
Text and Digital Research planning and tracking documents (KS2)
Editable documents to track the opportunities given for children to revisit and apply the skills taught linked to Text and Digital Research, in a cross curricular way throughout the year.
Children need time to embed skills and schools often plan for this but it may not necessary be tracked. This document, I have used as a subject leader to explore some of the work produced by the children and to aid pupil interviews about the lessons taught and the skills the children understand.
This is not meant to be an ownerous task for teachers. There is an example of how the document can be completed and how it will link to other subject plans such as Science, History, Geography.

Education for a Connected World, tracking coverage documents
An editable documents to track coverage of the statements set out in the Educaiton for a Connected World Framework. This simple document made it easy for me to monitor coverage, review strands that needed additional input and ensured I could check for consistency across a three form entry school.
The DfE 'Guidance, Teaching Online safety in Schools (updated 12 January 2023)
‘provides non-statutory guidance about schools and ensure that children understand how to stay safe and behave online as part of existing curriculum requirements.’. The document frequently refers to the Education for a Connected World Framework, to identify age realted statements to cover within each age range.
As a Computing and Online Safety Subject Leader in my previous role, I devised documents to track coverage over the year. This document was useful when discussing how we supported children in the ever changing world, when we had an Ofsted inspection.

Online safety whole school progression of lessons
This rescource maps out a series of lessons/activities for KS1 and KS2 that match directly to the National Curriculum statements. (12 lessons in total for KS1 with a different activity planned for Y1 and Y2. 40 lessons in total for KS2, with 10 lessons for each year group)
Lessons use resoruces that are freely available to download online or using links to youtube clips. Details can be found at the end of the document.
Each lesson also has a list of ‘additional resources’ that can be used to extend the lesson or cover the content again in a different way.
At the end of the document, you will find links to all of the free websites. This includes ideas of resoruces that you may consider using as part of an online safety club, providing children with a certificate.
Content Included
Keys Stage 1
Pupils should be taught to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
Lesson 1 - How to use Technology safely.
Lesson 2 - How to use technology respectfully.
Lesson 3 - I know how to keep my personal information private.
Lesson 4 - I can identify where to go for help and support when I have concerns about things on the internet or using online technology.
Lesson 5 - I know what to do and where to go if I am concerns about content online.
Lesson 6 - I know what to do and where to go if I am concerns about contact online.
Keys Stage 2
Pupils should be taught to use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content.
Pupils should be taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
Lesson 1 - I can use search technologies effectively, appreciating how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content.
Lesson 2 - I can use technology safely.
Lesson 3 - I can use technology respectfully.
Lesson 4 - I can use technology responsibly.
Lesson 5 - I can use technology responsibly (focus on personal information).
Lesson 6 - I can recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, online.
Lesson 7 - I can recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, online (a focus on cyberbullying).
Lesson 8 - I can identify a range of ways to report concerns.
Lesson 9 - I know what to do if I am concerned about content online.
Lesson 10 - I know what to do if I am concerned about contact online.