I am a secondary school English teacher, teaching KS3 and KS4. My lessons are all differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge and the GCSE mark scheme. Please leave a review - I would love to hear your feedback :)
I am a secondary school English teacher, teaching KS3 and KS4. My lessons are all differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge and the GCSE mark scheme. Please leave a review - I would love to hear your feedback :)
This lesson includes the context of the poem, annotations of the poem and language/structure/form analysis tasks.
Differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge and the GCSE mark scheme.
Aimed at year 9-11 studying GCSE poetry.
Persuasive writing lesson based on Live Aid and Comic Relief.
Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme.
Students read an extract from Bob Geldof’s diary which sparked the song 'Do They Know It’s Christmas Time?, discuss the impact of the song and how persuasive writing techniques have been used. Students will eventually create their own piece of persuasive writing.
Lesson planned using the TEEP structure.
AQA Language Paper 1.
A lesson on answering question 4 using an extract from ‘The boy in the striped pyjamas.’
Differentiated and planned using the GCSE mark scheme.
A lesson teaching the poem ‘Checking out me history’ from the GCSE power and conflict poetry.
Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme.
Includes context and language analysis tasks.
Differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge.
Lesson is aimed at teaching the structure question to a lower ability KS3 group but could easily be adapted for other sets.
Scaffolded and differentiated tasks throughout the lesson.
-A lesson made as part of a KS3 unit of work about Chaucer.
-Differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge.
-Lesson focuses on the character of the Miller and introducing students to comparing characters.
A lesson aimed at KS3 students involving language analysis and creative writing tasks (could be used over more than one lesson.) Lesson also involves fun tasks, such as sorting them into Hogwarts houses, to get the students engaged.
Lesson is differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge.
Lesson is aimed at KS3 but could be adapted for older students.
A series of lessons to prepare students for the spoken language module of the English Language GCSE and help students to research and plan their own topics.
Aimed at KS4 but can easily be adapted.
Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme.
Lesson is created using the TEEP model.
Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme and aim/challenge/super challenge.
Includes context and language analysis tasks.
Includes annotations of the poem.
Differentiated language/structure analysis tasks.
Please leave a review - i’d love to hear your feedback :)
A lesson aimed at introducing students to the context of A Christmas Carol.
Lesson is differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge.
Independent task is for students to write a diary entry from the perspective of a child in a workhouse.
2 x lessons on the topic of the death penalty. Sources from 19th century and modern day.
Lesson 1 teaches question 5 and lesson 2 teaches question 1 and 4.
The document with the sources contains questions 1-5 so can be used if you also want to teach questions 2 and 3.
Lessons differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge and the GCSE mark scheme.
All lessons objectives based on the AO’s on the exam paper and clearly highlight which AO’s are being covered.
Please leave a review if you get chance, I’d love to know what you think :)
Students analyse how the character of Scrooge is presented and how Dickens’ presents the characters of Fred and Bob in contrast to him.
Lesson is differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge and the GCSE mark scheme.
A lesson aimed at teaching students the structure question (question 3) on language paper 1.
Lesson is differentiated with challenge questions and using the GCSE mark scheme.
Lesson is scaffolded to support all ability students in answering the question.
A GCSE Christmas Carol lesson analysing the Cratchit family and the theme of poverty within the novel
Differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge and the GCSE mark scheme.
Lesson is based around AO1 and AO2.
Lesson is created using the TEEP model.
A GCSE Christmas Carol lesson analysing the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come and how Dickens creates a sense of fear around this ghost.
Differentiated using aim/challenge/super challenge and the GCSE mark scheme.
Lesson is based around AO1 and AO2.
Lesson is created using the TEEP model.
Lesson to teach language, paper 1, question 3 - Structure.
Based on an extract from Harry Potter.
Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme.
Scaffolded to support lower ability students.
Lesson created using the TEEP model.
A lesson aimed at using AFOREST persuasive techniques using The Greatest Showman as a focus.
Aimed at KS4 but can easily be adapted.
Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme.
Lesson is created using the TEEP model.
A Christmas Carol lesson analysing Fezziwig and role models in the novel.
Aimed at KS4 but can easily be adapted.
Differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme and aim/challenge/super challenge.
Lesson is created using the TEEP model.
A creative writing lesson using an extract from Alice in Wonderland.
This lesson includes numerous tasks including comprehension questions, information retrieval and creative writing.
Aimed at KS3 but could be adapted for older students.
Lesson differentiated using the GCSE mark scheme.