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Year 2 Mastery style Maths- Describing 2D shapes

Year 2 Mastery style Maths- Describing 2D shapes

Quiz describing the properties of 2D shapes for children to guess. Activity- Children to cut out the 2D shape and name it before filling in stem sentence or writing the stem sentence in their books. This is a __________ because it has ______ sides and ______ corners.
Missing Number Problems Year 2

Missing Number Problems Year 2

Smartfile going through detailed examples of missing number problems with questions on the slides and strategies for children to use. 3 differentiated sets of questions for children to complete independently at the end. Made for Year 2 and SATs revision but could be used in Year 1.
Nocturnal Animals

Nocturnal Animals

Powerpoint explaining what a nocturnal animal is with examples. Badgers, Bats, Foxes, Hedgehogs and Owls. What they eat, where they live and other facts.
Ocean Habitat

Ocean Habitat

Definition of marine habitat and animals and plants found there. Information about Dolphins, Octopus, Mangroves and coral reefs. Brief reminder of food chains at the end.
Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans Lesson 1

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans Lesson 1

What humans and animals need to survive and why. Food, water and air. Main task explained on the final slide- Children to create a poster with steps to follow. 1.Name the three basic needs of animals, including humans. 2.Draw and name a species of animal. 3.Write a sentence about why we need either food, water or air.
Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 3. Healthy Eating.

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 3. Healthy Eating.

Powerpoint recapping the five main food groups. Which ones we should have less of and which ones we should eat more of. What healthy eating means. Pictures of packed lunches for children to vote if they are healthy or not and why. Main task explained to children. Differentiated 2 ways. Lower ability- draw a healthy packed lunch. Middle and higher- complete the table about which food you would put in a packed lunch, which food group it belongs in and why they have chosen it.
Year 4 RE- Lesson 3. Jesus as an adult

Year 4 RE- Lesson 3. Jesus as an adult

LO: To understand the Christian belief that Jesus shows us what God is like. Need to read Zacchaeus to the class. Discussing how Jesus acted towards Zacchaeus and how it shows us what God is like. Activity- Children to say what Jesus was like through how he acted to Zacchaeus. Word bank to support lower ability children.
Year 4 RE- Jesus as an adult. Lesson 4.

Year 4 RE- Jesus as an adult. Lesson 4.

LO: To understand the symbolic language used about Jesus. Discussing how a shepherd, candle and bread can symbolise Jesus. Activity- Drawing a shepherd, candle and bread and writing how it is linked to Jesus.
Year 4 RE- Jesus as an adult. Lesson 5

Year 4 RE- Jesus as an adult. Lesson 5

LO: To look in depth at a parable Jesus told. Need to read The Good Samaritan to the class. Questions relating to our neighbours and the story. Activity to role play The Good Samaritan and think about what the characters would’ve said.