I am the Head of Physics at a Comprehensive Secondary School in Basingstoke. I am also the Head of BTEC Science, a Teaching and Learning Coach and Assistant G&T Co-ordinator.
I believe students learn in many ways and incorporate many learning styles in my teaching.
I love being able to enthuse and inspire my students every day and as a result I enjoy consistent outstanding lessson observations and exam success!
I believe I have the best job in the world, even on the toughest days...!
I am the Head of Physics at a Comprehensive Secondary School in Basingstoke. I am also the Head of BTEC Science, a Teaching and Learning Coach and Assistant G&T Co-ordinator.
I believe students learn in many ways and incorporate many learning styles in my teaching.
I love being able to enthuse and inspire my students every day and as a result I enjoy consistent outstanding lessson observations and exam success!
I believe I have the best job in the world, even on the toughest days...!
Teacher starts with starter to generate interest. Then slide 3 models answer. Students complete slide 4 for themselves. A complete modelled answer follows so students can understand how to achieve a particular level. The idea is then taken out of context and students can be as adventurous and as creative as they like! Peer-assessment and keyword challenge ends. This was an outstanding resource in a recent observation.
A lovely PowerPoint presentation generating lots of discussion with lots of pictures. A create-your-own activity followed by TTR and peer assessment and good plenary follow.
This is for 20 APP resources that cover areas about investigations, plotting graphs, analysing data and risk assessing.
They cover Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9. They are all practical based activities (either experiment or using data) and they each take a whole lesson.
Print them out on A3 yellow paper so you can easily locate them in student's books.
Each APP task is write in boxes on one side. Other side is success criteria, teacher and student somment boxes. Very easy to mark, just highlight the criteria students attained.
Year 7:
Graph Drawing Sycamore Seeds
Trends and Patterns Titanic Density
Risk Assessment of Neutralisation
Plan Separation Techniques
Secindary Sources for Frictional Forces
Tabulating Data of Light Intensity
Year 8:
Why do People Smoke SMSC
How Much Fat Is In a Crisp Tabulate Data
What's So Special About Alkali Metals Trends and Patterns
Burning Magnesium Data Analysis
Electromagnets Drawing Graphs
Streamlining with Plasticine Evaluation of Procedure
Year 9:
Should Cannabis be Legalised Application of Data
Holly Leaves and Prickles Interpreting Trends
Rates of Reaction Evaluating Procedure
How Do You Make A Salt PLan an Investigation
What Crushed My Can Explaining Evidence
Resistance Of A Wire Presenting Data
Quadrats gathering Information
Salol Risk Assessment
I designed these so they could be used to prepare students for the skills needed at GCSE. Our department made them a priority.
I made this lesson after teaching microscopy, fingerprint analysis, chromatography and density to Year 7. I linked it with Jack the Ripper and the students had to justify who the culprit was. Great fun and helped me to get an Outstanding lesson observation. Let me know what you think!