
A Persusasive Letter About Plastic Pollution
A Persuasive Letter to Theresa May about Plastic Pollution
As a school we have been learning all about the effects of our actions on the enviroment. We have been learing about reclying and how to make our school and our country a more eco-friendly.
Hook: bbc doccumentary ‘Drowning in Plastic’.
Aim: To persuade Theresa May (Prime Mininster) to reduce Britain’s plastic waste.
WAGOLL: a persuasive letter to our school’s milk company
Comprehension activity for the WAGOLL and send comprehension.
Thoughts and feelings activity based on a range of pictures
Topic link: Plastic research activity and facts and figures research
Identify the features of a persuasive letter: send, MA and HA
GPS activity: conjunctions word bank and worksheet
Box-up planning doccument and send scaffolded activity
Publish border paper
Lesson outline and publisher presentation added

A day in the life of a member of the Yanomami Tribe
A Day in the Life of a Member of the Yanomami Tribe from the Amazon Rainforest
Purpose: To write a recount sharing the daily routines of an indigenous tribe in the Amazon rainforest.
SMART Notebook presentation
WAGOLL: a day in a student’s life
Link to topic: research what life is like for the people who live in the Amazon rainforest (Yanomami Tribe)
Vocabulary hunt: using dictionaries find the definitions to these new words found from the Yanomami tribe research (send, ma and ha)
Identify the effective features of the WAGOLL to create own word bank
Children to complete box-up of their daily routines - send to use images/ word bank
Using border page (where children create their own background art) children publish their own daily routine (cold task)
Make comparison between our and the Yanomami tribe’s daily routine - research activities, chores and ritutals using research pages
GPS focus: prepositions and expanded noun phrases using SMART notebook and shared writes
Send scaffolded box-up.
Scaffold writing mat
Publish border paper

Ancient Egypt: Tutankhamun's Tomb - A Newspaper Article
A literacy unit surrounding the topic of Ancient Egypt, the death of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun and the discovery of his tomb by Howard Carter.
WAGOLL: Newspaper article - Who killed the Pharaoh Tutankhamun?
Lesson 1: Comprehension challenge (differentiated: bronze, silver, gold)
Lesson 2: Who killed Tutankhamun? Research/note-taking project - link to topic - children to formulate their own theory based on the evidence available oracy/ debate opportunity
Lesson 3: Reading as a writer - identify the features of a newspaper article - differentiated
Lesson 4: Treasure hunt: history detectives - children to work in mixed ability pairs
Lesson 5: Diary entry- Howard Carter: The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb scaffolded worksheet knowledge organiser to support writing the diary entry
Lesson 6: Edit and improve Carter’s diary entry
Lesson 7: Expanded noun phrases : The items found in King Tut’s tomb (differentiated bronze, silver gold) HA: to use research to create their own word bank
Lesson 8: Research for newspaper article - planning document knowledge organiser/ word bank
Lesson 9: Draft headline and orientation
Lesson 10: Draft paragraph 1 and 2 - background information and how was the tomb discovered
Lesson 11: Draft paragraph 3 and 4 - what was found inside and quotes from who was there
Lesson 12: Draft re-orientation
Lesson 13: Edit and improve
Lesson 14: Publish - newspaper format send/ main

How to build a survival shelter (Information text)
Information text: How to build a Survival Shelter
Topic: Survival (Bear Grylls)
Year 5 writing unit where children learn how to survive in dangerous enviroments
Link: Class book - Kensuke’s Kingdom