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Medieval Medicine Revision (Edexcel 9-1)

Medieval Medicine Revision (Edexcel 9-1)

Session designed to last one hour and includes everything for medicine 1250-1500 cross referenced with the first chapter of the Pearson textbook. Included is a worksheet for pupils to complete alongside the session. Pupils cover: causes of disease image starter key words theory of the four humours miasma theory different people that could treat you treating the sick hospitals the Black Death 1348-1349
WW2 Dictators

WW2 Dictators

A whole lesson with worksheets and fully differentiated that compares Tojo, Hitler and Stalin. Pupils identify what a dictator is and who the three men are They describe/explain how a dictator is able to rise to power Compare similarities and differences between the three men Evaluate who changed the most things in their country and why we remember their atrocities rather than the positive changes they made to their countries. I use this as an introduction to a unit on WW2 to provide pupils with some context into the political landscape of the world prior to the start of the war.
Henry VIII Wives

Henry VIII Wives

Full lesson and homework. Pupils evaluate which wife Henry loved most by firstly completing a carousel activity that allows them to explore each wife and the reasons Henry divorced her before creating an extended writing piece (differentiated) about who he loved most. Homework: to write a letter to the Pope explaining why you want a divorce from Katherine of Aragon. WALT: Evaluate who Henry loved most. Level 3: Identify Henry’s six wives. Level 4: Describe each of his wives and what happened to them. Level 5: explain why Henry divorced each wife. Level 6: Compare which wife was Henry loved most, give reasons why.
Trench Medicine WW1

Trench Medicine WW1

Pupils explore the problems soldiers, nurses and doctors faced as well as analysing the advances in medicine that helped soldiers overcome problems like trench fever, shell shock and shrapnel wounds. Pupils analyse sources before completing a carousel and then making a leaflet advising a soldier about how best to protect themselves on the western front.
Lady Jane Grey the 'Nine Day Queen'

Lady Jane Grey the 'Nine Day Queen'

This lesson allows pupils to analyse the reign of Lady Jane Grey and come to a decision as to whether she should have been executed. Pupils make a facebook feed that explores the events running up to the execution in which they make statuses and create life events for characters like John Dudley and Catherine Parr. They then create a letter in which they argue why they should not be executed and what a better option would be.
Government Actions Timeline 1830-95: REVISION American West

Government Actions Timeline 1830-95: REVISION American West

Revision lesson based around building knowledge of government Acts and Treaty’s Pupils create a timeline using either worksheets or carousel (both options included). They colour code key features and consequences so that it is easy to revise from. Time permitting, pupils can then write exam questions that relate to the information they have studied SAMS questions included as examples to talk through with the group. Homework could then be to complete one of these questions.
KS3 Invasion of Poland (WW2) Narrative account lesson

KS3 Invasion of Poland (WW2) Narrative account lesson

Pupils will explore the invasion of Poland with the aim of creating a GCSE style narrative account in preparation for the skills needed at KS4. Pupils will: examine the Munich Agreement and hypothesise how peopl e would react to it Watch a video of the invasion and collect notes to be able to describe the invasion Put the events of the invasion into chronological order using visual prompts for support create a narrative account using a GCSE support sheet that allows development towards explaining why events lead to one another and cause change.
The Lean Years 1924-28 (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

The Lean Years 1924-28 (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

WALT: Evaluate why the Nazi Party only received 2.6% of the vote in 1928. Identify the meaning of the phrase ‘ Lean Years’. Describe features of the period 1924-28. Explain why circumstances in Germany lead to little support for the Nazis. Evaluate why the Nazi Party only received 2.6% of the vote in 1928. Starter: Pupils complete a freya model with the meaning of 'lean years’ Task one: Describe features of the period 24-28 - pupils complete a carousel task, differentiated worksheet and answer sheet provided Task Two: Explain why circumstances in Germany lead to little support for the Nazis (see cover photo for activity), WAGOLL and answer slide provided to go through with pupils Task three: Evaluate why the Nazi’s received 2.6% of the vote: Explain why exam question with sentence starters for PEEL structure.
Spartacist Uprising and Kapp Putsch (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

Spartacist Uprising and Kapp Putsch (Weimar and Nazi Germany: Edexcel 9-1)

Pupils will: WALT: Examine challenges to the Weimar government by the left and right. Identify features of left and right wing politics. Describe the Spartacist Revolt and the Kapp Putsch. Explain why Germany was weak after the attacks. Analyse a source to explain why it is useful. Included is a fully differentiated how useful question including differentiated structure strips.
REVISION Rebellions and exam skills (Edexcel 9-1: Anglo Saxon and Norman England)

REVISION Rebellions and exam skills (Edexcel 9-1: Anglo Saxon and Norman England)

WALT: Revise the rebellions against William and evaluate how big of a threat they made towards his reign Identify reasons people were upset with William’s leadership Describe each rebellion. Compare rebellions to explain how William responded to each threat. evaluate how far you agree with a statement to come to a clear judgement As with all of my revision lessons the worksheets cover all tasks so that pupils do not require their exercise books. Task one: what did people have to be unhappy about? Task two: Video task Task three: line task (pictured as cover image) alongside information sheet to help pupils remind themselves of key content. Task four: Exam question from past paper fully planned on slides to support pupils
Abolition in America and Britain - two lessons, worksheets and homework

Abolition in America and Britain - two lessons, worksheets and homework

Lesson 8 and 9 in slavery scheme of work. Worksheets included within the lesson powerpoint as hidden slides. Homework: Profile of a famous abolitionist. Lesson 1: Abolition in Britain - Focus on Slave Trade Act 1807, reasons for and against, William Wilberforce Lesson 2: Abolition in America - focus on comparison of Britain and America, Abraham Lincoln, civil war
Votes for Women! Suffragists and Suffragette’s interpretation lesson

Votes for Women! Suffragists and Suffragette’s interpretation lesson

stand alone lesson to celebrate the centenary of votes for women and to provide pupils with an overview of the subject. Pupils describe the two groups (suffragists and suffragettes) and will gain an understanding of the words militant and moderate. Pupils will also be able to explain why women were not allowed the vote and eventually gained the vote following WW1. Skills building section develops pupils ability to analyse interpretations.
REVISION Treaty of Versailles and Weimar (Edexcel 9-1 Weimar and Nazi Germany)

REVISION Treaty of Versailles and Weimar (Edexcel 9-1 Weimar and Nazi Germany)

Part of a series of revision lessons in which pupils prepare for their final examination for Paper Three Weimar and Nazi Germany as part of the 2016 Edexcel specification. Pupils will: WALT: Revise the Treaty of Versailles and problems with the Weimar government. Grade 3: Identify the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and describe how the Germans felt about it. Grade 5: Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar constitution. Grade 7: Explain why the government was unpopular and who opposed it. Grade 9: Evaluate whether Hyperinflation was positive or negative for the people of Germany.