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I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.




I have a variety of resources covering AQA GCSE Science as well as OCR A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are also some PD resources and whole school assemblies.
OCR A level Chemistry Covalent bonding bundle

OCR A level Chemistry Covalent bonding bundle

3 Resources
A collection of three lessons covering all the objectives from OCR A level chemistry on covalent bonds, covalent compounds and their properties. A lessons include a starter, full notes, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers are provided
OCR Biology Oxygen transport and fetal haemoglobin

OCR Biology Oxygen transport and fetal haemoglobin

This is the seventh lesson in OCR Biology Module 3 section 2- Animal transport. It covers oxygen transport, oxygen dissociation curves, adult haemoglobin and fetal haemoglobin. This is a complete lesson including a starter, full notes, various student activities, review opportunities and a differentiated summary activity at the end. Also available in a bundle of two lessons on gas transport https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ocr-a-level-biology-gas-transport-bundle-12393262 or as part of a complete module https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ocr-a-level-biology-animal-transport-bundle-12393269 All answers are provided.
OCR Chemistry Representing Organic molecules

OCR Chemistry Representing Organic molecules

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1 a and d of the OCR A level specification representing organic molecules and using general formula. The lesson takes students through the various ways of showing organic molecules including worked examples and opportunities for students to practice. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary at the end All required resources are in the PowerPoint. Some slides include additional notes to support delivery.
OCR Chemistry intro to organic chemistry bundle

OCR Chemistry intro to organic chemistry bundle

4 Resources
A set of lessons covering all the objectives in section 4.1.1 of the OCR specification. It covers naming organic chemicals, IUPAC rules for their structure, different types of formula, reaction mechanisms, homolytic and heterolytic fission, isomers and radicals. All lessons include a starter, full notes, various activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All include answers
AQA C3 bundle

AQA C3 bundle

4 Resources
A bundle of four lessons covering the specification content of AQA trilogy C3. Also suitable for separate chemistry but would need mol/dm3 adding to the concentration lesson. The four lessons cover moles and molar calculations, concentration calculations, reacting masses and percentage composition by mass. All lessons include starters, full notes and explanations and a variety of student activities. All answers included. Where possible real life concrete examples have been used to illustrate the points and try and make the explanations easier to understand
OCR A level chemistry Module 4 part one

OCR A level chemistry Module 4 part one

13 Resources
This bundle contains all the lesson from section 4.1.1 of the OCR A level chemistry specification. All lessons include full notes, a starter, various independent student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. All answers included. It covers: Drawing organic molecules IUPAC nomenclature Structural Isomers Intro to reaction mechanisms and curly arrows Physical properties of alkanes Reactions of alkanes Combustion of alkanes Physical properties of alkenes and the double bond Reactions of alkenes Reaction mechanisms of alkenes E/Z and cis/trans isomers Addition polymers and their problems
OCR A level Biology Vaccination and immunity

OCR A level Biology Vaccination and immunity

This is a complete lesson covering points 4.1.1 j and l of the OCR A Level Biology specification-vaccination and types of immunity. It covers what a vaccination is, how it was developed, the use of vaccines to tackle epidemics and the difference between active and passive immunity and natural and artificial immunity. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, a variety of individual student activities, and a fully differentiated summary at the end. It also includes a homework based on Jenner and his vaccine for small pox. All answers included
AQA C3 revision part two- titrations

AQA C3 revision part two- titrations

A revision Powerpoint taking students through how to do a titration along with worked examples of the accompanying calculations and the chance for students to practice themselves. Included are differentiated exam questions aimed at grade 4/5 and 7/8
OCR Dative covalent and unusual covalent bonding

OCR Dative covalent and unusual covalent bonding

A full lesson covering section 2.2.2 d, e and of the OCR A level specification. This lesson focuses on dative covalent bonding and examples of covalent bonds that break the octet rule. Includes a starter, recap activity on uncommon covalent compound, full notes, student practice and a set of differentiated questions at the end. All answers are given Some slides include notes to support delivery as well as suggestions on how to cover the concepts.
OCR Ionic bonding complete lesson

OCR Ionic bonding complete lesson

This is lesson 2 in the OCR topic Electron structure and Bonding. It is a complete lesson delivering section 2.2.2 a and b of the OCR Chemistry A level on Ionic bonding Covers the science behind ionic bonding as well as completing and cross diagrams. Includes various activities both recapping forming Ions and balancing chemical compounds from previous teaching as well as animations to teach how to complete dot and cross diagrams. Includes summary questions and differentiated questions at the end. All answers included
OCR Biology CO2 transport and the Bohr effect

OCR Biology CO2 transport and the Bohr effect

This is the eighth and final lesson in OCR Biology module 3 section 2- Animal transport. It covers the transport of carbon dioxide, the Bohr effect, and the chloride shift. It is a complete lesson including a starter, full notes, various students activities, review opportunities and a fully differentiated summary activity at the end. Also available in a bundle of two lessons on gas transport https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ocr-a-level-biology-gas-transport-bundle-12393262 or as part of a complete module https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ocr-a-level-biology-animal-transport-bundle-12393269 All answers are provided.
AQA GCSE Biology revision modules B1 B2 and B4

AQA GCSE Biology revision modules B1 B2 and B4

A collection of three revision lessons covering content from topics AQA trilogy topics B1, B2 and B4 It includes: Cell structure and function Prokaryotes and eukaryotes and the differences between them Cell specialisation in animals and plants Photosynthesis Leaf structure Heart structure and circulation Blood structure and function and the structure blood vessels Various student activities, including starters, AFL, quizzes, exam questions, white board activities and picture puzzle plenaries It also includes loads of opportunities to check understanding and to support the teaching of exam technique All answers are included
OCR Distribution of  Plant vascular tissue and PAG 2

OCR Distribution of Plant vascular tissue and PAG 2

A full lesson covering sections 3.1.3 a and b of the OCR Biology Specification covering the distribution of vascular tissue in plants along with PAG 02 the dissection of plant tissue. Full instructions o the PAG 02, along with guidance to biological drawings, but you may also need to download documents from OCR interchange to accompany the practical activity itself. The lesson includes a starter, full notes with diagrams, student activities and a differentiated summary at the end. Answers to the majority of activities are included except the 5 questions that come from the PAG document from OCR
OCR A level chemistry physical properties of Alkanes

OCR A level chemistry physical properties of Alkanes

A full lesson covering section 4.1.2 c the physical properties of Alkanes. This covers the trend in boiling point, the effect of branched chains on boiling point and a recap on the process of fractional distillation Includes a starter, full notes, various student activities and a differentiated summary activity at the end. All answers included
OCR A Level Biology Module 3

OCR A Level Biology Module 3

20 Resources
A complete set of resources to deliver the whole of OCR A level Biology Module 3. This covers: Exchange surfaces Ventilation in mammals, fish and insects Measuring lung volume and function Types of circulatory system The mammalian circulatory system Heart structure and function Electrocardiograms and heart problems Blood,tissue fluid and lymph The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide Plant vascular tissue Transpiration and translocation Each lesson includes a starter, full notes and diagrams, various student activities and a fully differentiated summary activity All answers included
OCR A level Biology Translocation + sugar transport

OCR A level Biology Translocation + sugar transport

A full lesson covering section 3.1.3f of the OCR Biology specification- Translocation. It includes details of how assimilates are transported in the phloem including active loading, the role of hydrogen ions, how fluid is transfered by mass flow powered by hydrostatic pressure as well as the evidence for translocation and the difference between sinks and sources. It also encourages students to make comparisons between the mechanisms for translocation and transpiration The PowerPoint includes a starter, full notes with diagrams, a variety of student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers are included Updated 08/01/21
OCR A level chemistry Combustion of alkanes

OCR A level chemistry Combustion of alkanes

A complete lesson covering section 4.1.2e of the OCR A level specification- the burning of alkanes. It covers both complete and incomplete combustion and the problems associated with carbon monoxide. Offer lost of opportunity to practice balancing equations as well as recall of the reacting masses equations from module 2 Includes a starter, full notes, a variety of student activities and a differentiated summary at the end Some slides have notes to support delivery All answers included
OCR A level chemistry reactions of alkenes

OCR A level chemistry reactions of alkenes

A full lesson covering section 4.1.3f of the OCR A level chemistry specification- the reactions of alkenes. It covers hydrogenation, hydration, halogenation and the reactions of alkenes with hydrogen halides. Covers all the necessary conditions alongside with the variety of products that are possible due to unsymmetrical molecules The lesson includes a starter, full notes, lots of student activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers included
OCR Biology benefits and risks of antibiotics

OCR Biology benefits and risks of antibiotics

A full lesson covering section 4.1.1n the benefits and risks of the use of antibiotics. This includes the discovery of antibiotics by Fleming in 1928 as well the development of antibiotics as a treatment in WW2. It also covers the risks associated with the development of antibiotic resistance and ways in which this might be prevented The lesson includes a starter, full notes, multiple independent student learning activities and a fully differentiated summary at the end. A homework is also included All answers included
OCR A level Chemistry oxidation of alcohols

OCR A level Chemistry oxidation of alcohols

A complete lesson covering section 4.2.1c of the OCR A level chemistry specification. It covers the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols and the resistance to oxidation or tertiary alcohols. The lesson includes a starter, full notes, various student tasks and a fully differentiated summary at the end. All answers included