Miss B's ShopAverage Rating2.53(based on 19 reviews)Teacher of KS3, KS4 and KS5 Philosophy, RE & Sociology. Edit shopAdd a resource
flyporshCitizenship GCSE - The Barriers to Democractic Participation(0)A detailed lesson on ‘The Barriers to Democratic Participation’. This lesson can work for both low and high ability students. It contains images, a plenary etc.
flyporshCitizenship GCSE - Citizen Participation(0)A detailed differentiated lesson on ‘Citizen Participation’. This lesson can work for both low and high ability students.
flyporshDiversity(0)A lesson on diversity put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshIdentity(0)A lesson on identity put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshParliament and Government(0)A lesson on parliament and the government put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshPolitical Figures(0)A lesson on political figures put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshLocal Problems(0)A lesson on local problems put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshHow Politics Affects Us(0)A lesson on how politics affects us put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.