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Ex-Art Teacher! I love making Arty Resources so please do not hesitate to comment if you would like anything. Please leave a review!

Ex-Art Teacher! I love making Arty Resources so please do not hesitate to comment if you would like anything. Please leave a review!
Hybrid Animals Collage and Drawing task!

Hybrid Animals Collage and Drawing task!

An really cool and exciting lesson where students can collage together different parts of animals to create hybirds, looking at other Artists work. This lets students think about making a ‘response’ and try out a new medium. After my students designed their animals we went on to practise some dry-point print but this could also led to a mono-printing task!
Linoprinting Animals

Linoprinting Animals

A great introduction for Lino-printing for any group! All templates are uploaded in this, along with a powerpoint with examples, steps and health and safety. Easily adaptable!
Artist Analysis Worksheet KS3

Artist Analysis Worksheet KS3

Clear and simple artist analysis worksheet for students to fill out when looking at an Artist’s work. This can also be used if students are going to make a response to the Artist’s work.
Create your own Movie Poster 3

Create your own Movie Poster 3

This is an activity that I created for remote learning where students learnt about movie poster Artists and how they use images and text to tell us about the films being advertised! They get to create their own movie poster after looking at typography and examples. This could easily be adapted to be a normal classroom lesson.This is 3 of 3. I have uploaded this a full Unit.
Create your own Movie Poster 2

Create your own Movie Poster 2

This is an activity that I created for remote learning where students learnt about movie poster Artists and how they use images and text to tell us about the films being advertised! They get to create their own movie poster after looking at typography and examples. This could easily be adapted to be a normal classroom lesson.This is 2 of 3. I have uploaded this a full Unit.
Create your own Movie Poster 1

Create your own Movie Poster 1

This is an activity that I created for remote learning where students learnt about movie poster Artists and how they use images and text to tell us about the films being advertised! They get to create their own movie poster after looking at typography and examples. This could easily be adapted to be a normal classroom lesson.This is 1 of 3. I have uploaded this a full Unit.
Creative Wellbeing Challenge 2

Creative Wellbeing Challenge 2

This upload includes 2 out of 5 creative wellbeing task which I did weekly as a school wide project. Each challenge has a description with examples and clear instructions. They work as stand alone activities or you can find all 5 on my shop. If anyone would like these uploaded individually let me know.
Bleach Painting Activity

Bleach Painting Activity

Bleach painting is a skill I taught my KS4 groups! This upload has images for students to use to paint from, a step-by-step and examples.
Black and White Patterned Turtle

Black and White Patterned Turtle

Worksheet to describe a Mark-making task. This is an extension from our Scarpace fish project but it can be used as a simple mark-making task or a cover worksheet. The Worksheet has some examples of mark-making and clear instructions.
Hybrid Insect Drawing Task

Hybrid Insect Drawing Task

A hybrid means combining different insects together to make a whole new creature. You could combine butterfly wings, with a caterpillar body, with a wasp’s stringer. Great Worksheet with clear examples.
Dry-Point Printing Activity

Dry-Point Printing Activity

In this pack you will get a Powerpoint with step-by-steps and examples, A Pack of images to use for dry-point printing which are proven to look amazing!, and a extension Powerpoint allowing students to take prints further.
Cold/Warm Colouring activity

Cold/Warm Colouring activity

A simple colouring task to help student understand cold and warm colours. I would start off this lesson with a explaination Cold/Warm colours and then introduce this task for them to demonstrate, You could take away the colours so they have to ensure they know them.
Creative Thinking Art Activity - Poems

Creative Thinking Art Activity - Poems

This is a great task mixing together english and visual arts. In this pack you have a powerpoint explaining the task with links to artists and examples. You also have a pack of poems for students and mood board to help frame their ideas.