I have over 25 years language teaching experience in UK secondary schools and 12 years as a Curriculum Leader. I was also a GCSE examiner for many years. I love languages and have enjoyed creating these resources. I am working on lots of resources for the GCSE new specifications.
I have over 25 years language teaching experience in UK secondary schools and 12 years as a Curriculum Leader. I was also a GCSE examiner for many years. I love languages and have enjoyed creating these resources. I am working on lots of resources for the GCSE new specifications.
This resource introduces 14 pets with a range of practice activities. It introduces the question ‘As-tu un animal?’ and a range of possible answers. There are pair work speaking activities, reading activities and writing activities, all based on the pets. A word search also accompanies the PowerPoint.
Great for home learning.
This PowerPoint introduces pupils to 20 zoo/ wild animals. The animals can be practised via pictures and then are followed with a listening activity. There is a word document that can be used for pupils to complete with the PowerPoint.
There are anagrams of the words and a match up activity. The plurals for the animals are introduced and then adjectives to describe them. There are translation exercises, a speaking task and reading comprehensions. Different animal habitats are introduced and then matched to different animals. There are also snake sentences to unjumble and write out. By the end of the PowerPoint (78 slides) pupils should be able to confidently speak/ write about these animals.
This is a set of resources to introduce and practice 27 classroom instructions and phrases. The PowerPoint initially 12 classroom instructions with practice exercises and then goes on to introduce and practice a further 15. The resource is easily adaptable if you want to introduce less. There are various activities on the PowerPoint and on an accompanying worksheet. The activities include speaking practice and repetition, match-ups, gap-fills, and a listening comprehension.
Pupils will gain a good knowledge of these classroom phrases, and will be able to recognise and use them in the classroom.
This resource introduces 14 pets with a range of practice activities. It introduces the question ‘Hast du ein Haustier?’ and a range of possible answers. There are tables to show the plural forms of the pets and a slide to show the use of the accusative form with Ich habe…. There are pair work speaking activities, reading activities and writing activities, all based on the pets. A word search also accompanies the PowerPoint (56 slides).
Easily adaptable for home learning.
This a sample of the resource packs that I have created for the GCSE New Specifications for each topic area within each theme. This sample contains many of the slides from the original PowerPoint and aims to give you an insight into these resources so you can ‘try before you buy’. In this PowerPoint there are still 51 slides, but this is quite a lot less than the payable resource and the listening section as well as parts of reading and speaking sections have been omitted. Also in the original resources there are always answers and a whole range of worksheets to go with the PowerPoint. I hope it’s useful.
This a set of resources to introduce and practice 27 classroom instructions and phrases. The PowerPoint initially 12 classroom instructions with practice exercises and then goes on to introduce and practice a further 15. The resource is easily adaptable if you want to introduce less. There are various activities on the PowerPoint and on an accompanying worksheet. The activities include speaking practice and repetition, match-ups, gap-fills, and a listening comprehension.
Pupils will gain a good knowledge of these classroom phrases, and will be able to recognise and use them in the classroom.
Easily adaptable for home learning.
There is a GCSE reading comprehension based on France's internal governmental proposals to current environmental issues. With the text there is a vocabulary match exercise, questions to answer in English and questions to answer in French. The second document has an extensive list of environment related vocabulary and phrases followed by translation exercises.
Easily adaptable for home learning.
There is a GCSE text about online shopping. The accompanying worksheet has a wide range of activities to complete, both directly related to the text and activities just related to the theme. Activities include vocabulary exercises, translation, comprehension and answering questions relevant to parts of the new specifications speaking and/ or writing exams.
This set of resources is aimed at German students who are going to be introduced to the present tense verb conjugation. There is lesson plan and all resources, including a Powerpoint presentation for entire lesson(s), a detailed lesson plan, worksheets etc needed for one or two lessons, after which time students will be able to conjugate regular present tense verbs and understand all grammar terms used.
This is a set of 28 question cards and 28 answer cards to get your pupils speaking to each other in French and great to use as starters for target language practice. They include questions about name age, likes, favourites, preferences, family, daily routine, and many more.
These fun colourful cards can be printed and cut into individual question and answer cards to be used in several different ways, depending on the ability and confidence of your students:
Both question and answer cards can be given to students in pairs to practice a conversation. (Easier level)
Question cards only given to pairs to practice a conversation. Students will need to form their own answers. (Middle level)
Students are only given the answer cards and need to use these to form the relevant questions. (Harder level)
It is essential that pupils can ask questions (not just answer them). Regular practice of these question and answer sessions will allow them to get used to asking questions and be able to formulate further questions independently.
This is a fun cultural resource that goes through various German Christmas traditions, in English, including some German words. This is aimed at pupils in both KS2 and KS3. There are 16 slides of information and pictures. After that, there is a multiple-choice quiz to check what pupils have understood and/or information they have retained. The quiz is on the PowerPoint (as are the answers) but there is also a separate worksheet version of the quiz. There is a writing / drawing activity for pupils to do at the end and then a separate word search document which has words from the activities.
This is a set of resources to introduce and cover the topic of body parts, illnesses, going to the doctor and going to the chemist. The PowerPoint resource introduces and practises: 26 body parts; avoir mal + body parts; 14 other illness expressions; conversations at the doctor’s and at the chemist’s; and different medications.
There is a range of different types of activities to complete and a worksheet that accompanies all of the exercises on the PowerPoint.
This is a step-by-step guide to using possessive adjectives in French. The PowerPoint slides can be used for pupils to record grammar notes in their books about the use of possessive adjectives. There are 37 slides and it goes through all possessive adjectives and there are lots of exercises to complete as you go through to check comprehension. Exercises include gap fill, reading comprehension and translations. There is a worksheet that accompanies the PowerPoint and a second worksheet that pupils could work on individually, in class or for homework.
This grammar sorting challenge is a whole class team game to revise and/ or check pupils’ understanding of grammatical terms. In teams pupils are given a large set of French words and each term must work together to attach each of their words to one of the 8 posters that are stuck up around the classroom with the following headings: Conjugated Verbs, Infinitives, Nouns, Subject Pronouns, Articles, Adjectives, Connectives and Time Phrases. Only one team member is allowed to be out of their seat at any one time. There is a PowerPoint slide to show the challenge on the board and it has a sound document attached - this is a timed challenge and pupils have only the length of the song to complete the challenge. At the end, teams are scored by the correct number of words they have under the appropriate grammatical headings. Each team has their words in a different colour font and therefore you can easily identify to which team the words belong. I have also included a further explanation document with this resource. Ideal to use after the PowerPoint ‘Understanding Grammatical Terms for French Learners.
Easily adaptable for home learning.
This resource is all about volcanoes, which comes under the ‘Global Issues’ GCSE topic. This works well with the AQA syllabus. There is a fairly lengthy reading comprehension document and this is accompanied by a PowerPoint and student worksheet. The PowerPoint contains a range of activities for students to complete, firstly based on the reading comprehension and then based on other work. There is a vocabulary match-up, a vrai/faux exercise, questions to answer in English, translations from French into English and a fill in the missing word exercise. ALL answers are provided on the PowerPoint.
This is a fun cultural resource that goes through various French Christmas traditions, in English, including some French words. This is aimed at pupils in both KS2 and KS3. There are 18 slides of information and pictures. After that, there is a multiple-choice quiz to check what pupils have understood and/or information they have retained. The quiz is on the PowerPoint (as are the answers) but there is also a separate worksheet version of the quiz. There is a writing / drawing activity for pupils to do at the end and a separate word search document which has words from the activities.
This is a set of resources to introduce and cover numbers from 1 – 100. There is a lengthy PowerPoint (74 slides) that covers initially 1 – 10 and then 11 – 20, followed by lots of practice activities. The numbers up to 100 are then introduced in stages. The PowerPoint has a whole range of activities, which are accompanied by a 6-page worksheet and a word search sheet. The activities include sums, number patterns and sequences, match-ups, true/false activities and oral practice. A great way to introduce numbers and build up to some challenging activities; ensuring the comprehension and use of all numbers up to 100.
This is a set of resources to introduce and cover numbers from 1 – 100. There is a lengthy PowerPoint (76 slides) that covers initially 1 – 10 and then 11 – 20, followed by lots of practice activities. The numbers up to 100 are then introduced in stages. The PowerPoint has a whole range of activities, which are accompanied by a 6-page worksheet, a word search sheet and a Sudoku sheet. The activities include sums, number patterns and sequences, match-ups, true/false activities and oral practice. A great way to introduce numbers and build up to some challenging activities; ensuring the comprehension and use of all numbers up to 100.
This resource is to introduce and practise the weather in the present tense. The PowerPoint initially introduces 12 weather phrases, with practice exercises. Each weather phrase has a listening icon so that you can hear the weather phrase, for pupils to repeat. There are a range of activities on the PowerPoint (as well as an accompanying worksheet), including a listening exercise, reading activities, a speaking task, a short writing task and a word search. Pupils will gain a good knowledge of a wide range of weather phrases, and will be able to recognise and use them confidently.