9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Training Methods 2
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Training Methods 1
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Principles of Training 2
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Components of Fitness 2
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Training Intensities
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Interpreting Heart Rate Graphs
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Planes & Axes of Movement
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Health and Fitness
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Fitness Testing 3
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Recovery Processes
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Types of Bones
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Tidal Volume During Exercise
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
The Musculoskeletal System
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Structure and Function of blood Vessels
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
9 mark Long answer question using structure strip
3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Antagonistic Muscles
Helps pupils answer long answer questions using a structure strip
pupils use the script to answer the question
The correct amount of space is given to answer the question (so they don’t waffle)
key words are also offered to help pupils
Also includes generic long answer question mark scheme taken from AQA mark scheme
Include AO1 AO2 & AO3 answer prompts
Can be differentiated by removing key words or getting pupils to fill in their own structures
Save by buying complete Paper 1 structure strips as a bundle
GCSE PE Edexcel
Powerpoints that covers the following topics from Component 2
Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activity and sport
Commercialisation of physical activity and sport
Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
These compliment the component 2 revision and homework booklets
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R041 – Reducing the risk of sports injuries: Power point for Objective 4
Know how to respond to common medical conditions:
The symptoms of common medical conditions
How to respond to these common medical conditions
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R041 – Reducing the risk of sports injuries: Powerpoint for Objective 3
Know how to respond to injuries within a sporting context:
Acute and chronic injuries
Types, causes and treatment of common sports injuries
How to respond to injuries and medical conditions in a sporting context
Emergency Action Plans (EAP) in a sporting context
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R041 – Reducing the risk of sports injuries: PowerPoints for Objectives 1 - 4
Objective 1
Understand different factors which influence the risk of injury:
• Extrinsic factors which can influence the risk of injury
• Intrinsic factors which can influence the risk of injury
Objective 2
Understand how appropriate warm up & cool down routines can help to prevent injury:
• The physical benefits of a warm up
• The psychological benefits of a warm up
• Key components of a warm up
• Physical benefits of a cool down
• Key components of a cool down:
• Specific needs which a warm up and cool down must consider
Objective 3
Know how to respond to injuries within a sporting context:
• Acute and chronic injuries
• Types, causes and treatment of common sports injuries
• How to respond to injuries and medical conditions in a sporting context
• Emergency Action Plans (EAP) in a sporting context
Objective 4
Understand different factors which influence the risk of injury:
• Extrinsic factors which can influence the risk of injury
• Intrinsic factors which can influence the risk of injury