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AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L5 UK Olympics improving London (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L5 UK Olympics improving London (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 5th lesson London and the Olympics and how it has/ hasn’t improved the life of London’s population. Review of last lesson’s learning. Skill - describe the location… CASE STUDY - Gathering information off videos and Info sheets about the Olympics and their legacy. AO2 - Chains of Consequence task. CARD SORT - positive and negative opinions (Social, Economic and Environmental). 9 Mark question and Structure Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities - Exam q.
AQA URBAN CASE STUDY: Improving Rio - Olympics vs Favela Bairro  (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN CASE STUDY: Improving Rio - Olympics vs Favela Bairro (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues LIC/NEE Case study. This is the 5th lesson on de Janeiro looking at how both the Olympics and the Favela Bairro project have been trying to improve Rio and criticisms attached. Distribution of Favelas. Mini Case study - Favela Bairro and housing. AO2 task. Mini Case study - Olympics (various videos and note taking) Answers. 9 mark question with sentence starters. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Videos.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L1 UK Population Distribution  (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L1 UK Population Distribution (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 1st lesson London and the UK looking at how the UK is populated and what impact this has. Skills based questions e.g. distribution of the UK population Keywords and definitions Why is a large population good/bad? What is a Green/Brownfield site - positives and negatives associated. Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities.
AQA URBAN CASE STUDY: Rio de Janeiro + ASSESSMENT  (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN CASE STUDY: Rio de Janeiro + ASSESSMENT (Lesson and Resources).

7 Resources
SOW on Rio de Janeiro - 7 lessons including assessment to cover the “LIC/NEE” case study on the AQA specification. L1 - Introduction to Rio Where is Rio? What is the land use like? How it is linked to other places? Rio’s Background. L2 - Social Challenges in Rio Photo analysis task Create Chains of consequence (AO2 skill) What are favelas? What are the issues in favelas - with case study. L3 - Economic Challenges in Rio Rio’s economic structure - AO2 Chains activity Informal vs formal work and issues. Card sort of challenges and Answers Exam Question - differentiated L4 - Environmental Challenges in Rio Lesson review - solutions and questions Note taking activity about challenges Small case study on solutions. AO3 - continuum line task L5 - Improving Rio - Olympics vs Favella Bairro Distribution of Favelas. Mini Case study - Favela Bairro and housing. AO2 task. Mini Case study - Olympics (various videos and note taking) Answers. 9 mark question with sentence starters. L6 - Curitiba Review of the learning. Information sheets and video to complete case study. Card sort of sustainability. 9 mark question with sentence starters. Homework task - Article to read and sum up. L7 - Written Exam Style assessment and Mark scheme; with attached Exam Q improvement task.
AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L6 UK Sustainable Urban Living BEDZED (Lesson and Resources).

AQA URBAN HIC CASE STUDY: L6 UK Sustainable Urban Living BEDZED (Lesson and Resources).

AQA - Urban issues HIC Case study. This is the 6th lesson London and the UK looking at how HIC cities can make themselves sustainable - with reference to BEDZED… Review of last lesson’s learning. Recap Sustainability and the sustainable features. IT research task - using the PP and IT task how is London trying to make itself sustainable. CASE STUDY - BEDzed researchw ith various links and clips to fill in a case study note sheet. 9 Mark question and Structure Lesson PowerPoint - Resources - Note sheets - Activities - Exam q.
AQA Global Governance - L6 Antarctica Treaty

AQA Global Governance - L6 Antarctica Treaty

Whole lesson on how to govern the Global common Antarctica and it’s threats in the AQA Globalisation and Global governance. IT RESEARCH BASED LESSON - following on from the introduction to Antarctica and then to be used when looking at the Antarctica treaty in the following lesson. KEY IDEA 1.17 Antarctica threats including fishing and whaling, tourism, climate change and the search for minerals. PowerPoint - Lesson Plans - Worksheets
DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Changes to Ecosystems (Lesson + Resources)

DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Changes to Ecosystems (Lesson + Resources)

Second lesson in the GCSE Living world topic - This is designed to me completed at home via distance learning. **Topic: Changes to Ecosystems ** WORKBOOK - POWERPOINT - ANSWER BOOKLET To be used with GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) by Simon Ross and Nick Rowles **LESSON PLAN: ** STARTER – Review questions and multiple choice question. Definition of Adaptation, Equilibrium, Biodiversity from PP Watch the video clips and jot down a few notes in your work booklet. Watch clip and jot down human and natural changes to help. Watch clip on natural changes. Watch clips on human changes. What happens to the ecosystem when changes occur? Look at the images on the PP to help you complete the sheet in the booklet. Annotate the pictures of adaptations. Have a go first then use PP to help you. So if ecosystems change what happens as a result? Study Image of a farmed area. What things are happening that will change the ecosystem. Use pg 54 to help and add annotations to the image. 3 changes in first box. What happens to the ecosystem if changes occur? They move elsewhere and over populate another ecosystem or they adapt to the changing conditions. Have a go at the exam question on the PP.
DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems -Global Biomes (Lesson + Resources)

DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems -Global Biomes (Lesson + Resources)

4th lesson in the GCSE Living world topic - This is designed to me completed at home via distance learning. Topic: Global Biomes WORKBOOK - POWERPOINT - ANSWER BOOKLET To be used with GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) by Simon Ross and Nick Rowles **LESSON PLAN: ** Review Questions - these look at last week’s work. Try and answer these (on paper) WITHOUT looking at your notes first to test your knowledge and then use your notes to answer. Work your way through slides watching clips and reading. What is a Biome? Write definition in work book. The PP goes through the main biomes with some clips which help you to remember the biome and the notes on each slide. You need to start filling in the information sheet using these slides. First, identify label and locate each picture with an arrow to the map in the middle. You will need to use Text book pg 57 or computers if available the following information about each. (also on PP). Climate, Threats, Vegetation, Important animals, Threats, Human Impact. Study the map of the biomes. What do you notice? In workbook describe where each Biome is in the world. We will look at the Tropical Rainforest Biome first in more detail. Can we think of any animals and plants from the rainforest? Can you use the pictures to fill in the correct spot on the food web diagram in the workbook. IN PENCIL* Structure of the rainforest. Complete diagram using books and labels from PP, Watch clips to get definitions for the different layers
DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Introduction (Lesson + Resources)

DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Introduction (Lesson + Resources)

First lesson in the GCSE Living world topic - This is designed to me completed at home via distance learning. **Topic: Introduction to Ecosystems ** WORKBOOK - POWERPOINT - ANSWER BOOKLET To be used with GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) by Simon Ross and Nick Rowles LESSON PLAN: Starter : Spider-gram of everything you can remember about ecosystems form year 8. Add this to the bubble in the workbook. Fill in the definitions table on the workbook from what you can remember and use Google to help you. Watch the film clip on the PP to help you and give you an introduction to how an ecosystem works. Fill in a couple of food chains from the clip or your prior knowledge in the workbook. See if you can match up a red meaning with a black definition. You may need to google ones you are not sure of. Also use the PP to help you. Biotic and Abiotic. Write the definitions from the PP in your workbook. Look at the bubble sheet of the major components of an ecosystem and think about their role and their links with other components. On the bubble sheet make some links by drawing arrows between components and write on the arrow what the link is. Have a read about what trophic levels are from PP. Complete the set of questions on the “food web in a temperate forest” Look at an ecosystem as a system and try to find examples of inputs processes and outputs. Complete the food web diagram for a woodland ecosystem. Plenary : What terminology can you remember? Test yourself.
DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Local Case Study Landguard (Lesson + Resources)

DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Local Case Study Landguard (Lesson + Resources)

3rd lesson in the GCSE Living world topic - This is designed to me completed at home via distance learning. **Topic: Local Ecosystem Case Study ** This is for Landguard Point, Felixstowe but lesson structure could be adapted to locality. WORKBOOK - POWERPOINT - ANSWER BOOKLET To be used with GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) by Simon Ross and Nick Rowles **LESSON PLAN: ** Review Questions - these look at last week’s work. Try and answer these (on paper) WITHOUT looking at your notes first to test your knowledge and then use your notes to answer. Landguard is a nature reserve in Felixstowe. It is an actual example of how changes can effect an ecosystem. At GCSE we call these case studies. These are really important because the 9 mark questions are where you need to know about them. Use your booklet and the internet to add notes to the location map of Landguard. Build up the table on the structure of Landguard’s ecosystem using PP. Look at the species table and see if you can find some food chains, colour code. How could the ecosystem at Landguard change? Look at each image and come up with ideas. Then use card sort to fill in the spaces on the diagram sheet Threats to Landguards ecosystem card sort and add to table. Application 6 mark question on changes - use thew help to answer it!
DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Managing the Rainforest Taman Negara (Lesson + Resources)

DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems - Managing the Rainforest Taman Negara (Lesson + Resources)

7th lesson in the GCSE Living world topic - This is designed to me completed at home via distance learning. **Topic: Managing the Tropical Rainforest ** We use Taman Negara as a case study - but could be adapted to suit the school and structure could be used. WORKBOOK - POWERPOINT - ANSWER BOOKLET To be used with GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) by Simon Ross and Nick Rowles **LESSON PLAN ** How can people use the rainforest without the negative impacts? Think about this on your own first. Then follow the link to the BBC clip to help you further and compete the bubble on the note sheet. Use this clip to help you understand about sustainable methods of cutting down trees - IT ISN’T ALL BAD! Start working your way through the PP. Fill in the definitions on the note sheet from PP Watch the clips on the PP and start filling in the methods of managing the TRF from this as well as scan pgs 65 to 67 Watch clip to find out what ecotourism is. Also mass tourism. Add definitions to sheet from PP Most likely to…sort this into statements for ecotourism and those for Mass tourism. Ecotourism is one way of managing the TRF well. Watch the clips on the PP Then use the Taman Negara information sheet to help you fill in the Case study Table. Exam Question 9 markers.
DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems -Tropical Rainforests (Lesson + Resources)

DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems -Tropical Rainforests (Lesson + Resources)

5th lesson in the GCSE Living world topic - This is designed to me completed at home via distance learning. **Topic: Tropical Rainforests ** WORKBOOK - POWERPOINT - ANSWER BOOKLET To be used with GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) by Simon Ross and Nick Rowles **LESSON PLAN ** Read through the different slides about where are the tropical rainforests. Watch the video and make a few notes in the workbook about the Amazon rainforest - don’t need to write down everything! Complete the climate graph for Manaus in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. This is just a line graph and a bar graph - you should have done them in year 8/9. If you havent, then there is help in the PowerPoint and you can use the outline of the graph. Answer the 2 questions using the Climate graph to help you. Think about what happens if we take out something in the rainforest and it ruins the imbalance. Use the boxes on slide 8 to complete the diagram in your workbooklet (or copy out if you can’t print). Linking back to last week - look at the adaptations of plants and animals and assign the right label to the right picture. Watch the video and make notes about the different threats to the Amazon Rainforest.
DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems -Tropical Rainforests Case Study Malaysia (Lesson + Resources)

DISTANCED LEARNING GCSE Ecosystems -Tropical Rainforests Case Study Malaysia (Lesson + Resources)

6th lesson in the GCSE Living world topic - This is designed to me completed at home via distance learning. **Topic: Tropical Rainforest Case study ** We use Malaysia as a case study - but could be adapted to suit the school and structure could be used. WORKBOOK - POWERPOINT - ANSWER BOOKLET To be used with GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) by Simon Ross and Nick Rowles **LESSON PLAN ** Definition of deforestation from PP. Describe the location of this rainforest using the map. (See PP for how to do this) Why are rainforests important? From PP and last lesson go through and note in appropriate section. Watch deforestation clip on PP and make notes into workbook. Threats and Impacts to the Rainforest in Malaysia from pg 61 Oxford books on scan file. Highlight each statement into threats and impacts. Have a go at the exam question using the PP to help you.
AQA GCSE Resource Management - Complete Scheme

AQA GCSE Resource Management - Complete Scheme

7 Resources
AQA Challenges to the human Environment - Resource Management. This has emphasis on the water optional element - however can be adapted for food or energy. L1 - Introduction to Resource Management L2 - UK Food L3 - UK Water L4 - Global Water L5 - UK Energy L6 - Sustainable Water Small Scale L7 - Sustainable Water Large Scale
AQA Global Governance and Global Commons SOW

AQA Global Governance and Global Commons SOW

8 Resources
Full SOW for AQA A-Level Geography - including assessment and Feedback. Lesson 1 - Actors KEY IDEA 1.11 Understand the range of actors and their relevance in global issues. Lesson 2 - The UN KEY IDEA 1.12 Understand the range of actors and their relevance in global issues. This lesson has focus on the UN what they have set out to achieve, how they have done it and any issues. Emphasis on Sustainable Development Goals and Millennium development goals. Lesson 3 - Actor research KEY IDEA 1.11 Understand the range of actors and their relevance in global issues. This lesson is research and computer based - looking into another example of a Global Governance actor. Lesson 4 - Water Politics KEY IDEA 1.12 Issues associated with attempts at Global Governance. Understand the background of a global issue - in this case Water along the Nile. Lesson 5 - Introduction to Antarctica KEY IDEA 1.13 What is a global common - the concept, rights and benefits? Geographical case study on Antarctica - location, topography, climate etc. Lesson 6 - Threats to Antarctica KEY IDEA 1.15 + 1.6 Antarctica threats including fishing and whaling, tourism, climate change and the search for minerals. Lesson 7 - The Antarctica Treaty KEY IDEA 1.17 How to govern Antarctica from the viewpoint of international policies as a global governance actors. Lesson 8 - Antarctica NGOs KEY IDEA 1.17 How to govern Antarctica from the viewpoint on an NGO as a global governance actor. Lesson 9 - Assessment Lesson 10 - Feedback, improvement and DIRT time.