
Key Stage 3, Globalisation, Introduction
This lesson introduces students to the concept of globalisation and that their world is increasingly interconnected with other nations.

AQA Geography Natural Hazards End of Topic Review
This resource helps students to identify areas of weakness in need of revision for the Natural Hazards topic.

Key Stage 3, Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Maria
This set of PowerPoint and worksheet resource teaches students about the formation of tropical storms and uses Hurricanes Helene (2024) and Maria (2017) as case studies.

Key Stage 3, Introduction to Weather
One PowerPoint and two Word resources that support a Key Stage 3 class in identfying types of weather and applying their understanding of forecasting.

Key Stage 3, Weather or Climate
This lesson supports students in identifying the difference between weather and climate.

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Systems Framework, dynamic equilibrium
This lesson forms an introduction to the Coastal Landscapes AQA A Level topic. It introduces the concepts of dynamic equilibrium, systems framework model and key processes.

Key Stage 3, Climate, Temperature Variation, UK, Global
This resource supports students in identifying a range of reasons why temperatures vary around the world. It uses multiple methods of encouraging independence and curiosity in students.

Key Stage 3, pressure, anticyclone, depression
This lesson introduces students to the idea of high and low pressure, then teaches them the formation and weather patterns of anticyclones and depressions.

Key Stage 3, rainfall, relief, frontal, convectional
This PowerPoint walks students through the principles of the water cycle and then on to relief, convectional and frontal rainfall.

Key Stage 3, Weather and Climate, Climate Graphs, Comparison
This lesson teaches students the structure of constructing a climate graph as well as comparing climate graphs between Bournemouth and Edinburgh.

GCSE A Level Tropical Storms Key Words
This resource is intended for use as a homework task, but could also be used as part of a lesson or for independent revision.

GCSE A Level 100 Hours Revision Resource
This resource was creates to allow students to visually understand the building of time that happens through homework and additional revision. This should help students to see the contribution that home learning makes to their time spent learning. It can be used for all subjects and comes in three colourways.

Changing Places - Clone Towns, Globalisation, homogenisation, placeless
A lesson bundle including a PowerPoint with learning tasks embedded within, maps of Exeter as an example of a clone town, an article about Totnes as an example of a place resisting change and an example of an analyse question.

Changing Places - Representation of Place, formal, informal, abstract, media represenations
This is a lesson bundle that includes a PowerPoint with a range of tasks and an additional task resource that creates the opportunity for students to develop their own case study.

Changing Places - Forces of Change, Rebranding, TNCs, local, national groups
A lesson bundle including a PowerPoint that guides students through a range of learning modes.
A note-taking grid to go along with the lesson and individual research
An article on the Raval quarter of Barcelona as a case study of rebranding
A note-taking grid to go along with a youtube video on Newham and gentrification

A Level Changing Places - Categories of Place, near, far, experienced, media
A large bundle of resources. PowerPoint with embedded tasks, a mid-topic quiz (also available for purchase separately), resources.
Also, a scaffold to support students’ writing a 20 mark question and an activity to support them developing their skills of higher level writing.

Changing Places- Perception of Place, gender, disability, religion, nationality, gentrification
A lesson bundle including a PowerPoint, article, two worksheet activities.
When teaching, I also use the Gentrification and Grenfell article from Geography Review. I cannot upload this due to copyright infringement.

AQA A Level Changing Places Test
A ready-to-print paper that includes a 6, 9 (figure) and 20-mark question.
Questions taken from AQA published past paper.

Changing Places - Place Attachment theory
A lesson bundle including PowerPoint, note taking frame that can be used while watching a YouTube video and quiz.