
Estimate and measure weight - Year 2/3/4 maths - Differentiated 3 ways - Plan and resources
Estimate and measure weight lesson
Ideal for years 3 but could also be used in year 2 or 4.
Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Estimate and measure capacity - Year 2/3/4 maths - Differentiated 3 ways - Plan and resources
Estimate and measure capacity
Ideal for years 3 but could also be used in year 2 or 4.
Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

A week of measure lessons - maths - year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
A week of measure lessons - maths - year 3
Based on the following WALTS:
Read scales
Estimate and measure length
Estimate and measure weight
Estimate and measure capacity and volume
Solve weight word problems
Each day is planned and differentiated 3 ways.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Reading scales - Year 2/3/4 maths - Differentiated 3 ways - Plan and resources
Reading scale (read scales)
Ideal for years 3 but could also be used in year 2 or 4.
Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 5 Negative numbers planning and resources
Year 5 KS2 Negative numbers planning and resources
Weekly plan
Some resources attached and some from books.

Year 5 - Division Planning Differentiated 5 Days
Year 5 - Division Planning Differentiated 5 Days
2014 National Curriculum.
Learning Intentions and Objectives:
To solve division problems with remainders
To use mental methods to divide by a one digit number.
To use a written method to solve division calculations.
To solve problems using division
To round after division

Year 5 - Maths Planning Bundle 8 Weeks some resources included.
Year 5 - Maths Planning Bundle 8 Weeks some resources included. Based on the 2014 curriculum.

Multiplication using the grid method activity worksheet including a challenge (Maths KS2)
Multiplication using the grid method activity worksheet including a challenge (Maths KS2)
Differentiated 3 ways includes a challenge.
Using in an observation lesson only thing to improve was to get to the challenge quicker.
KS2 Year 3

Year 3 maths 4 day plan - Rounding and finding 10 more ten less.
To know the multiple of ten that comes before and after any two and three digit number.
To round numbers to the nearest ten
To find ten more or ten less than any 2 or 3 digit number.
To find ten more or ten less than any 2 or 3 digit number.
Clear differentiated planning including mental oral, success criteria and plenary.
Easy to edit.

Maths Year 3 Planning (4 days) on Number and sequences.
4 days maths plan on number and sequences
Count in 4s and 8s from 0
Work out the rule for a sequence
To describe and extend sequences
Solve number problems - go to https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-word-problems-on-sequences-year-3-or-4-ks2-differentiated-3-ways-11514279 - for the word problems for this day.
Easy to edit and adapt.
Check out my other resources.

Missing box column addition and subtraction problems - Year 3 /4 L KS2 Differentiated Maths
Missing box column addition and subtraction problems - Answers included!
3 way differentiation
Aimed at Year 3 / 4
I have also included a multiplication using the grid method resource.
More details on each listing.
Check out some of my other KS2 planning and resources.

Maths - Word problems on sequences - Year 3 or 4 (KS2). Differentiated 3 ways.
Sequence word problems.
Aimed at year 3 or 4
Differentiated 3 ways.
Easy to adapt and fully editable for your own needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning.

Money Maths planning and differentiated resources (Whole Week) Year 3 KS2 LKS2
Money planning and activities for a week.
This is aimed at year 3.
Each day differentiated 3 ways.
Mon: Add amounts of money to make £1.
Tues: Find change from £1.
Wed: Calculate change for £5 or £10.
Thurs: Find the difference. (observed 'good' lesson)
Fri: Solve money problems.
All the planning and resources are fully editable for you to use.
Check out my other KS2 Resources at:

Partitioning numbers in a variety of ways - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Partitioning numbers in a variety of ways (2 and 3 digit - primarily)
Place value
Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Great for the first lesson back
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 3/Maths - First week back planning including resources - Place Value
Year 3 - First week back planning and all resources
Place Value - Partitioning
Differentiated (each day 3 ways)
Read and write numbers in words
Partition numbers
Partition numbers in a variety of ways
Compare digits
Order numbers
Add and multiples of 10 and 100

Adding multiplies of 10 and 100 - Addition- Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Adding multiplies of 10 and 100
Addition - Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs. ALSO see subtracting multiplies of 10 and 100 planning and resources
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 3 - First week back planning and all resources - Place Value - Partitioning - Differentiated
Year 3 - First week back planning and all resources
Place Value - Partitioning
Differentiated (each day 3 ways)
Partition numbers
Partition numbers in a variety of ways
Compare digits
Order numbers
Add and multiples of 10 and 100
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Addition and subtraction word problems mentally solve - Year 3 - Differentiated - Plan and resources
Addition and subtraction word problems mentally solve
Year 3 - Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Mental subtraction - Maths - Year 3/4 - Plan and resources - Differentiated 3 ways
Mental subtraction
WALT: Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit ( 2 digit from a 3 digit)
Maths - Year 2/3
Plan and resources - Differentiated 3 ways
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Addition and subtraction planning and resources - Mental Methods - Week Plan and all resources.
Mon: Subtract and multiples of 10 and 100
Tues: Mentally add two 2 digits numbers
Wed: Mentally subtract a 1 digit for a 2 digit. HA: Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit
Thurs: Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit
Fri: Solve addition and subtraction problems
Each day has resources differentiated 3 ways including weekly plan
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here