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UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.




UK based Science teacher, mainly sharing resources for the Edexcel GCSE (combined science and biology), Exploring Science at KS3, OCR Biology A A Level Biology and one off Science lessons / projects.
Edexcel CC8

Edexcel CC8

7 Resources
CC8 unit for the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about acids and alkalis: Includes: CC8a acids, alkalis and indicators CC8b looking at acids CC8c bases and salts CC8d alkalis and balancing equations CC8e alkalis and neutralisation CC8f reactions of acids with metals and carbonates CC8g solubility
Edexcel CC8f Reactions of Acids with Metals and Carbonates

Edexcel CC8f Reactions of Acids with Metals and Carbonates

CC8f lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about reactions of acids with metals and carbonates. The lesson includes metals reacting with acids, ionic and half equations for these reactions, acids reacting with metal carbonates and how to test for the gases produced.
Edexcel CC9b Conservation of Mass

Edexcel CC9b Conservation of Mass

CC9b lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about conservation of mass. The lesson includes concentration of solutions, conservation of mass, enclosed/non-enclosed systems and calculating masses of reactants or products.
Edexcel CC9a Masses and Empirical Formulae

Edexcel CC9a Masses and Empirical Formulae

CC9a lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about masses and empirical formulae. The lesson includes what empirical formula is, how to calculate relative formula mass, how to deduce empirical formula from masses and working out the empirical formula of magnesium oxide.
Edexcel CC8e Alkalis and Neutralisation

Edexcel CC8e Alkalis and Neutralisation

CC8e lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about alkalis and neutralisation. The lesson includes a recap of what alkalis are, the reaction between acids and alkalis, ions and neutralisation, how to obtain soluble salts from alkalis and titration.
Edexcel CC8b Looking at Acids

Edexcel CC8b Looking at Acids

CC8b lesson from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about acids. The lesson contains only higher tier content. The lesson includes what pH is, how to measure pH, the difference between dilute and concentrated acids and the difference between weak and strong acids.
Edexcel Combined Science Revision Worksheets

Edexcel Combined Science Revision Worksheets

Revision worksheets for all Edexcel combined science (9-1) topics. Includes worksheets for all biology (CB1-9), chemistry (CC1-17) and physics (CP1-12) topics. All worksheets can also be found individually (and as subject bundles) in my shop
Edexcel Combined Science Chemistry Revision Worksheets

Edexcel Combined Science Chemistry Revision Worksheets

11 Resources
Revision worksheets for all chemistry topics in the Edexcel Combined Science GCSE (9-1). Including CC1 states of matter CC2 methods of separating and purifying substances CC3 atomic structure CC4 the periodic table CC5 ionic bonding CC6 covalent bonding CC7 types of substance CC8 acids and alkalis CC9 calculations involving masses CC10 electrolytic processes CC11 obtaining and using metals CC12 reversible reactions and equilibria CC13 groups in the periodic table CC14 rates of reaction CC15 heat energy changes in chemical reactions CC16 fuels CC17 earth and atmospheric science
Edexcel CC9 Revision Worksheet

Edexcel CC9 Revision Worksheet

Revision worksheet covering content from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) CC9 topics. Includes content from: CC9a Masses and empirical formulae CC9b Conservation of mass CC9c Moles *Intended to be printed as a double sided A3 worksheet. part of the reverse side has the learning outcomes for this topic. *
Edexcel CC8 Revision Worksheet

Edexcel CC8 Revision Worksheet

Revision worksheet covering content from the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) CC8 topics. Includes content from: CC8a Acids, alkalis and indicators CC8b Looking at acids CC8c Bases and salts CC8d Alkalis and balancing equations CC8e Alkalis and neutralisation CC8f Reactions of acids with metals and carbonates CC8g Solubility *Intended to be printed as a double sided A3 worksheet. Half of the reverse side has the learning outcomes for this topic. *
Edexcel CC14 & CC15

Edexcel CC14 & CC15

5 Resources
CC14 and CC15 units for the Edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about rates of reaction and energy changes: Includes: CC14a Rates of reaction CC14b Factors affecting reaction rates CC14c Catalysts and activation energy CC15a Exothermic and endothermic reactions CC15b Energy changes in reactions Some lessons may have links to ActiveTeach worksheets or videos but could easily be replaced by other available videos or worksheets.
Edexcel CC14b Factors Affecting Reaction Rates

Edexcel CC14b Factors Affecting Reaction Rates

CC14b lesson from the edexcel combined science GCSE (9-1) all about factors affecting the rates of a reaction. The lesson includes what activation energy is, endo and exothermic reactions and factors that affect the rate of a reaction (concentration, surface area, pressure, temperature).
Exploring Science 8G- Metals and their Uses

Exploring Science 8G- Metals and their Uses

Lessons from the 8G unit in the new Exploring Science scheme of work all about metals and their uses. Including lessons for: 8Ga Metal properties 8Gb Corrosion 8Gc Metals and water 8Gd Metals and acids 8Ge Pure metals and alloys
Science End of Year Quiz 2024

Science End of Year Quiz 2024

End of Year quiz for use within Science lessons towards the end of term. There are 12 quiz rounds to choose from, each with 10 questions each. *There are several science based rounds, more loosely based science rounds as well as some generic rounds. *
Science End of Year Quiz 2023

Science End of Year Quiz 2023

End of Year quiz for use within Science lessons towards the end of term. There are 8 Quiz rounds to choose from (I usually have the folder open on the board and let one team at a time choose which round we do). *There are several science based rounds, more loosely based science rounds as well as some generic rounds. *
Science End of Year Quiz 2022

Science End of Year Quiz 2022

End of Year quiz for use within Science lessons towards the end of term. There are 12 Quiz rounds to choose from (I usually have the folder open on the board and let one team at a time choose which round we do). *There are several science based rounds, more loosely based science rounds as well as some generic rounds. *
Edexcel CC8 Core Practical Revision- Investigating Neutralisation

Edexcel CC8 Core Practical Revision- Investigating Neutralisation

Revision booklet and an accompanying PowerPoint for the Edexcel CC8 core practical all about investigating neutralisation. It includes starter questions all about neutralisation, explaining certain aspects of the method, drawing a graph from results, describing results, explaining results, evaluating the method and past paper exam questions.
Science Club

Science Club

A series of 50 practicals for use within a science club. Includes a range of activities that link to biology, chemistry and physics topics. Each practical has a method sheet (including equipment list and scientific explanation) and an extension worksheet with questions for students to complete around the topic.
Exploring Science 7H- Atoms, Elements and Molecules

Exploring Science 7H- Atoms, Elements and Molecules

Lessons from the 7H unit in the new Exploring Science scheme of work all about atoms, elements and molecules. Including lessons for: 7Ha The air we breathe 7Hb Earth’s elements 7Hc Metals and non metals 7Hd Making compounds 7He Chemical reactions