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Mental and written methods to solve multiplication calculations 4 days planning and resources.

Mental and written methods to solve multiplication calculations 4 days planning and resources.

Mental and written methods to solve multiplication calculations 4 days planning and resources differentiated. Pitched at year 5 - Autumn term. Learning Intentions/ Objectives To use mental methods for multiplying a two digit number by a one digit number. To use a written method to solve multiplication calculations. To use a written method to solve multiplication calculations. To solve multiplication word problems.
Year 5 Division Planning 3 Days

Year 5 Division Planning 3 Days

Year 5 Division Planning 3 Days Please see my other resources for previous division planning. 2014 National Curriculum. Learning Intentions and Objectives: To divide using short division with remainders. To divide expressing the remainder as a fraction To solve division problems
Year 3 - Maths planning on tenths (decimals) differentiated

Year 3 - Maths planning on tenths (decimals) differentiated

Learning Objectives / WALTS: To understand the term one tenth. To know different ways to write one tenth. To know how to write a tenth as a decimal. To understand the place value of units and tenths. 5 days differentiated planning. Year 3 - Clear and editable. Vocabulary. Tenth, decimal place, place value, partition. Learning Objective: To be able to round decimal numbers. Context: Number lines Vocabulary: Round, decimal, tenth, unit. Learning Intention: To solve problems. Context: Fractions and decimals. Vocabulary: Round, decimal, tenth, unit, partition, place value, decimal place.
Maths - Column addition and subtraction planning including resources differentiated KS2

Maths - Column addition and subtraction planning including resources differentiated KS2

Column addition and subtraction planning including resources 3 way differentiation on all resources. All resources there for each day. 5 day maths plan Aimed at year 3 lower KS2 WALTS / LI / LO Add two 2 digit numbers using the column addition method. Add a 3 digit to a 2 digit number using the column addition method. Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number the column subtraction method. Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number the column subtraction method. Solve addition and subtraction problems Clear and editable planning and resources.
Year 3 - 6 weeks maths planning including some resources.

Year 3 - 6 weeks maths planning including some resources.

11 Resources
Year 3 - 6 weeks maths planning including some resources. Also included in Easter code breaking problem and missing box addition and subtraction problems All resources fully editable. See individual resources for more details . Check out the other items in my shop!