Converting mixed numbers into improper fractions
Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers
Fraction sequences
Adding fractions with the same denominator
Adding fractions with different denominators
The 5 day lesson plan supports Whiterose maths
Recaps some year 4 learning.
Exploring fractions
Finding equivalent fractions.
Exploring fractions greater than 1.
Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers.
Converting mixed numbers into improper fractions.
Throughout the lesson plans:
Concrete activities are planned
Pictorial representations are covered
Abstract forms of fractions are planned
Aligns well with white rose maths style of teaching.
Year 5/ year 6 plan
1 week worth of lesson plans
Teaching slides
Differentiated worksheets
Links to the European football championships
Day 1: Multiple equations mental maths
Day 2: Division using factors
Day 3: Long division 3 digits
Day 4: Long division 4 digits
Day 5: European football championships