepts. Planning research. Diagram of the stages a researcher would go through. Explanation of how to answer 2 mark exam questions. Practice exam questions. Students to answer as many as they can.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Research methods revision lesson.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Research methods revision lesson.

This is a GCSE sociology [WJEC/ Eduqas] research methods revision lesson. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and contains a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity. Retrieval practice, families and households. Answers on the pp. Primary and secondary data task. Students add the methods to the correct side on the table. Reliability Vs. Validity student task. Students to copy the table and decide which methods are higher in validity/ reliability. Research methods overview task. Separate worksheet provided. Students summaries each research method included in the table. This encourages them to think about AO1, AO2 and AO3 (practical, ethical and theoretical). Exam question practice. Students are given 3 exam questions to answer. 1 x 2 marker and 2 x 4 marker. Example answers provided for the 4 mark question- students to use this to mark their own response. independent revision task. Students may need access to the textbook to support them with this task. Plenary- blankety blank. Students work out the missing words in the statements about research methods.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Recapping the theories of education.

GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Recapping the theories of education.

This is a GCSE Sociology lesson, the lesson focuses on recapping the theories of education. The lesson also involves a 15 mark question which students should completed. Ideally, students would have learnt about the functionalist, marxist and feminists view of education before completing this lesson. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and the power point contains 9 slides. Included- Starter, recap of research methods. Students to unscramble the key concepts. Title page, encouraging students to define key concepts. Comparing the theories of education- worksheet for students to complete. Attached as a separate document. Outline of functionalist, marxist and feminist view of education. Challenge questions provided throughout. Practice 15 marker on theories of education. Example structure outline provided. Example PEEL paragraph provided. - Students then complete the exam question. Plenary- scrabble. Students to try and work out the highest scoring key concept from the unit so far.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Weber's view on stratification

GCSE Sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Weber's view on stratification

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the stratification and differentiation unit. This is an introductory lesson to Max Weber, and his views on social stratification. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and has a total of 12 power point slides. Included: Starter, education recap. Retrieval practice- students to answer as many questions as possible. Title page- student task, write down the groups they belong to. Quick quiz of what has been covered so far (functionalism, Marxism and stratification). Answers provided on the pp. -Explanation of the two ways we can look at society- structural and social-action perspectives. Intro to Max Weber. Weber and identity Weber and market position- student task, add the images of different occupations to the class structure diagram. Images provided on a separate document. Weber and status Students to think about what other things can affect our status in society - answers on the pp. Weber and social power Evaluation Plenary- applying their understanding of the theories of stratification
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Applied research methods paper 2

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Applied research methods paper 2

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses around the applied research methods questions which are in paper 2. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 9 slides on the power point, additional resources (worksheets) are provided. This lesson relies on students already having a basic understanding of research methods, including the types of methods and their strengths and weaknesses. Included: Starter, blankety blank. Students to work out the missing concepts in the sentences. Answers provided. Title page- shows students the applied methods specification, encouraging students to think about what they already know about methods. General research methods mindmap. The power point goes through a brief overview of research methods and their strengths and weaknesses, including practical, ethical and theoretical. The idea is that students would create their own A3 mind map whilst teacher guides students through the key content. Students can also use their own knowledge to add anything else to their mind map. Introduction to applied methods- walk through of what the exam will look like. Walk through of example applied methods exam questions (from the 2020 autumn paper). The power point goes through a 1 marker, 4 marker and 6 mark question. There is a handout so students can answer the questions, mark schemes are on the power point slides. Over to students to have a go at answering applied methods questions independently. Questions provided on a separate worksheet along with the mark scheme. Research methods exam specification provided- students to complete some independent revision using the spec.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- crime and deviance. Informal and formal social control

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- crime and deviance. Informal and formal social control

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is based around social control and the role of formal and informal agents. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, designed to recap the stratification and differentiation unit. Title page- students to think about the rewards and sanctions used within their school. Explanation of formal and informal social control. Student task on pp slide. Explanation of sanctions. Explanation of different agencies of social control. The role of the police- formal social control. Student task. Explanation of informal agents of social control. Student task- fill in the table on the pp slide. Answers provided. Practice 8 mark exam style question. Sentence starters for students to complete.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance- measuring crime.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance- measuring crime.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This lesson specifically covers measuring crime including police recorded statistics, victim and self-report studies. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, recapping the social stratification and differentiation unit. Students to work out which statements are incorrect. Title page, encouraging students to think about how the government collects data about crime. Brief outline of how we can measure crime in society. Official statistics on crime recorded by the police, including strengths and weaknesses. The dark figure of crime explanation. Application/ scenario task- provided on a separate worksheet. Victim and self-report studies, referring to The crime survey for England and Wales. Key word match up task- answers provided on power point. Sociological theory and their views on official crime statistics. Comparing police recorded statistics and The crime survey for England and Wales- worksheet provided on a separate document. Answers on the power point. Plenary- are official crime statistics accurate? task for students to complete.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS/ WJEC] - cultural transmission, cultural diversity.

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS/ WJEC] - cultural transmission, cultural diversity.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the cultural transmission unit. This lesson specifically focuses on cultural diversity. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 12 slides in total. Included: Starter activity, recapping/ introducing basic sociological theory. Title page, encouraging students to think about what cultural diversity means. Short clip explaining cultural diversity. Link is on the pp. Students to make notes. Explanation of what cultural diversity means and why it is important. Discussion question provided. Cultural diversity over time. Explanation of subcultures and connections to cultural diversity within different countries. Cultural diversity across the world. 2 mark exam question- model answers provided. What things make up your culture? student task. Differences in norms for different groups. Plenary- Cultural diversity consolidation, poster/ revision task. Could be finished for homework.
GCSE sociology- WJEC. Sanctions and social control.

GCSE sociology- WJEC. Sanctions and social control.

This lesson is for GCSE sociology, WJEC Eduqas. The lesson focuses on sanctions and social control. There is a total of 11 slides on the power point, and the lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: -starter- encouraging students to recap and reflect on what they have learnt by using and explaining key concepts. Such as, norms, values, socialisation. -introduce social control. Encouraging students to think about what it means and to discuss ways they are controlled in society. -mindmap whereby students map all the ways they are controlled in society. This is modelled on the power point. -explanation of social control, informal and formal social control. Challenge questions included on the power point. -video clip illustrating informal social control. Students are encouraged to think about the normal ways to behave in the situation shown and what the sanctions were in the clip. -explanation of positive and negative sanctions. Student activity- draw a table and list how the agents of socialisation control behave through positive and negative sanctions. -list of questions for students to answer in full sentences. Key terms included on the power point. -4 mark exam question provided, along with the mark scheme and example answer to start students off. -key concept bingo. Definitions to key terms are provided on a separate sheet. Prizes will be needed for the winning students.
ALevel sociology- material deprivation as a reason for class differences in education

ALevel sociology- material deprivation as a reason for class differences in education

This is an AQA A-Level sociology lesson. The lesson focuses on external reasons for class differences in education. This lesson particularly focuses on material deprivation. There are a total of 9 slides and the lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. -starter activity focuses on going through students homework from the previous lesson. This was to research compulsory education. The research instruction sheets are also included with this lesson. If students have access to the internet they could do it during this lesson instead. -definition of material deprivation. A short video clip where students should think about the different material and cultural factors that may be holding the child back in terms of her academic achievement. -explanation of how poverty is linked to educational achievement- with reference to sociological theorists. -explanation of how poor housing can lead to academic underachievement for working class pupils. -explanation of the link between diet/ health and academic achievement. -explanation of financial support and and the costs of education with reference to academic achievement. -fear of debt reading task. Students should use page 22 of the aqa textbook in order to complete this task. Worksheet included with reading questions to answer. -exam question practice (6 mark question)
A-Level Sociology- Class differences in education. Cultural capital

A-Level Sociology- Class differences in education. Cultural capital

This is an AQA A-Level sociology lesson focusing on unit 2- class differences in educational achievement. This lesson discusses cultural capital as an external factors affecting achievement. There are a total of 11 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: -true or false starter activity. This is based on other external factors such as cultural deprivation. -introduction of Bourdieu- three types of capital. -short cultural capital quiz, activity for students to complete. Included on a separate worksheet. -explanation of what cultural capital means. Student activity- create a spider diagram of examples of middle class cultural capital. extension/ challenge question included. -explanation of how cultural capital gives middle class students an advantage at school. Challenge question included. -explanation of educational and economic capital. -a test of Bourdieu’s ideas. Explanation of the key study by Alice Sullivan (2001) -introduction to a 20 mark question based on factors affecting class differences in educational achievement. The question and Item is included on the powerpoint. Along with some examples of how students can use the item, and what they could discuss when answering the question. Student should plan this question during the lesson (or for homework)