Space-themed Taboo
World Space Week (4th-10th October 2023)
Solar System
Space Key words
This pack includes:
PDF document with ready-to-print cards
PDF document with rules
External materials
This resource is also available in Spanish - Comida por el mundo - Actividad de categorización (Día Mundial de la Alimentación)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Esta actividad ayudará a tus alumnos a revisar su conocimiento a cerca de los cinco sentidos por medio de la solución de los problemas relacionando cada frase (puedo ver/oler/tocar/oír/saborear) con los ítems correspondientes. Esta actividad puede realizarse individualmente o de forma grupal.
Contenido a trabajar:
Trabajo individual o grupal
Cinco sentidos
El recurso incluye:
Plantilla con puzzles.
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - 5 Senses Puzzles
Otros recursos sobre los cinco sentidos que te pueden interesar:
Actividad de categorización (5 sentidos)
Por el precio de £2 más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Estas plantillas ayudarán a tus estudiantes a repasar los cinco sentidos además de potenciar la motricidad fina con el uso de tijeras.
5 Imprimibles respectivos a los cinco sentidos con ítems que percibimos a través de ellos.
5 imprimibles vacíos para que el estudiante los complete con ítems asociados a ellos + recortables con ítems asociados a los cinco sentidos.
Plantilla con soluciones incluida.
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - 5 Senses sorting activity
Other five-senses-themed resources you might be interested in:
Puzzles de los 5 sentidos
Por el precio de £2 más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Editable poster to work the numbers.
Previous and next concepts.
Double/half concepts
The resource includes:
Poster template
Poster example
Material externo para la actividad:
Laminating sheets
Whiteboard marker
Blue Tack
**Notes: **
This resource is also available in Spanish - El número protagonista
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
This activity will assist your students in reviewing their understanding of the five senses by working through the problems matching the each sentence (I can hear/smell/touch/taste/see) with the corresponding items.
This activity can be done individually or a group.
Five senses templates
The resource includes:
Template with five senses puzzles.
Material externo para la actividad:
Laminator (optional)
Laminating sheets (optional)
This resource is also available in Spanish - Puzzles de los 5 sentidos
Otros recursos sobre los cinco sentidos que te pueden interesar:
5 Senses sorting activity
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Your students will be able to review their understanding of the five senses with this activity.
Five Senses
Understanding of the world
The resource includes:
5 printables related to the five senses and things we perceive as a result of them.
5 Blank handouts for the students to complete with things associated with them + cutouts with things associated to the five senses.
Material externo para la actividad:
Glue Stick
This resource is also available in Spanish - Actividad de categorización (5 sentidos)
Other five-senses-themed resources you might be interested in:
5 Senses Puzzles
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Poster editable para trabajar los números.
Conceptos anterior y posterior.
Conceptos mitad y doble.
El recurso incluye:
Plantilla del poster
Poster de ejemplo
Material externo para la actividad:
Láminas para plastificar
Rotulador de pizarra blanca.
Blue Tack
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - The star number
Por el precio de £2 más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
This clip cards will hep your students to practise counting 1 through 20.
This clip cards will hep your students to practise counting 1 through 20.
To use the clip cards, print the PDF, cut and laminate the clip cards and they will be ready to use. Now you only need pegs hangers or other item to select the corresponding number.
Counting (1-20)
Ten frames
Clip cards
The resource includes:
PDF with clip cards (ten frames (1-10))
PDF with clip cards (ten frames (11-20))
To use the clip cards, print the PDF, cut and laminate the clip cards and they will be ready to use. Now you only need pegs hangers or other item to select the corresponding number.
Other resources you might be interested in:
Clip cards (Tally marks) (1-20)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Due to the nature of the resource and so you can edit the document freely, you’ll get a PDF sample of the sub plan and a link to the app Canva so you can edit the document.
This sub plan will enable your substitute teacher to have a deeper understanding of your class in order to ensure a successful (and safe) day.
The plan includes:
An introduction to the class.
Name list with the names of all students from the class (this list also includes their gender, date of birth, dietary requirements, if the need assistance or not and any pick-up specifications in addition to a gap to cover further notes).
Behaviour notes (write here any behaviour concern you think the supply teacher should be aware of)
Table alignment (you can create an easy map of the class with the table alignment with indications about who sits where, with a section dedicated to any change of seats).
Weekly timetable (overview).
Weekly timetable (this one is more specific with indications about where to find the resources needed)
Break rota.
PPA Time
Log in credentials
Monitors (Your class may or may not have monitors. If you do, you can list the different types of monitors you have, how frequently you replace them, etc.
Rules (here you can write down what your thoughts are about when using the toilets or drinking water, golden rules, how to respond to challenging behaviour, etc.
Other notes (you can write down who the first aiders/safeguarding leaders are, where to ding the staff directory, etc.
Notes about the day (for the supply teacher to fill in)
Sub Plan
The resource includes:
Sub Plan template.
Sub Plan example.
Estupendos posters con adivinanzas fáciles de recordar sobre la seguridad vial.
Contenido a trabajar:
Seguridad vial.
El recurso incluye:
7 Posters con adivinanzas sobre la seguridad vial.
**Notas: **
Sugiero imprimir, recortar y laminar los posters para una duración más larga.
Este recurso está disponible en otros formatos:
Posters con adivinanzas sobre seguridad Vial
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Individual worksheet about Space for shadow matching.
Individual work.
Shadow matching.
Space key concepts (planet, astronaut, comet, telescope).
The resource includes:
Worksheet template.
**Notes: **
This resource is also available in Spanish - Ficha de relación con sombras sobre el Espacio
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Ficha individual sobre el Espacio para relacionar las sombras con sus respectivos ítems.
Contenido a trabajar:
Trabajo individual.
Relación con sombras.
Términos sobre el espacio (planeta, telescopio, astronauta, cometa).
El recurso incluye:
Ficha de trabajo.
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - Space shadow matching worksheet
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!**
Editable poster to work the numbers.
Take Aways
Previous and next concepts.
The resource includes:
Poster template
PDF with rhymes about how to write numbers 0-9.
External material for the activity:
Laminating sheets
Whiteboard marker
Blue Tack
**Notes: **
This resource is also available in Spanish - Todo sobre el número
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional €2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Poster editable para trabajar los números.
Conceptos anterior y posterior.
El recurso incluye
Plantilla del poster
PDF con rimas sobre como escribir los números
Material externo para la actividad:
Láminas para plastificar
Rotulador de pizarra blanca.
Blue Tack
**Notas: **
Este recurso está disponible también en inglés - All about number
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!
Facts about Ireland (Cards)
Facts about Ireland
St Patrick’s Day
This pack includes:
PDF with 10 cards with facts about Ireland.
If you like this resource, you might be interested in:
Meet Ireland (Google Slides + PDF)
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
This template will help you to keep a record of the certificates you hand out to your students weekly.
For each term, you will find a template where you can record who receives a certificate and the reason why. This way, you can make sure you don’t give a student more than one certificate for the same reason and that you don’t leave anyone left out when it comes to give certificates. You’ll also find a page with possible reasons why you would like to give a certificate to someone and one more, where you can write down a list with the names of all students so you can cross out the names of the children who have received a certificate already.
Certificate chart.
The resource includes:
Cerificates chart - Example
Cerificates chart - Example
This resource is also available in Spanish.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
These wonderful posters will support your students in writing the numbers 0 through 9!
Numbers 1-9
Easy-to-remember rhymes in accordance with each number.
The resource includes 9 posters that show how to write the numbers 0 through 9 in English using simple rhymes.
**Notes: **
This resource is also available in Spanish - Rimas para escribir los números - Posters
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Support your students to skip counting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 with these hundred chart worksheets to complete the chart.
Individual work.
Number identification
Number writing
The resource includes:
PDF with hundred charts to support skip counting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
**Notes: **
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.
Fun resource for Saint Patrick’s Day!
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick’s symbols (leprechaun, hat, shamrock, Irish flag, pot of gold, traditional food (corn beef and cabbage) and harp)
This resource contains:
PDF with posters (We’re going on a hunt) to hang around the room.
PDF with tick lists (two formats) for each player.
If you like this resource, you might be interested in:
Saint Patrick Symmetry - Drawing templates
Saint Patrick’s Write-in Flashcards
Beginning Sounds Fill-In Cards (Saint Patrick)
I suggest you buying chocolate coins so once the children have found all the items, they can get some chocolate coins as a reward.
I customise the resource to your needs for an additional £2 in pricing.
I appreciate you taking a look at this resource. Please rate it and leave a comment if you enjoy it. Thank you.**
Estupendos posters con adivinanzas fáciles de recordar sobre la seguridad vial.
Contenido a trabajar:
Seguridad vial.
El recurso incluye:
7 Posters con adivinanzas sobre la seguridad vial.
**Notas: **
Sugiero imprimir, recortar y laminar los posters para una duración más larga.
Este recurso está disponible en otros formatos:
Posters con adivinanzas sobre seguridad vial
Por el precio de 2€ más, personalizo el recurso de acuerdo a tus necesidades.
Gracias por considerar este producto. Si te gusta, por favor, evalúelo y deje un mensaje. ¡Gracias!