Resources provided range from GCSE Science to A-Level Chemistry and A-Level Biology. All the resources provided are ready to go and should require minimum adjustments. They contain activities for students to complete within each powerpoint.
Resources provided range from GCSE Science to A-Level Chemistry and A-Level Biology. All the resources provided are ready to go and should require minimum adjustments. They contain activities for students to complete within each powerpoint.
Full lesson which outlines the pathogenesis of Staph. bacteria, the influenza virus and tuberculosis. Contains a case study of Staph. species and a TB card sort. Suitable for all A level biology specifications but aimed at Edexcel Biology B - Topic 6.
Planning sheet to be printed on A3 paper, you then walk through each question using the Powerpoint, students make simple notes and then attempt to answer each question. This is to be used with the C2 Edexcel Specimen Paper available on the Edexcel website.
50 minute lesson designed for new BTEC Applied Science Level 3 (New Specification). Lesson covers the first few learning points of Unit 1 - Principles and Applications of Science - Physics - C2 Waves in Communication. Lesson outlines the term Refraction, summarises some basic GCSE Physics content and then uses a few sample exam questions to check understanding and encourages students to use equations they are given in the external exam.
Full 50 minute lesson contain covering the New 9-1 Edxcel GCSE Biology Specification. Contains a variety of activities and resources to support the learning of Enzyme Rate calculations. Includes examples and activity to go over calculations.
A-Level Chemistry lesson that explains how to write redox equations using half equations and from oxidation numbers. Examples given, hand written on the powerpoint and exam question pack for students to complete. Originally made for OCR A Chemistry but suitable for all post 16 Chemistry exam boards.
Powerpoint presentation that can be laminated and used as a display in corridors or in the Science classroom. Could also be used at a careers fair or event.
Short lesson which outlines the importance of Surface to Volume ratio. Includes short video clip and worksheet where students perform some simple calculations. Suitable for most A level Biology specifications.
Full lesson which supports the Core Practical 12 - Using optical method to measure bacterial growth. Lesson and power point outlines how to carry out Aseptic techniques, provides sample data, sample graphs and will allow students to evidence the standards for this core practical. Also involves calculation of exponential growth rate constant.
Bundle containing all the lessons from the OCR Chemistry B topic. I have personally used a taught from these and they worked really well. The calculations have been modelled in each lesson and allow students to develop a mastery of the topics.
Ready to teach lesson. Accompanying worksheets and resources all found in powerpoint and ready to print. Lesson covers the AQA spec and goes over how water is processed to make it potable. I have used this many times and it seems to work well to cover the content.
Ready to teach lesson. Contains starter/do now activity. Video clips, exam style questions and markschemes. Scaffolded 6 mark questions and theory surrounding electromagnets.
Ready to teach, contains a lower ability and higher ability starter/do now. Outlines what magnetic fields are. Stretch and challenge questions, exam style questions with markschemes. Perfect for AQA or EDEXCEL exam boards.
Lesson 2 in the SOW for Biology B Topic 1 - Biological Molecules. In this lesson students focus more closely on carbohydrates and describe the key differences between alpha glucose, beta glucose. They also will be highlighting the differences in structure and function of glycogen, cellulose and starch. Molly mod kits are needed for this lesson. There are also an assortment of exam questions which can be used.
A full lesson, easily adaptable for a single or double lesson. Lesson plan can be found on first slide. This is entirely suitable for the first ever Biology A-Level lesson as an introduction into key Biological Molecules. This could even be used as a Biology A-Level taster lesson for prospective 6th form students. This is suitable for use with new Edexcel Biology B specification. Lesson also involves the active use of molecular model kits.
Simple worksheet also included for students to complete during the lesson or as independent study. The worksheet simply requires them to draw, name and describe the uses of Key Biological molecules.
2 worksheets created for a lower ability Year 8 class. Perfect for a starter activity, students can match up the pictures to the description and name of the resource. This could be completed on the interactive white board or printed and given to students as a short starter activity.
Non-renewable and renewable energy resources covered.
Atomic Structure and Nuclear Physics KS3 Scheme of Work created to replace the Rocks and Weathering Unit at KS3. (As the majority of the Rocks content has been taken out of the new Science GCSEs first exam June 2017). This includes 9 full 100 minute lessons plus resources for each. The full scheme of work and lesson plan for each is also included with additional technician notes for each lesson. This unit is ready to use and implement and could save hours and hours of work for your team. We have been using this with our Year 8 pupils and it is a great way to introduce some difficult concepts early on such as Atomic Structure and Nuclear Physics.
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Full lesson outlining Gas Volume calculations, ready to pick up and teach. Includes colour coded differentiated calculation questions. Exam questions for edexcel C3 also included with markscheme.