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Key Stage 3, Globalisation, Introduction
This lesson introduces students to the concept of globalisation and that their world is increasingly interconnected with other nations.

AQA Coastal Landscapes / Coasts Bundle
This bundle includes all that will be needed to teach the AQA Coastal Landscapes topic at A Level.
The case studies referred to within this topic include: Start Bay, Holderness, Odisha, Sundarbans, Kiribati

Key Stage 3, Weather and Climate, End of Topic Test
This assessment completes the Key Stage 3 topic of Weather and Climate.
I do also have the full bundle of resources that builds to this assessment for sale, if interested.

Weather and Climate Key Stage 3
This generous bundle includes 11 thorough lesson packs as well as an end of topic assessment. Each pack includes a PowerPoint resource as well as one or two worksheets or resources to pair.
It was created to be used with Year 9, but can be used throughout Key Stage 3.

Key Stage 3, Microclimates Investigation
This set of resources was created to support students in a scaffolded independent investigation into microclimates around the school site. The resources are tailored to our school, but the context can be easily changed.

AQA Geography Natural Hazards End of Topic Review
This resource helps students to identify areas of weakness in need of revision for the Natural Hazards topic.

AQA GCSE Geography, Climate Change, Mitigation, Adaptation
A PowerPoint, pdf and resource to help students understand the concepts of mitigation and adaptation. This includes a structured plan scaffold for a 9-mark question.

Key Stage 3, UK Climate, Bournemouth and Edinburgh
This lesson teaches students how to construct a climate graph and compare two locations. It includes a PowerPoint and data for Bournemouth.

GCSE A Level Tropical Storms Key Words
This resource is intended for use as a homework task, but could also be used as part of a lesson or for independent revision.

GCSE A Level 100 Hours Revision Resource
This resource was creates to allow students to visually understand the building of time that happens through homework and additional revision. This should help students to see the contribution that home learning makes to their time spent learning. It can be used for all subjects and comes in three colourways.

AQA A Level Coastal Landscapes Bundle
A bundle of resources designed to support the teaching of the AQA Geography A Level syllabus. Included is an entire scheme of work with PowerPoints, activity resources, retrieval practice activities, examples of past paper questions and an end of topic test.
Everything you need to teach this topic!

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Shoreline Management Plans
This bundle of resources equips student in understanding the concept and function of Shoreline Management Plans (SMPs) in the UK. This also uses the example of the South Devona and Dorset SMP and so I have included my resources on a previously uploaded case study of Start Bay in Devon, as this might help for context.

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Coastal Management, Case Study, Start Bay
This bundle of resources supports students in building a case study of a local scale coastal environment in the UK (Start Bay, Devon, UK). It includes a PowerPoint, map resource, two pdf articles.
I have also included my previously uploaded resources on coastal management, for context, as I feel this may be helpful to teachers looking to teach this lesson.

AQA A Level Coastal Landscapes Revision Bundle
This bundle includes an end of topic test, a quiz, a task designed to support the development of evaluation, key words, case studies and the specification.

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Management Case Study, Odisha, Sundarbans
This case study exemplifies management in two examples beyond the UK using Odisha and the Sundarbans. This bundle includes a PowerPoint and resources to support the teaching of this key case study in the topic.

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Management, holistic, traditional
This small bundle of lessons supports students in learning the strategies used to manage processes along coastline.

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Landscapes
This bundle includes a PowerPoint and booklet to support students understanding the formation of the formation of coastal landscapes.

AQA A Level, Coastal Landscapes, Systems and Processes
This students introduces the topic’s processes and highlights the differences or additions from GCSE to A Level.

AQA Geography A Level Global Governance
A bundle of resources designed to support the teaching of the AQA Geography A Level syllabus. Included is an entire scheme of work with PowerPoints, activity resources, retrieval practice activities, examples of past paper questions and an end of topic test.
Everything you need to teach this topic!

AQA A Level, Global Commons, Antarctica
These resources support students in applying the concepts of Global Governance to the example of Antarctica.