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Nationality/countries/Adjectives Les  adjectifs de nationalités et le verbe ÊTRE. Feminine masculine

Nationality/countries/Adjectives Les adjectifs de nationalités et le verbe ÊTRE. Feminine masculine

This lesson is originally aimed at a year 7 group on the topic of nationalities but could be suited to different year groups. The objective is to describe people's nationalities using the verb ÊTRE ;. Focuses mainly on the difference between masculine/feminine adjectives and ÊTRE Includes a powerpoint lesson (over an hour/ possibly 2 lessons depending on the group) and a worksheet (grammar recap). All activities include answers on the powerpoint and notes at the bottom to explain how to use each activity. Overview of the powerpoint: Starter: separate the sentences Think/pair/share on nationalities Match up Grammar point Famous poem about nationalities/respect with pictures to repesent each line Reading activity on the poem Grammar grid on masculine/feminine to complete As part of second lesson (but could be one depending on group) -Starter: grammar gap fill to recap adjective rules -Recap "être" conjugation (as a test) -Game with 2 celebrities (pupils to guess who the teacher is talking about) -Game with all celebrities (guess who/ could be done as a speaking activity in pairs)
Studio 3 vert- Module 3 A l'horizon- Unit 1 Mon avenir Year 9

Studio 3 vert- Module 3 A l'horizon- Unit 1 Mon avenir Year 9

This lesson is aimed at a Year 9 group. It is based on the Studio vert 3 book Module 3 Unit 1. The topic is: Mon avenir Objectives: to be able to say what you are going to do in the future using "je vais" This pack incudes: - A whole lesson + various activities and extension tasks on this topic -A grammar point gap fill exercise on the near future tense in French -A survey speaking activity worksheet -A match up on the Studio vert vocab Lesson: -Starter: brainstorming activity -Listening p54 with answers and picture support from the textbook - Choral repetition activity (pictures/words) -Guess the word game -Speaking activity (with worksheet) -Grammar point about near future tense( with worksheet) -Circle the infinitives (interactive whiteboard) -translation activity -Exercise from the book Various extension tasks: -unjumble the sentences -translation activity -word points challenge activity
Studio 3 vert  Module 3 A l'horizon

Studio 3 vert Module 3 A l'horizon

5 Resources
Includes unit 1,2, 3 and 5 Le monde est un villlage Mon avenir Du matin au soir Mes ambitions + revision lesson Click on each lesson for further information about individual lessons
Studio 3 Vert Module 1 Ma vie sociale d'ado- Unité 2 Planète Facebook Year 9

Studio 3 Vert Module 1 Ma vie sociale d'ado- Unité 2 Planète Facebook Year 9

This lesson is aimed at a bottom set year 9 group following the textbook studio 3 vert. This lesson covers the vocabulary from the book (activites on facebook ), infinitives along with the present tense of -ER verbs and frequency phrases. 2 to 3 lessons worth depending on group. I have included notes underneath each slide and timers. !!!! You will need: dice and enveloppes or paper clips !!!! This pack includes the powerpoint lessons and worksheets. Learning objectives ● Talking about Facebook using frequency phrases ● Using present tense verbs Description of activities: *French texting starter (2 versions higher/lower) *Brainstorming activity *Facebook activities match up *Book exercise ( nothing new here) *French Facebook template activity *What is an infinitive/grammar slide *infinitives exercise *checking understanding with whole class exercise *Dice game *Frequency phrases *listening exercise *Fun "washing-line" activity to work on translation skills (word document is "one pack" for a group) *writing plenary Hope it helps.
A l'horizon- Le monde est un village- Module 3- Unit 2- On peut reinforcement and reading activity

A l'horizon- Le monde est un village- Module 3- Unit 2- On peut reinforcement and reading activity

Objective: to review ON PEUT + INFINITIVES This resource is a lesson based on the Studio vert 3 book- Module 3-Unit2- I used it as a reinforcement lesson to review ON PEUT and develop reading skills. It is mainly a reading activity about learning languages. The powerpoint includes: - a starter- unjumble infinitives (vocab from the book) -a short review on how to use On peut+infinitive - a reading activity : One slide with instructions 2 slides: 1- Football player- a list of reasons why learning a language could be useful for that job. 2- Flight attendant- a list of reasons why learning a language could be useful/beneficial for that job. I have create the reasons myself using vocabulary from the book.
Paris je t'adore (2) - Module 2 Unit 1 Paris Touristique Studio 2 Vert

Paris je t'adore (2) - Module 2 Unit 1 Paris Touristique Studio 2 Vert

This resource is a follow up to a lesson on the momuments from Paris. It focuses mainly on the activities in Paris using "on peut". It is aimed for a year 8 group. It is based on the 'studio 2 vert' textbook (as I use the 'on peut'+ infinitive structure rather than past tense) but could also be suitable for students following the 'studio 2 rouge' textbook. Module 2 Paris Je t'adore- Unit 1 'Paris touristique' (lesson 2, after an introduction to Paris) Objectives: * saying what you can do in Paris * Using on peut+infinitive This resource includes: -a powerpoint (main lesson/activities) -a detailed lesson plan as guidance. -a lesson starter worksheet -a running dictation activity The powerpoint includes: - A starter activity to introduce/review activities in Paris -A review about "on peut" -A running dictation activity -A reading/grammar activity -A speaking game plenary (dice required) Lesson plan is a guidance on how to use the powerpoint and its activities. The other two worksheets are for the activities. Hope it helps.
Studio 3 vert - Module 3 A l'horizon Unit 5 Mes ambitions

Studio 3 vert - Module 3 A l'horizon Unit 5 Mes ambitions

This lesson is aimed at a Year 9 group. It is based on the Studio vert 3 book Module 3 Unit 5. The topic is: Mes ambitions Objectives: to be able to say what job you would like to do using "je voudrais" This pack incudes: - A whole lesson on the topic -worksheet for activity (for 16 students but very easy to adapt for larger groups) IExtension tasks/other activities: -guess the job -a match up activity Lesson: -Starter: brainstorming activity -Listening p54 with answers and picture support from the textbook - Choral repetition activity (pictures/words) -Guess the word game -Speaking activity (with worksheet) -Grammar point about near future tense( with worksheet) -Circle the infinitives (interactive whiteboard) -translation activity -Exercise from the book Various extension tasks: -unjumble the sentences -translation activity -word points challenge activity
Studio AQA GCSE Module 5  Le Grand Large  Unit 2 En route (Found/Higher)

Studio AQA GCSE Module 5 Le Grand Large Unit 2 En route (Found/Higher)

**Studio AQA GCSE Module 5 Le Grand Large Unit 2 En route(Foundation/Higher) Whole unit 2 focusing on travelling vocabulary based on the Studio AQA GCSE textbook. 2 to 3 lessons worth depending on group/lesson timings. I have used my own resources and some from the foundation textbook, embedded in the powerpoint with differentiated instructions and answers for easier use. Objective: to be able to discuss travelling/ booking a train ticket and using the comparatives. I have also added a couple of GCSE speaking cards focusing on train station/hotel/airport. !! Sample watermark can be deleted: Right click and delete. /Timer can be deleted or moved/copied paste. Works once in full screen. ** This powerpoint includes: Unit slide with objectives Literacy starter: French extract from Harry Potter (at the train station) -Differentiated starter. Slide with answers included. Differentiated reading activity (Authentic train/TGV tickets on Slide 5) Train tickets to print Slide with answers included. Translation practice from Studio textbook ( Ex 1p108 I added differentiated task) Answers included. Foundation markscheme for information Listening from foundation textbook Ex4 p96 Answers included Vocabulary to print Diagram activity from Foundation textbook 1p96 (Sort out vocabulary) Answers included Slide on the comparative (video link included) Practice: Differentiated exercises Speaking practice: Photo description (3 slides) Vocab test on transport vocabulary with answers Match up- French/English vocabulary Extra reading activity Text to print (reading activity) Exam role play from textbook 1p106 Complex structure slide from textbook Answers Differentiated task on General Conversation from Module 5 90 word writing task- Foundation textbook Ex1 p109 Any questions or problems please comment and I will try and help. To delete the SAMPLE watermark-Make sure you have powerpoint and select and delete.
Studio AQA GCSE French Module 1 Qui suis-je? Unit 1- A comme amitié - Foundation Higher

Studio AQA GCSE French Module 1 Qui suis-je? Unit 1- A comme amitié - Foundation Higher

**Studio AQA GCSE French Module 1 Qui suis je- Unit 1- A comme amitié (Foundation/Higher) This powerpoint focuses on the first unit of Module 1 following the Studio AQA GCSE French textbook . Aimed at Year 10 students or revision for year 11 students. Details of each slide below. It can be used as 3 lessons or different activities to add to your lesson. Although I have created some activites, I also use both textbooks, embedded in my powerpoint for easier use. ( A mix between my resources and adapted resources from the book) Objectives: Talking about what makes a good friend + using present tense in French. !! Sample watermark can be deleted: select and delete. /Timer can be deleted or moved/copied paste. Works once in full screen. ** This powerpoint includes: Unit 1 Objectives slide+ starter (2 starters: you can pick which one fits best) Translation or ER verb grammar test. Print slide 4 for students. Both differentiated (Bronze/silver/gold) . Self-assessment slide for both starters Objective 1 slide Translation of sentences from Listening task Ex 1 p10 (foundation textbook) Self-assessment slide (Click to reveal answers) Listening task ex 1 p 10 (foundation textbook) Self-assessment slide (Click to reveal answers) Slide to revise present tense in French Homework or grammar slide to review present tense in Frenc Objective 2 slide Ex1 p 10 Higher textbook- I have added differentiated task. Print slide 14 for students. Answers-Self-assessment. Click to reveal answers. Highlighter fight game- Students use 2 different coloured highlighters, Teacher to read out words from list- 1 list of words per pair- first students to understand translation to highlight. Grammar tasks taken from book- Print slide for students. Grammar answers/ Click to reveal Differentiated translation practice Students to translate text into English (using sentences in the wrong order for support) Translation answers Objective 3 slide Higher reading ex 3 p11 Answers -click to reveal Objective 4 slide Differentiated speaking task Improve writing strategies Game to review vocab To delete sample water mark, make sure you have powerpoint and select/click delete on your keyboard./Timer can be deleted or moved/copied paste. Works once in full screen. I hope this helps.
Studio 3 vert  Module 3 A l'horizon REVISION lesson QUIZ  (with lesson plan)

Studio 3 vert Module 3 A l'horizon REVISION lesson QUIZ (with lesson plan)

This lesson is a revision session aimed at year 9 pupils following the textbook Studio vert 3. It summarises topics from the A l'horizon module. Jobs/Je voudrais être/future plans. This pack includes: -Lesson plan -A starter to recap vocab - A Quiz with answers covering all units+ quiz worksheet -A creative wordsearch activity for pupils to test their peers There is a "sample" wordart on the slides, to remove Sample: Right click and delete.
Les types de vacances (types of holidays) + opinions

Les types de vacances (types of holidays) + opinions

A good 2 hour lesson on the topic of holidays. This was originally made for a top set Year 9 group but could be used for any class studying that topic. To be able to talk about the type of holidays you prefer. (à la mer, à la campagne, en famille, etc..) This lesson includes the following activities: -video to introduce topic -match ups (2) -Class versus the teacher -Nought and crosses -Sorting out opinions (+ +/- / -) -separate the sentence -speaking activity -writing activity -dice speaking activity (you require dice) Notes: any worksheet/match up needs to be printed from powerpoint slides. *You can delete sample wordle once you have downloaded the powerpoint*
T'es branché(e)? Studio 2 vert/rouge Module 1

T'es branché(e)? Studio 2 vert/rouge Module 1

3 Resources
Que fais-tu quand tu es connecté(e) Module 1 Unit 4 Que fais-tu quand tu es connecté(e)? Module 1 Unit 4 (follow up/Frequencies) Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier soir? Module 1 Unit 5
Studio AQA GCSE Module 4 de la ville à la campagne- Point de départ  (Found/Higher)

Studio AQA GCSE Module 4 de la ville à la campagne- Point de départ (Found/Higher)

**Studio AQA GCSE Module 4 de la ville à la campagne- Point de départ (Found/Higher) One hour lesson to introduce the topic " De la ville à la campagne" Objective: to be able to say what there is in your region. !! Sample watermark can be deleted: Right click and delete. /Timer can be deleted or moved/copied paste. Works once in full screen. ** This includes: 1.Starter: Differentiated conjugation exercise on the verb “habiter” (print slide) Answers included. 2. Before score: How many words do the students know? (test) 3. Listening from textbook: Slide for students + answers included. 4. 2 photo based description tasks (writing or speaking) Differentiated 5. Brick activity: Create the highest scoring sentence 6. Writing task about their region 7. Plenary: test for After score (Check progress in comparison with Starter) Any questions or problems please comment and I will try and help. Hope this helps.
Studio 2 vert  Module 3 Mon identité Unit 1- Mon caractère (le verbe Être)

Studio 2 vert Module 3 Mon identité Unit 1- Mon caractère (le verbe Être)

**Studio 2 vert Module 3 Mon identité Unit 1- Mon caractère This is a follow up lesson once you have introduce personality vocab. (Unless you have a top set group, in which case this lesson would also be fine to introduce adjectives) Objective: Main objective- To be able to recognise personality adjectives and to be able to use the verb Être . !! Sample watermark can be deleted: Right click and delete. /Timer can be deleted or moved/copied paste. Works once in full screen. ** This lesson includes: 1.Starter: vocab test on Unit 1- personality adjectives and Être (textbook vocab) -> Can be previous homework set or a “before score” self-assessment to be reviewed at the end, 2. Match up on personality adjectives (taken from Linguascope, however, I have included English support and a slide with answers) 3. Quick revision about gender agreement, 4. Ping-Pong game to practise personality vocab and gender agreement, very lively game. ( Cards template included) 5. Introducing the verb Être in the present tense with a song, pupils have to fill in the gaps. ( worksheet+ answers) 6. Rip n Run activity- Group translation game (very lively game again) (tear off worksheet included) 7. Plenary triangle activity- Pupils to sum up what they have learnt/asking any questions they may have. You need powerpoint to be able to edit and delete the watermark. Hope this helps