6 weeks of lesson plans
Differentiated work sheets
Teaching slides
Matchstick video tutorial
Week 1: Research LS Lowry
Week 2: Shading, Hatching and cross hatching
Week 3: Perspective
Week 4: Match stick people
Week 5: Viewpoint
Week 6: Painting
All images are copyright free.
Year 5/ year 6 plan
1 week worth of lesson plans
Teaching slides
Differentiated worksheets
Links to the European football championships
Day 1: Multiple equations mental maths
Day 2: Division using factors
Day 3: Long division 3 digits
Day 4: Long division 4 digits
Day 5: European football championships
Teaching slides for maths summer assessment preparation
Differentiated fluency based on summer arithmetic paper
Writing words in numbers
Line graphs interpreting data
Modeled slides with my turn and your turn
Upper Ks2/KS3 Mortgage pack
3 lessons
Visual representations of mortgages
I do/You do slides
Calculator use
Sentence stems
Print off purple slides trim and stick in books
Lesson 1- Lo: To understand what mortgages are
Lesson 2 - Lo: Calculate deposit and how much a lender will lend a buyer
Lesson 3- Lo: Calculate monthly payments
Year 5 PSHE Career unit
Lo: What influences peoples decision about careers
Starter: Match up salaries to careers
Discussion around the influences on peoples career choices
Main task: Continuum of whats most important and least important to people
Extension: Write down skills, attributes, knowledge and qualifications for their chosen career path.
LO: How can money can be borrowed and what are the risks with this?
Teaching slides with pre assessment included
Links to useful videos
Pictures to support text
Lesson 1: Prediction based on front cover, reviews and blurb
Read the prologue
Lesson 2: Word meaning lesson based on the prologue
Lesson 3: Retrieval lesson based on the prologue
Outstanding mastery lesson
Progresses through key vocab
Pictorial and concrete resources
I do you do Ping pong
Bronze Silver and Gold sheets
Shows bar models and number lines
Progresses children through to regrouping and then two step subtraction questions.
Week 1 of planning based on how to train your dragon.
Final piece is a set of instructions based on year 5 expectations.
Lesson 1: Understanding the context of How to train a dragon
In depth analysis of the author
Lesson 2: Understanding the features of instructions
Compound and complex sentences
Numbered instructions
Engage the reader
Imperative (bossy) verbs
WAGOLL based on training a Sleipnir (8 legged Viking horse)
Uses all the features and follows the same structure of the final piece
Lesson 3: Understanding compound and simple sentences
Gives definitions of simple sentences
Gives definitions of compound sentences
Insert the coordinating conjunction in the missing gap
Writing compound sentences based on a stimulus linked to “How to train your dragon”
Year 5 PSHE lesson based on a career and finance unit
Teaching slides with discussion tasks and task for books
One Hen
Link to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z3--dx_ieA
The above link reads the book out loud if you don’t have a copy of the book in school.
KS2 Literacy unit
Split your class in half or have one class against the other.
Focuses on:
Fronted adverbials
PEE argument structure
Rhetorical questions
Relative clauses
There is an oracy element to the unit as well where pupils practice saying their sentences and debate out loud.
Lesson structure:
WAGOLL and understanding what a debate is
Looking at graffiti and research
Practice using generalisers and fronted adverbials
Practice using rhetorical questions
Practice using relative clauses
Practice writing within a PEE format
Planning lesson with box up template
Widgit representations for:
sentence starters
Differentiation for B squared with picture orientated task where they need to replace some of the words with synonyms
Overview of the Unit:
Lesson 1: Engage Through Drama
Kick off the unit with playscripts and hot seating to spark interest and immerse pupils in the Viking topic.
Lessons 2–4: Master Relative and Embedded Clauses
Build technical skills by focusing on relative clauses and embedded clauses using dashes. Scaffolded tasks include identifying, practicing, and applying these skills to descriptive paragraphs about the Vikings.
Lesson 5: Expanded Noun Phrases and Prepositional Phrases
Teach pupils to add detail and precision to their writing by crafting vivid sentences about Viking roles and lifestyle.
Lesson 6: Ad Same Ad Sentence Structure
Introduce Allan Peat’s Ad Same Ad sentences to help students create impactful, descriptive sentences.
Lesson 7: Describing Viking Clothing
Apply learned skills to describe Viking clothing and settlements, blending expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases, and Ad Same Ad sentences.
Lessons 8–10: Using Formal Language
Guide students to write formally, using generalizers and precise vocabulary, while practicing formal sentence construction.
Lesson 9: Plan the Report
Pupils organize their ideas under clear subheadings, ensuring all features—relative clauses, formal language, expanded phrases—are included.
Lessons 10–12: Writing the Non-Chronological Report
Over three lessons, pupils draft their reports, working to different ability levels with sentence starters, scaffolds, and modeled examples.
Lesson 13: Publish with Style
Pupils polish their work, adding illustrations and neat formatting to create a final report ready for display or assessment.
Key Features:
Fully differentiated tasks to support lower ability, age-related, and greater depth learners.
Focus on grammar skills: relative clauses, embedded clauses, expanded noun phrases, and formal language.
Engaging activities including hot seating, sentence crafting, and publishing with illustrations.
Scaffolds, WAGOLLs, and success criteria provided for every step.
Perfect for cross-curricular links with history or thematic units on the Vikings.
Why Teachers Love It:
Saves time with ready-to-teach lesson plans and resources.
Encourages creativity alongside rigorous grammar skills.
Supports writing progression with clear success criteria and scaffolded tasks.
Engages learners with a high-interest topic and varied teaching methods.
What’s Included:
13 detailed lesson plans with objectives, activities, and differentiation.
WAGOLL examples for each skill.
Printable planning templates, worksheets, and success criteria.
Editable resources for tailoring to your class.
Week 2 teaching slides:
Lesson 1: Using expanded noun phrases
Lesson 2: Using expanded noun phrases in my writing
Lesson 3: Edit and uplevel
Lesson 4: Using subordinating conjunctions in my writing
Lesson 5: Writing sentences that use speech (includes quizes)