Miss B's ShopAverage Rating2.53(based on 19 reviews)Teacher of KS3, KS4 and KS5 Philosophy, RE & Sociology. Edit shopAdd a resource
flyporshCitizenship GCSE - The Barriers to Democractic Participation(0)A detailed lesson on ‘The Barriers to Democratic Participation’. This lesson can work for both low and high ability students. It contains images, a plenary etc.
flyporshDiversity(0)A lesson on diversity put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshIdentity(0)A lesson on identity put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshCitizenship GCSE - Citizen Participation(0)A detailed differentiated lesson on ‘Citizen Participation’. This lesson can work for both low and high ability students.
flyporshParliament and Government(0)A lesson on parliament and the government put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshPolitical Figures(0)A lesson on political figures put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshLocal Problems(0)A lesson on local problems put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.
flyporshHow Politics Affects Us(0)A lesson on how politics affects us put together for primary students/low ability secondary students.