C_Tranter's ShopAverage Rating4.10(based on 8 reviews)Head of MFL Department and French/ Spanish Teacher for over 7 years. Edit shopAdd a resource
c_tranterMFL French / Spanish Classroom Board Display Posters(0)French and Spanish Display Posters with key vocab. (Objective, date, title, homework etc.)
c_tranterMFL French / Spanish SPAG Exemplar Poster(0)French / Spanish Exemplar Poster for - SPAG - Spelling Punctuation Accent Grammar - DIRT - Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time
c_tranterMFL French / Spanish Classroom Command Smileys(0)Easy to understand French / Spanish Classroom Command Smileys for display purposes
c_tranterMFL French / Spanish Alphabet Display Poster with easy pronunciation guide(0)MFL French / Spanish Alphabet Display Poster with easy pronunciation guide
c_tranterMFL French / Spanish Key Verbs Word Foto Displays(0)French / Spanish Key Verbs displayed with images to represent the meaning of the word Word Foto Displays
c_tranterMFL French / Spanish Months of the Year Display Poster(0)French / Spanish Months of the Year Display Poster
c_tranterMFL Spanish Tenses(0)An easy to understand summary of all the Spanish Tenses. This can be used for teaching, revision, PowerPoint and posters.
c_tranterMFL French / Spanish / German Tongue Twisters(0)MFL French / Spanish / German Tongue Twisters A great starter activity to get students to feel comfortable with making mistakes in the target language
c_tranterMFL Spanish Accents in Microsoft Office Display Poster(0)Easy to understand Spanish Accents in Microsoft Office Display Poster
c_tranterMFL Spanish Como Agua Para Chocolate Book / Film Summary(0)This is a useful summary of each chapter with timestamps / page numbers for the book Como Agua Para Chocolate. Note: page numbers may vary slightly depending on which version of the book you have.
c_tranterMFL Spanish Possible Questions on Holidays in different tenses(0)A collection of Spanish questions and starter answers in Past / Present / Future on the topic of holidays.
c_tranterMFL French Tenses(0)An easy to understand summary of all the French Tenses. This can be used for teaching, revision, PowerPoint and posters.
c_tranterMFL Spanish Useful Phrases in different tenses for Free Time , TV, Films, and Hobbies(0)A collection of Spanish key phrases in Past / Present / Future on the topic of Free Time, TV, Films, and hobbies.
c_tranterMFL Spanish Pronouns and Adjectives PowerPoint(0)A summary of all Spanish Pronouns and Adjectives in an easy to understand PowerPoint.
c_tranterMFL Spanish Writing and Speaking Guidance (Useful Phrases, Checklist, Questions)(0)A collection of Writing/ Speaking checklist, help sheet with useful phrases and example of questions based on the topic of holiday.
c_tranterMFL Spanish GCSE Verb Tense Test (Self-Marking)(0)Spanish GCSE Verb Tense Test. Complete the test and click submit. The Excel file will self-mark and show students where they can improve.
c_tranterMFL A Level Spanish Catalunya Example Questions and Answers(0)A Level Spanish Catalunya Example Questions and Answers
c_tranterMFL Spanish AS/ ALevel Example Exam Essay Questions(0)MFL Spanish AS/ ALevel Example Exam Essay Questions
c_tranterMFL Spanish Useful Phrases in different tenses for School and Work(0)A collection of Spanish key phrases in Past / Present / Future on the topic of School and Work.
c_tranterMFL Spanish A Level El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth) Example Essays and Answers(2)Spanish A Level El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan’s Labyrinth) Example Essays and Example Questions and Answers X2