This is full PYPX Student Activity/Guide taking students all the way up to the final PYP Exhibition. This was provided to students on Canva for completion. The Canva link is on the last page of the pdf, and you will need to make a copy to edit.
Contents include:
What Is the PYP Exhibition?
Useful links (please note links have been removed due to copyright, you may insert your own links)
Tuning In: Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry
Finding out and Sorting Out.
Making Conclusions and Taking Action
Exhibition and Final Reflection
Going Further
This is part one of a Grade 5 PYP How We Express Ourselves Unit on how art can influence our understanding of the world.
I started off by using a Raz-Kids ‘The Art of People Theme Pack’ to explore what art is.
We then used a Place2Be CMHW activity from YouTube, before exploring the concepts of perspective, form and function through Part 1, gaining an understanding of what influences our understanding of art.
This resource is provided as a pdf, with a link to the Canva on the last page. You will have to ‘make a copy’ to use.
Please also note, I used School AI to level the articles (links to the original articles are included in the resource, but not the levelled articles).
This Zones of Regulation Display can be used with classes of any age to encourage regular emotional check-ins. This encourages learners to develop a greater understanding of their own emotions and develop compassion and empathy in their interactions with others.
This resource includes a Canva link on the last page, so purchasers are able to make a copy and add/delete rows as required. You can use velcro tape to make the display interactive (please see the image attached).
The following rubrics are included in this resource:
Personal Narrative Composition Rubric - Story Elements, Paragraphs, Descriptive Techniques, Adverbials and SPAG
Personal Narrative Performance Rubric - Characters, Tone and Emphasis, Speed and Pacing, Expressions and Movement, Enthusiastic and Engaging.
These rubrics were used with Year 6 learners in an International School setting.
This is an activity I set for homework each week, which encourages learners to explore their spelling words.
Every week, learners will have to:
Find definitions for their spelling words
Write sentences with their spelling words
Write a short story with their spelling words
Explain which is their favourite word, why and how they will use it
Think about the spelling rule we are looking at
Create a word search using their spelling words
Put the words in alphabetical order
Practice handwriting using their spelling words
Explore other words they can find in their spelling words
9 Activities in total, activity 10 is their spelling quiz on Kahoot!
There is an editable link on the last page for teachers who wish to change some of the activities.
This is a resource to use on the first day back with your UKS2 learners.
The resource guides learners through a Canva, to explore the basic elements and provide invaluable information for the teacher.
Through completing the ‘Important Information about Me’ activity, learners will know how to:
Use the draw tool on Canva
Insert pictures into frames
Rotate/Resize images
Insert text boxes
Add comments
Colour elements
Share a design
The teacher will know:
Your learners’ favourite things.
Their hopes and dreams for the year.
How they like to participate in a group/class setting.
How you can tell when there is a problem/how they will ask for help.
How you can help your learners individually.
What each child prefers to be known as.
You can upload the pdf to Canva to edit or, alternatively, click on the link on the last page to duplicate the design.
Please find attached the pdf of a Nearpod lesson, to assist with teaching the story elements to KS2 learners.
When you upload the pdf to Nearpod, you may have to reinsert the videos and activities, however, the majority of the lesson can just be inserted as individual slides.
The lesson structure is as follows:
Collaborative discussion
Introduction to learning objectives
Video prompt
Defining story elements (matching activity)
Matching story sequence to the elements.
Second video prompt
Individual activity - creating a story mountain for the video.
Impact of missing elements
Improving stories
Storytelling project suggestion with rubric.
This resource has been designed for Year 5 learners following the Cambridge International Curriculum.
The writers were asked to pick a scene from a short selection of clips from Alice in Wonderland (from YouTube), and we asked to write the scene from the point of view of one of the characters.
The assessment rubric comes with a themed planning sheet to get them started.
This Explainer Video Rubric and Planning Sheet were made for the speaking and listening element of the Year 5 explanation text unit. Originally created for the Cambridge International Curriculum, these documents can be easily edited by uploading to Canva.
The planning sheet comes with some useful tips to keep learners on the right path throughout the project.
Here is a research sheet I created for Year 4 when visiting a Jomon period gallery. It can be easily be adapted to other eras by uploading to Canva and changing the title.
This resource accompanies the Year 5 Explanation text rubric:
Explanation Text Rubric
This resource has been aligned to the Cambridge International Primary Curriculum.
Originally created for Year 5, this planning sheet can be adapted to suit any age group. To edit, please upload the pdf to Canva for best results.This resource accompanies the Year 5 Fable rubric, link below:
This is a self-marking Microsoft Forms quiz available to duplicate. I used this in conjunction with an English topic based on Traditional Tales.
You can find the duplicate link on page 5 of the pdf.
This is a Microsoft Form available to duplicate. I use this as a daily check in with my Year 5 students, however, it could be edited to suit any primary/lower secondary age range.
The link to duplicate the form is on page 5 of the pdf.
In these first 3 lessons, Year 5 learners were introduced to folder organisation on OneDrive. They were then asked to input a table from Science into Excel to format, calculate average and produce a chart.
Please note, this is a brief introduction delivered over 3 x 45 minute lessons.
Used as a Fabulous Finish for Year 5 learners, this resource includes the following:
Brief and Rubric
Editable research template
Week 1 Powerpoint, including research/mood board and basic design creation.