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AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L12 - UK HIC Industries and Sustainability (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the 12th lesson on Changing economic world - the second lesson looking at the economics of the UK and the industries around the country such as science parks and quarrying and how they are being sustainable.
Science park discussion questions
CASE STUDY - Torr Quarry as industry.
Table of sustainable efforts for industries.
6 mark exam question and structure.
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos -Card Sort
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Sustainable Water Usage (Complete Lesson)
AQA Challenges to the Human Environment
This is the 6th lesson on the Resources management unit - looking at sustainable water usage (could be adapted for Energy or food).
Decision making starter.
Sustainability recap - and local efforts
Exam Question including structure.
Photo Analysis task
CASE STUDY - Wakel River Basin (including modeled notes)
Exam Question including structure.
Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA GCSE CHANGING ECONOMIC WORLD: L1 -Measuring Development (Lessons + Resources).
AQA - Changing economic world.
This is the introduction lesson development - looking at how we would measure it.
What is development and new keywords.
Pros/ cons of different measure of development.
Distribution activity
Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos - Exam Question and model answer.
AQA Globalisation - L12 Assessment and Feedback (Lesson and Resources).
This lesson is the last of the Globalisation element of “Globalsaition and Global systems.”
58 marks - variety of questions, skill based and essay.
Feedback Lesson include Mark schemes, model answers and improvement tasks.
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Introduction to Resources (Complete Lesson)
AQA Challenges to the Human Environment
This is the 1st lesson on the Introduction to the Resources management unit - looking at what is a resources and how they are distributed.
Introduction tasks
Skill tasks - distribution description (with help)
Skill tasks - describe patterns found on a choropleth
Introduce resources inequalities - why and what effect?
Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA GCSE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Global Water Consumption (Complete Lesson)
AQA Challenges to the Human Environment
This is the 4th lesson on the Introduction to the Resources management unit - looking at Global water and why/how there are inequalities.
Review of learning.
Photo analysis task.
Keywords e.g. Water stress
Analysis of graphs of consumption
AO2 - Chains of Consequence task
Human and physical factors classification
Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
AQA Challenges to the Human Environment
This is the 3rd lesson on the Introduction to the Resources management unit - looking at UK Water and how consumption has changed.
Timeline activity - how’s water consumption changed.
Skill tasks - choropleth on consumption and rainfall.
Exam q - with structure help
How is water polluted? Effects
HWK - keywords task
Lesson PowerPoint - Info sheets - Activities - Resources.
Place Study - Opportunities in India (Lessons and resources).
Second lesson in a 3 lesson series on India - as a Newly Emerging Economy. Aimed at Year 7/8.
Re-written to develop the GCSE skills.
Defining and discussing Globalisation
Extended writing for the GCSE AO2 and AO3 skills.
Lesson plan - Resources - Powerpoint.
Place Study - Introduction to India (Lessons and resources).
First lesson in a 3 lesson series on India - as a Newly Emerging Economy. Aimed at Year 7/8.
Re-written to develop the GCSE skills.
Image analysis and evidence gathering.
Location tasks
developing the AO3 - judging
Lesson plan - Resources - Powerpoint.
Kenya Place study - Intro, Challenge and Opportunities.
All resources for a 3 lesson series -
Lesson 1 - Introduction (location, facts and figure and population).
Lesson 2 - Challenges (difference in education, impacts of lack of education and developing extended writing).
Lesson 3 - Opportunities (tourism developments, increasing wealth and developing extended writing).
Place Study - Challenges in India (Lessons and resources).
Third lesson in a 3 lesson series on India - as a Newly Emerging Economy. Aimed at Year 7/8.
Re-written to develop the GCSE skills.
Carousel activity about the different challenges in India.
Evaluation of the biggest challenge
Lesson plan - Resources - Powerpoint.
Place study - Introduction to Australia (Lesson and resources).
First lesson of a 3 part series looking at Australia as a High income country - Aimed at Year7/8.
Re-written to develop the GCSE skills.
location tasks.
fact file task
Climate graph analysis
Lesson plan - Resources - Powerpoint.
Place study - Opportunities in Australia (Lesson and resources).
Second lesson of a 3 part series looking at Australia as a High income country - Aimed at Year7/8.
Re-written to develop the GCSE skills.
Carousel activity on social, economic and environmental opportunities.
Extended writing developing GCSE AO2 and AO3.
Lesson plan - Resources - Powerpoint.
Tectonic Hazards - introduction (Lesson and resources).
first lesson in a 6 part series on tectonic Hazards - Aimed at year 7/8.
Rewritten to include GCSE Skill.
Introduction tasks including locations, keywords and structure of the earth.
Lesson plan - Lesson Powerpoint - Resources.
Place study - Challenges in Australia (Lesson and resources).
Third lesson of a 3 part series looking at Australia as a High income country - Aimed at Year7/8.
Re-written to develop the GCSE skills.
fact gathering on Wildfires
case study details
Lesson plan - Resources - Powerpoint.
Tectonic Hazards - Volcanoes (Lesson and resources).
Second lesson in a 6 part series on tectonic Hazards - Aimed at year 7/8.
Rewritten to include GCSE Skill.
Play doh Modelling lesson
Keywords and structure of Volcanoes.
Lesson plan - Lesson Powerpoint - Resources.
Place Study - Australia (Lesson and resources)
Lesson 1 - Introduction (location, facts and figure and population).
Lesson 2 - Opportunities (6 challenges - social, economic and environmental , impacts increasing wealth and developing extended writing).
Lesson 3 - Challenges with Wildfires and the environment.
Tectonic Hazards - Earthquakes (Lesson and resources).
This is the 4th lesson in a 6 part series on tectonic Hazards - Aimed at year 7/8.
Rewritten to include GCSE Skill.
Introduction tasks for earthquakes and measuring
Looking and classifying primary and secondary effects.
Lesson plan - Lesson Powerpoint - Resources.
Tectonic Hazards - Assessment Haiti Earthquake (Lesson and resources).
This is the 5th lesson in a 6 part series on tectonic Hazards - Aimed at year 7/8.
Rewritten to include GCSE Skill.
Written assessment on Haiti’s earthquake - asking which was the main reason.
Includes assessment criteria.
Lesson plan - Lesson Powerpoint - Resources.
Tectonic Hazards - Earthquake Example Haiti (Lesson and resources).
This is the 5th lesson in a 6 part series on tectonic Hazards - Aimed at year 7/8.
Rewritten to include GCSE Skill.
Case study details
fact file gathering
Leading into assessment.
Lesson plan - Lesson Powerpoint - Resources.