Train your students to become independent learners by following the 5 Bs
Brain Board Book Buddy Boss (The teacher is the boss!) Only when they have tried the other Bs do they consult the boss.
A series of 4 lessons to introduce the concept of debating, plan and prepare a debate, and carry out a successful whole class debate.
Builds on transferable skills and encourages organisational skills, team skills, and helps students to structure a cohesive argument.
This is a useful summary of each chapter with timestamps / page numbers for the book Como Agua Para Chocolate.
Note: page numbers may vary slightly depending on which version of the book you have.
You think English is easy?
Here's a PowerPoint to show some crazy rules in English to highlight how difficult it can be to learn a foreign language.
So, whenever a student asks you: "Why do we have to study a foreign language? They are soooo hard!" J
Just show them this PowerPoint.