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An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French. Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.




An MFL teacher and private tutor focusing on producing high-quality, interactive resources for MFL students - primarily working with Spanish and French. Feel free to message to organise a personalised bundle.
Viva 2, Module 4.4 - Qué vas a llevar

Viva 2, Module 4.4 - Qué vas a llevar

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons), and 2 handouts, which focus on Viva 2’s Module 4.3: Cómo te preparas. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students. Disclaimer: These resources are based on the vocabulary within this chapter, however do not directly follow the activities within the Textbook Powerpoint/lesson 1: 55 slides Colour vocabulary starter Introduction of clothes vocabulary Vocabulary activities ES>EN translations Grammar point on “llevar” Grammar point on adjective agreement Grammar activities Writing tasks Writing plenary game Dictation plenary game /// Powerpoint//lesson 2: 22 slides Clothes vocabulary starter Dictation task Vocabulary activities Reading comprehension Grammar point on ‘este/esta/estos/estas’ Grammar activities Mosaic translations Tangled translations Points plenary game
Viva 2, Module 1.1 - De vacaciones

Viva 2, Module 1.1 - De vacaciones

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 2’s Module 1.1: De vacaciones. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students. Powerpoint/lesson 1 (HIGHER): 30 slides Cultural insight starter activity Grammar introduction (‘fui’) Introduction of country vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehensions x2 Transport vocabulary activities Trapdoor speaking activity Speaking role-play activity Tic-tac-toe plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2 (FOUNDATION): 30 slides Cultural insight starter activity Grammar introduction (‘fui’) Introduction of country vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Transport vocabulary activities ES>EN translations Trapdoor speaking activity Speaking role-play activity Tic-tac-toe plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 3 (HIGHER): 18 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Introduction of ‘qué + adjective’ Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Recap of ‘pasado’ vocabulary Pair dictation activity Class speaking activities Writing task Plenary game to recap vocabulary /// Powerpoint/lesson 4 (FOUNDATION) 17 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Listening comprehension Introduction of ‘qué + adjective’ Reading comprehension Class speaking activities Writing task Pair dictation activity Plenary game to recap vocabulary
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.4 - Dónde te quedaste

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 2.4 - Dónde te quedaste

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons), and 1 handout, which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 2.4: Dónde te quedaste. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 30 slides Negative holiday activities match-up starter activity Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities Introduction of imperfect tense Difference between preterite and imperfect Grammar activities EN>ES translation Battleships grammar plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 25 slides Imperfect tense starter activity Introduction of ‘quedarse’ Listening/dictation task Introduction of specific hotel vocabulary Reading comprehension Grammar tasks EN>ES translations Speaking tasks x4 /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 12 slides Translation starter activity Listening comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 3.1 - Esta es mi gente

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 3.1 - Esta es mi gente

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 3.1: Esta es mi gente. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 21 slides Knowledge retrieval starter activity Listening comprehension Dictation task Introduction of possessive pronouns Grammar activities EN>ES translations ‘Texting story’ reading comprehension Reading comprehension Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 18 slides ‘Instagram-style’ starter activity Introduction of present continuous tense Grammar activities EN>ES translations Reading comprehension Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 11 slides Present continuous tense starter activity Listening comprehension Recap of photo card exam question Speaking preparation (involving present continuous tense) Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: 16 slides Physical description starter activity Dictation task Recap of vocabulary (hair/eyes) Vocabulary activities Reading comprehension Speaking tasks Writing task
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 6.1 - Medellín, ciudad inteligente

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 6.1 - Medellín, ciudad inteligente

A Spanish bundle comprising of 5 powerpoints (5 individual lessons) and 3 handouts which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 6.1:Medellín, ciudad inteligente. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. The first two lessons are based on the ‘Mi barrio y yo’ introduction-to-the-module pages of the textbook. This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 34 slides Knowledge retrieval starter activity Colombia warm-up activity Vocab activities Listening activities x3 Recap of ‘este/esta…’ Grammar activities Introduction of ‘se encuentra(n)’ ES>EN translations EN>ES translations /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 21 slides Town vocabulary starter activity Recap of direct object pronouns Grammar activities Reading comprehension Vocabulary activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking tasks Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3 (student access needed to Internet for this): 27 slides Translation starter activity Dictation task Cultural aspect on Colombia Worksheet lesson (based on research and language activities) Plenary translation game /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: 25 slides Complex vocab starter activity Introduction of the perfect tense Grammar activities Outline of irregular past participles ES>EN translations EN>ES translations /// Powerpoint/lesson 5: 16 slides Perfect tense starter activity Listening comprehensions x2 Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task Plenary video on Mariana Pajón
Viva 2, Module 3.3 - En el restaurante

Viva 2, Module 3.3 - En el restaurante

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) and 2 word documents which focus on Viva 2’s Module 3.3: En el restaurante. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students. Powerpoint/lesson 1: 20 slides Food vocabulary starter activity Grammar rule (‘usted’ vs ‘tú’) Grammar activities Reading comprehension Listening comprehension Speaking task – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 15 slides Food vocabulary recall starter ES>EN translations Recap of endings for the preterite tense Grammar activity Reading comprehension Writing task
Spanish AQA GCSE 7.4 Solicitando un trabajo

Spanish AQA GCSE 7.4 Solicitando un trabajo

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 7.4: Solicitando un trabajo. This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. DISCLAIMER: The second powerpoint doesn’t use the textbook resources, but rather past-paper questions – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 16 slides Profession vocabulary starter activity Listening comprehensions x2 Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 13 slides Question words vocabulary starter activity Listening questions x4 (foundation and higher) Reading questions x3 (foundation and higher) Writing question (90-word email)
Viva 2, Module 1 BUNDLE

Viva 2, Module 1 BUNDLE

4 Resources
A Spanish bundle comprising of 10 powerpoints (10 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 2’s Module 1: Mis vacaciones. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students. – VIVA 2, MODULE 1.1 - De vacaciones Powerpoint/lesson 1: 30 slides Cultural insight starter activity Grammar introduction (‘fui’) Introduction of country vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehensions x2 Transport vocabulary activities Trapdoor speaking activity Speaking role-play activity Tic-tac-toe plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 18 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Introduction of ‘qué + adjective’ Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Recap of ‘pasado’ vocabulary Pair dictation activity Class speaking activities Writing task Plenary game to recap vocabulary VIVA 2, MODULE 1.2 - Qué hiciste 29 slides Free-time vocabulary starter activity Introduction of past holiday activities vocabulary Vocabulary activities Grammar activities Listening comprehension EN>ES translations Pass-the-parcel plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Instagram-style starter activity Vocabulary activities Dictation activity Reading comprehension Speaking task Writing task Tic-tac-toe plenary activity VIVA 2, MODULE 1.3 - El último día Powerpoint/lesson 1: 23 slides Fill-in-the-gaps starter activity Grammar rules recap Introduction of new vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Speaking task Plenary game to recap vocabulary /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Vocabulary starter activity (flip the phrases) Introduction of time phrases Listening comprehension ES>EN translation Reading comprehension Writing task Plenary game to recap vocabulary VIVA 2, MODULE 1.4 - Cómo te fue Powerpoint/lesson 1: 23 slides Holiday activities vocabulary starter EN>ES translations Introduction of ‘fue + adjective’ Opinion vocabulary activities Introduction of reasoning vocabulary Listening comprehension Pronunciation activity Dictation task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2 (FOUNDATION): 14 slides Holiday activities vocabulary starter Dictation activity Reading comprehension Introduction of ‘fuimos’ and ‘visitamos’ ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2 (HIGHER): 17 slides Holiday activities vocabulary starter Dictation activity Reading comprehension Introduction of ‘fuimos’ and ‘visitamos’ Grammar rules (yo --> nosotros) ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3 (WRITING): 14 slides Country vocabulary starter Vocabulary activities (holiday activities/modes of transport/opinions) EN>ES translations Writing task
Spanish Grammar - Ser v Estar

Spanish Grammar - Ser v Estar

A 10-page Spanish resource which outlines the differences between the verbs “Ser” and “Estar” in Spanish. This resource mainly incorporates grammar activities. Level: Simple Tenses used: Present Tense Skills developed: Grammar For more information about the author, please visit: https://jessyemills.wixsite.com/languages
Viva 1, Module 4.4 - Cómo es tu casa o tu piso

Viva 1, Module 4.4 - Cómo es tu casa o tu piso

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 1’s Module 4.4: Fiesta. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7-8) students. Powerpoint/lesson 1: 30 slides Match-up phrase starter activity Introduction of location vocabulary Vocabulary activities EN>ES translations Listening comprehension Speaking activity Writing task Tic-tac-toe plenary activity – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 15 slides ‘5-a-day’ retrieval starter activity Compass vocabulary Directions activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Speaking trapdoor EN>ES translations Writing task
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 1.1 - Mi vida digital

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 1.1 - Mi vida digital

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 1.1: Mi vida digital. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. The first powerpoint is based on the ‘diviértete’ spread within the AQA textbooks (Pearson). /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 19 slides Retrieval knowledge starter activity Cultural knowledge on Hispanic countries Pronunciation task Recap of nationalities Dictation task Reading comprehension Pronunciation activities Speaking tasks Tic-tac-toe pronunciation plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 29 slides Online activities vocabulary starter activity Recap of present tense endings Grammar activities Vocabulary activities Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Speaking task Optional grammar battleships plenary activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 20 slides Present tense starter activity Dictation task Vocabulary activities Reading comprehension EN>ES translations ‘Prefiero’ grammar point Speaking task Writing task Where’s Wally vocabulary plenary activity
Studio 1, Module 5.1 - Les vacances, mode d'emploi

Studio 1, Module 5.1 - Les vacances, mode d'emploi

A French bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on Studio 1’s Module 5.1: Les vacances, mode d’emploi. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7) students. – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 29 slides Country vocabulary starter Brief recap of ‘je vais’/‘nous allons’ Vocabulary activities EN>FR translations Listening comprehension Grammar task (conjugating verbs with ‘nous’) Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 15 slides Holiday activity match-up starter Recap of ‘nous’ ending Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Trapdoor speaking task EN>FR translations Speaking activity /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 23 slides 5-a-day starter activity (retrieval) Vocabulary activities Recap of grammar rule (en/au/aux) Grammar activities EN>FR translations Writing task
Spanish AQA GCSE 8.1 - Piensa globalmente

Spanish AQA GCSE 8.1 - Piensa globalmente

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 8.1: Piensa globalmente (including 2x punto de partida). This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 31 slides Retrieval knowledge starter activity Recap of compass points Introduction of specific house vocabulary Recap of room vocabulary Vocabulary activities Differentiation: Es/está/esta EN>ES translations Recap of ‘desde hace’ Speaking tasks x5 /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides Imaginative vocabulary starter activity Recap of ‘se puede +inf’ Reading comprehension Recap of preterite tense Grammar activities EN>ES translations Speaking task Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides STARS starter activity Introduction of key vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Recap of superlative structure Grammar activities EN>ES translations Ping Pong Translation task Speaking tasks /// Powerpoint/lesson 4: Vocabulary match-up starter activity Recap of ‘hay que’ Listening comprehension Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
Spanish AQA GCSE 8.3 - Vivir a tope

Spanish AQA GCSE 8.3 - Vivir a tope

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 8.3: Vivir a tope. The second lesson doesn’t immediately follow the textbook, but rather focuses on the pros and cons of ‘fumar’ (smoking). This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. – Powerpoint/lesson 1: 18 slides Instagram-style starter activity Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension ‘Texting story’ reading comprehension Speaking tasks Vocabulary retrieval plenary game /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Vocabulary retrieval starter activity Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Pros and cons of smoking vocabulary Speaking tasks Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3: 24 slides Smoking-related phrases starter activity Recap of imperfect tense ES>EN translations Introduction of ‘dejé de’ and ‘comencé a’ Reading comprehensions x2 EN>ES translations Writing task
Viva 1, Module 3.1 - Qué estudias

Viva 1, Module 3.1 - Qué estudias

A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons), and one ‘cryptogram’ worksheet, which focus on Viva 1’s Module 3.1: Qué estudias. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7-8) students. Powerpoint/lesson 1: 42 slides Cultural starter based on schools Recap of ‘days of the week’ Introduction of subjects Vocabulary activities to practice subject vocabulary Reading comprehension Cryptogram activity Speaking activity Plenary game to recap vocabulary – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 22 slides Vocabulary starter based on subjects Dialogue activity (prompting speaking and listening skills) to introduce complex structures Small grammar section on ‘estudiar’ ES>EN translations Listening comprehension Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task
Viva 1, Module 5 BUNDLE

Viva 1, Module 5 BUNDLE

4 Resources
A Spanish bundle comprising of 11 powerpoints (11 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 1’s Module 5: Mi ciudad. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7-8) students. – VIVA 1, MODULE 5.1 - Qué hay en tu ciudad Powerpoint/lesson 1: 39 slides Cultural starter activity Recap of ‘vivo en…’ Introduction of town vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Recap of ‘hay’/‘no hay’ Sentence builders EN>ES translations Speaking activity – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 17 slides Vocabulary match-up starter Recap of ‘hay’/‘no hay’ Listening comprehension Speaking task (built into reading) Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// VIVA 1, MODULE 5.2 - Qué haces en la ciudad Powerpoint/lesson 1: 57 slides Number recap starter activity Introduction of time structures (quarter-past/half-past) Time-related activities – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 25 slides Positive time recap starter Introduction of negative time (quarter-to etc.) Time-related activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension Bingo plenary activity to recap time vocabulary – Powerpoint/lesson 3: 27 slides Town vocabulary recap starter Introduction of ‘voy a’ and ‘vamos a’ Introduction of town activity vocabulary Vocabulary activities Listening comprehension Reading comprehension ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing task /// VIVA 1, MODULE 5.3 - En la cafetería Powerpoint/lesson 1: 34 slides Numbers starter activity Introduction of tapas Introduction of tapas vocabulary Vocabulary activities Introduction of quiero Reading activity Tic-tac-toe plenary activity – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 14 slides Tapas vocabulary recap starter activity Recap of quiero Listening comprehensions x2 Mosaic translations Role-play speaking activity Pass-the-parcel translation plenary activity /// VIVA 1, MODULE 5.4 - Qué vas a hacer Powerpoint/lesson 1 (FOUNDATION - reduced grammar): 19 slides Infinitive match-up starter Recap of infinitive grammar rules Recap of ‘voy’ and ‘vamos’ Introduction of Near Future Tense (voy/vamos) Grammar activities Reading comprehension Writing task – Powerpoint/lesson 1 (HIGHER - complete grammar): 19 slides Infinitive match-up starter Recap of infinitive grammar rules ‘Ir’ in present tense Introduction of Near Future Tense ES>EN translations Reading comprehension Writing task – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 15 slides Scrambled sentence starter Recap of days of the week Introduction of ‘time phrases’ Listening comprehension Texting Story reading comprehension Speaking tasks x4 – Powerpoint/lesson 3: 12 slides Vocabulary match-up starter Recap of Near Future Tense Dictation ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Writing tasks x2
2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 4.2 - Somos lo que comemos

2026 Spanish AQA GCSE Module 4.2 - Somos lo que comemos

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 4.2: Somos lo que comemos. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams. The last powerpoint is optional and doesn’t follow the textbook. UPDATED FOR 2024/25 ACADEMIC YEAR TEACHING /// Powerpoint/lesson 1: 23 slides Key vocabulary starter activity Listening comprehension Recap of direct object pronouns ES>EN translations Introduction of ‘tomar’ EN>ES translation game Reading comprehension Tongue-twisters activity Trapdoor activity Speaking task /// Powerpoint/lesson 2: 23 slides ‘CALOR’ starter activity ES>EN translations Vocabulary task Listening comprehension Reading comprehension EN>ES translations Writing task /// Powerpoint/lesson 3 (OPTIONAL): 24 slides Food starter activity Recap of the near future tense ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Pronunciation tasks Speaking tasks Writing task Points plenary game
Viva 2, Module 3.5 - Fiesta

Viva 2, Module 3.5 - Fiesta

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) and 2 handouts which focus on Viva 2’s Module 3.5: Fiesta. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 8-9) students. Powerpoint/lesson 1: 15 slides Grammar starter activity Consolidation of grammar rules Grammar worksheet activity Listening activity Grammar activities Reading comprehension Cultural video – Powerpoint/lesson 2: 12 slides Grammar starter activity Consolidation of grammar rules Listening comprehension Introduction of vamos a +inf ES>EN translations Reading comprehension Writing task – Powerpoint/lesson 3: 13 slides Vocabulary starter activity Consolidation of voy a +inf Tongue twister activity Trapdoor activity Speaking tasks Consolidation of present and preterite tense (yo conjugation) Speaking tasks Tic-tac-toe plenary activity
Viva 1, Module 2.1 - Qué te gusta hacer

Viva 1, Module 2.1 - Qué te gusta hacer

A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on Viva 1’s Module 2.1: Qué te gusta hacer. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7-8) students. – Powerpoint 1/Lesson 1: 52 slides Cultural starter activity Introducing new vocabulary Vocabulary activities Grammar point (infinitive groups) Grammar activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking activity – Powerpoint 2/Lesson 2 31 slides Vocabulary recap starter Listening comprehension Introducing opinion phrases Introducing opinion adjectives Vocabulary activities ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Reading comprehension Sentence stealers activity Speaking task – Powerpoint 3/Consolidation Lesson 26 slides Translation starter activity Vocabulary recap Grammar recap EN>ES translations Reading comprehensions Speaking task Writing task
Viva 1, Module 4.1 - Cuántas personas hay en tu familia

Viva 1, Module 4.1 - Cuántas personas hay en tu familia

A Spanish bundle comprising of 4 powerpoints (4 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on Viva 1’s Module 4.1: Cuántas personas hay en tu familia. This bundle is aimed for KS3 (Year 7-8) students. Powerpoint/lesson 1: 35 slides Cultural starter activity Introduction of vocabulary (family) Vocabulary activities Listening activity Activity to build a full sentence together ES>EN translations EN>ES translations Speaking task ‘Beat the teacher’ game – Powerpoint/lesson 2 (HIGHER): 16 slides Jumbled vocabulary starter activity Introduction of ‘tiene … años’ Reading activity Numbers activity Listening activity EN>ES translations (x3) Writing task – Powerpoint/lesson 2 (FOUNDATION (without ‘ages’)): 11 slides Jumbled vocabulary starter activity Joint listening/reading comprehension Recap of “se llama(n)” Grammar activities Dictation task Vocabulary task Writing task – Powerpoint/lesson 2 (FOUNDATION (with ‘ages’)): 16 slides Jumbled vocabulary starter activity Introduction of ‘tiene … años’ Reading activity Numbers activity Listening activity EN>ES translations (x3) Writing task