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Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com




Hello! I'm a French teacher, dad of 2 boys. I am happy to share the materials I used. Find more on my personal website www.exercices-a-imprimer.com
Les sentiments (feelings) - Worksheet, fill in the blanks (12 sentences)+discussion

Les sentiments (feelings) - Worksheet, fill in the blanks (12 sentences)+discussion

This worksheet (all in French) deals with the subject of feelings. You will be able to teach new words describing feelings, such as: dégoûté, dubitatif, effrayé, enthousiaste, fâché, indifférent, jaloux, ravi, stressé, timide, touché, vexé Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… You will find 12 sentences, each containing an empty space. Fill in the blank space with the words from the list on top of the page. The 12 words to be used are: dégoûté/dégoûtée - dubitatif/dubitative - effrayé/effrayée - enthousiaste - fâché/fâchée - indifférent/indifférente - jaloux/jalouse - ravi/ravie - stressé/stressée - timide - touché/touchée - vexé/vexée You will also find 4 questions to be asked during the course. Name the last thing that made you angry. Are you extroverted or rather reserved? Do you often worry? If yes, why? Mention something that moved you or that you liked it a lot. Thus, you will be able to further the conversation and speak directly with your students about various topics. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A **one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + PDF ** A detailed answer sheet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
French worksheet - "Documents administratifs français" (French administrative documents)

French worksheet - "Documents administratifs français" (French administrative documents)

Presentation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This worksheet presents 10 French administrative documents. The corresponding description must be found, based on the 10 possible choices (on the right). The documents presented are: La carte bancaire (The bank card) La carte Navigo (The “Navigo” card, i.e. the “Île-de-France” transport card) The passport Les tickets T+ (bus/train tickets to travel in Paris and suburbs) La carte Vitale (health insurance card) La carte d’identité (The identity card) Le livret de famille (The family booklet) La carte de séjour (The residence permit) La carte de visite (The business card) Le permis de conduire (The driving license) This exercise is a good overview of the important documents in the lives of French people and foreigners, and in particular those living in and around Paris. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A **one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + PDF ** A detailed answer sheet ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
French adjectives: describe qualities and shortcomings (qualités et défauts)

French adjectives: describe qualities and shortcomings (qualités et défauts)

This worksheet will allow you to work on some very useful adjectives relating to qualities and shortcomings. It will enrich your learners’ vocabulary. You will find two exercises with blank spaces to be filled in using the given words. The following adjectives are presented: Exercise 1: envious / idealistic / curious / sad / independent / pessimistic / ambitious / shy / selfish / authoritarian / moody / lucky / indifferent (envieux / idéaliste / curieux / triste / indépendante / pessimiste / ambitieux / timide / égoïste / autoritaire / lunatique / chanceux / indifférent) Exercise 2: nervous / independent / interesting / complicated / unfriendly / strong / optimistic / clumsy / generous / sensitive / courageous / talkative / cheerful / realistic (nerveux / indépendant / intéressant / compliqué / antipathique / fort / optimiste / maladroit / généreux / sensible / courageux / bavard / joyeux / réaliste) An answer key is attached to this handout. This sheet is especially suitable for children from CE1 to CM2 (7 y.o. > 11 y.o. French children), as well as for learners at levels A2-B1. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! FRENCH VERSION: Cette feuille d’exercices vous permettra de travailler certains adjectifs très utiles, relatifs aux qualités et aux défauts. Il enrichira le vocabulaire de vos apprenants. Vous y trouverez deux exercices avec des espaces vides à compléter à partir des mots donnés. Les adjectifs suivants sont présentés : Exercice 1 : envieux / idéaliste / curieux / triste / indépendante / pessimiste / ambitieux / timide / égoïste / autoritaire / lunatique / chanceux / indifférent Exercice 2 : nerveux / indépendant / intéressant / compliqué / antipathique / fort / optimiste / maladroit / généreux / sensible / courageux / bavard / joyeux / réaliste Un corrigé est joint à ce polycopié. — Public — Cette feuille est surtout adaptée aux enfants de CE1 à CM2, ainsi qu’aux apprenants niveau A2-B1.*
"L'informatique, les ordinateurs et internet" (French vocabulary: 16 sentences about informatics)

"L'informatique, les ordinateurs et internet" (French vocabulary: 16 sentences about informatics)

This worksheet (all in French) deals with the subject of informatics, computers and the Internet. This exercise will help you teach computer-related vocabulary. It contains words widely used by the French speakers, regarding this topic. Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… You will find 16 sentences, each containing an empty space. Fill in the blank space with the words from the list on the left. The 16 words to be placed are: adresse e-mail, applications, blog, clavier, e-mails, ebooks, fibre (optique), identifier, Internet, lien (hypertexte), logiciel (ou programme), ordinateur portable, pièce jointe, supprimer, télécharger, YouTube. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + printable PDF) An answer sheet. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! **Thank you! **
French Handwriting (kids & illiterate): "animaux et insectes" (animals and insects)

French Handwriting (kids & illiterate): "animaux et insectes" (animals and insects)

In this activity, you will find 7 pages to learn how to write words about insects and animals. This activity is intended for young children, or illiterate adults. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A 7-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + PDF) Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first 4 pages, you can copy animal words from the words already indicated. In the 5th page, there are 12 images of animals, and you have to write the right word next to it, from the words in the list. On pages 6 and 7, you must find the words (from scratch) of the animals that correspond to the image. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
"Culture français : préjugés ou vérité ?" - Question prejudices about the French!

"Culture français : préjugés ou vérité ?" - Question prejudices about the French!

This activity will allow you to question prejudices about the French: do they really eat snails and frog legs? Are they so lazy and rude? This text, written by a Frenchman living near Paris, is accompanied by two exercises and an answer sheet. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 2 exercises (including a writing exercise). An answer sheet. Details: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In the first exercise, students will be asked to answer 5 questions about the text. In the second exercise, they will have to find the definition of four words (haughty, harsh, lazy, old-fashioned), among the proposed choices. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
French worksheet (A1): filling in a form with information (personal data)

French worksheet (A1): filling in a form with information (personal data)

In this useful exercise for French as a foreign language (FLE) students (level A1), a form will be filled in by extracting information from a short presentation: the students have to write down the surname, first name, date of birth, nationality, address and profession of three characters. An answer sheet is attached to the exercise. This exercise is extremely useful for the learners, as I have experienced for myself on several occasions. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Aliments bons pour la santé (Healthy food - French A1)

Aliments bons pour la santé (Healthy food - French A1)

Presentation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In this 3-page document intended for beginners in French, you will find a text to read about HEALTHY FOOD, with 5 questions. The healthy foods mentioned are: broccoli, turmeric, garlic, nuts, green tea, dark chocolate and eggs. First, there is a text to read. The unpronounced letters are coloured in dark grey. In addition, the syllables of the words have been coloured blue and black, alternately, to make reading easier. In the exercise page, the first exercise is about writing the right word under each picture. Then there are four questions: (1) what foods do you eat often? (2) What is your favourite food? (3) Do you know of other healthy foods? (4) Do you know of any unhealthy foods? An answer key is enclosed to make it easier for you to correct. What’s Included ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) A detailed answer sheet. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you! FRENCH VERSION: Dans ce document de 3 pages destiné aux débutants en français, vous trouverez un texte à lire sur les ALIMENTS SAINS, avec 5 questions. Les aliments sains évoqués sont : le brocoli, le curcuma, l’ail, les noix, le thé vert, le chocolat noir et les œufs. D’abord, il y a un texte à lire. Les lettres non prononcées sont en gris sombre. De plus, les syllabes des mots ont été colorées en bleu et noir, alternativement, pour faciliter la lecture. Dans la page d’exercice, il faut écrire le bon mot sous chaque image. Ensuite, il y a quatre questions : (1) quels sont les aliments que vous consommez souvent ? (2) Quel est votre plat préféré ? (3) Connaissez-vous d’autres aliments bons pour la santé ? (4) Connaissez-vous des aliments mauvais pour la santé ? Un corrigé est joint pour vous faciliter la correction.
(French) Sentences from everyday life - Transform into passé composé & futur

(French) Sentences from everyday life - Transform into passé composé & futur

This exercise consists of nine French sentences from everyday life, which are to be transformed into the simple past (passé composé) and the simple/near future (futur simple/futur proche) The sentences to be transformed are: I eat a lot, I work late at night, she stays at home for a few days, I drink coffee, I pick up my daughter from school, I take French lessons, I go to bed early, I do the shopping, I watch TV. (= je mange beaucoup, je travaille jusque tard dans la nuit, elle reste à la maison quelques jours, je bois du café, je vais chercher ma fille à l’école, je prends des cours de français, je me couche tôt, je fais les courses, je regarde la télé.) This exercise helps: (1) to learn simple and very useful French sentences, (2) to practice conjugation. A detailed answer key is attached to the document. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you! French version below: Cet exercice comporte 9 phrases du quotidien, qu’il faut transformer au passé simple et au futur simple/futur proche. Les phrases à transformer sont : je mange beaucoup, je travaille jusque tard dans la nuit, elle reste à la maison quelques jours, je bois du café, je vais chercher ma fille à l’école, je prends des cours de français, je me couche tôt, je fais les courses, je regarde la télé. Cet exercice permet : (1) d’apprendre des phrases simples et très utiles, (2) de s’entraîner en conjugaison. Un corrigé détaillé est joint au document.
(French) Fiche documentaire - Le rhinocéros d'Afrique (animal info about the rhino)

(French) Fiche documentaire - Le rhinocéros d'Afrique (animal info about the rhino)

This fact sheet contains a page of information about the rhinoceros, as well as a page of exercises (questions about the text + drawing to do). It is a very playful activity, which children really like (and which took me a lot of time to do!). It is adapted to children from CE1 (2nd grade - around 7 years old and more). It is also good for adults learning French (level A1). You will find all the answers you need in a third page. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
(French) le verbe FAIRE (the verb 'to do' in French) - Conjugation, 20 sentences

(French) le verbe FAIRE (the verb 'to do' in French) - Conjugation, 20 sentences

In this exercise about the verb FAIRE (to do), you will first have to fill in a table of conjugation of this verb. Next, you will find 20 sentences with an empty space to fill in: you will have to use the verb FAIRE, conjugated in the right form. You will also find a space underneath each sentence: after finding the right answer, the student will have to copy the entire sentence just above. A complete answer key is attached to the document. This exercise is intended for children at the CE1 (2nd grade) level as well as for adults (level A1, A2). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you! French description: Dans cet exercice consacré au verbe FAIRE, il faudra d’abord remplir un tableau de conjugaison de ce verbe. Ensuite, vous trouverez 20 phrases avec un espace vide à compléter : il faudra utilisé le verbe faire, conjugué à la bonne forme. Vous trouverez aussi un espace en-dessous de chaque phrase : après avoir trouvé la bonne réponse, l’élève devra recopier entièrement la phrase figurant juste au-dessus. Un corrigé complet est joint au document. Cet exercice est destiné aux enfants de niveau CE1 (2nd grade) ainsi que pour les adultes (niveau A1, A2).
Exercice : les métiers (jobs), débutants A1.1 - A1 (French for beginners)

Exercice : les métiers (jobs), débutants A1.1 - A1 (French for beginners)

This worksheet is about jobs: a list of 12 jobs is provided, and the blank space under each image must be filled in with the corresponding one. This sheet is suitable for beginners in French (A1.1 and A1). You will find an answer sheet attached to the exercise sheet. We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you! French version: *Voici une fiche sur les métiers : une liste de 12 métiers figure, et il faut compléter l’espace vide sous chaque image avec le métier correspondant. Cette fiche est adaptée pour les classes de CP voire CE1, ainsi que pour les adultes alpha A1.1 et A1. Vous trouverez un corrigé joint à la feuille d’exercice.*
(French A1.1 - 1st grade) Vocabulary: LANDMARKS (monuments)

(French A1.1 - 1st grade) Vocabulary: LANDMARKS (monuments)

In this fun activity sheet (PDF), your students will have to choose the right sentence from the list and write it down. The theme here is: LANDMARKS List of landmarks: The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France - The Louvre - The Eiffel Tower - The Taj-Mahal in Agra, India - The Great Wall of China - Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey - The Acropolis in Athens, Greece - The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt - The Kazneh in Petra, Jordan This exercise is well suited to children at CP-CE1 level (2nd grade, 3rd grade) or adults (i.e. minimum FFL A1.1 level). French version: Dans cette fiche d’activité amusante (PDF), vos élèves devront choisir la bonne phrase dans la liste et l’écrire. Le thème est ici : les monuments Liste des monuments : L’Arc de Triomphe à Paris, en France – Le Louvre – La tour Eiffel – Le Taj-Mahal à Agra, en Inde – La Grande Muraille de Chine – Sainte-Sophie à Istanbul, en Turquie – L’Acropole d’Athènes, en Grèce – Les pyramides de Gizeh, en Égypte – Le Kazneh de Pétra, en Jordanie Cet exercice est bien adapté aux enfants de niveau CP-CE1 (2e année, 3e année) ou aux adultes (c’est-à-dire de niveau A1.1 minimum).
French handwriting: Fruits

French handwriting: Fruits

In this cursive writing exercise (2 pages), the names of several fruits are written. The kid has to copy the words in order to write them and learn them. The words are: figue, fraise, ananas, kiwi, citron, avocat, orange. This activity is useful for adopting the writing gesture, and for learning how to read (several sequences of words are repeated). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! Thank you!
(French) Exercise on French "accents" (Exercice sur les accents aigu, grave, circonflexe)

(French) Exercise on French "accents" (Exercice sur les accents aigu, grave, circonflexe)

In this exercise, you will find a lesson on accents (acute accent, grave accent and circumflex accent), followed by five exercises. In the first three exercises, the focus will be on putting the accent in the right place (one accent per exercise). In the fourth exercise, you will have to place the accents in the right place on each of the fifteen words presented. Finally, in the last exercise (more difficult), you will have to place the accents in the right place in the words of the eight written sentences. An answer key is included in the downloadable PDF document and the DOCX version (please use the font CURSIVE STANDARD). The exercise is adapted for learners of level A1 (CE1 equivalent). We hope you will enjoy this worksheet! French version: Dans cet exercice, vous trouverez une leçon sur les accents (accent aigu, accent grave et accent circonflexe), suivie par cinq exercices. Dans les trois premiers, il s’agira de mettre l’accent au bon endroit (un accent par exercice). Dans le quatrième exercice , il faudra placer les accents au bon endroit sur chacun des quinze mots présentés. Enfin, dans le dernier exercice (plus difficile), il faudra placer les accents au bon endroit dans les mots des huit phrases écrites. Un corrigé est inclus dans le document téléchargeable au format PDF. L’exercice est adapté pour les apprenants de niveau A1 (équivalent CE1).
[French B2-C1] Text and Exercises - Working Conditions in the Textile Industry after Rana Plaza

[French B2-C1] Text and Exercises - Working Conditions in the Textile Industry after Rana Plaza

Cet exercice aborde un sujet sensible : les conditions de travail dans l’industrie textile, notamment après la catastrophe du Rana Plaza en 2013. Il permet aux apprenants de développer leurs compétences en français tout en réfléchissant à une problématique sociale et éthique majeure. Objectifs pédagogiques : • Compréhension écrite : Analyse d’un texte sur les conditions de travail dans l’industrie textile. • Grammaire et conjugaison : Travail sur le présent, le subjonctif, le conditionnel, ainsi que sur la voix passive et le discours indirect. • Vocabulaire : Apprentissage de termes clés tels que “surproduction”, “confection” et “pratiques indignes”. • Expression écrite et orale : Activités de rédaction et débat sur les solutions possibles pour améliorer les conditions de travail dans ce secteur. Contenu : Texte : Un article qui revient sur la tragédie du Rana Plaza et les initiatives pour améliorer les conditions de travail dans l’industrie textile. Exercice de vocabulaire : Associer des termes clés du texte avec leurs définitions. Exercice de conjugaison et de grammaire : Exercices sur les temps verbaux, la voix passive et le discours indirect. Compréhension écrite : QCM et questions ouvertes pour approfondir le texte. Expression écrite et orale : Sujets de rédaction et activités de débat. Ce document est idéal pour des cours de FLE et permet d’intégrer une réflexion critique tout en développant la langue. This exercise addresses a sensitive topic: working conditions in the textile industry, especially following the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013. It enables learners to enhance their French skills while reflecting on a significant social and ethical issue. Learning Objectives: • Reading Comprehension: Analyze a text about working conditions in the textile industry. • Grammar and Conjugation: Practice the present tense, subjunctive, conditional, as well as passive voice and reported speech. • Vocabulary: Learn key terms such as “overproduction,” “manufacturing,” and “unethical practices.” • Writing and Speaking: Engage in writing activities and debates on possible solutions to improve working conditions in this sector. Content: Text: An article revisiting the Rana Plaza tragedy and the efforts to improve working conditions in the textile industry. Vocabulary Exercise: Match key terms from the text with their definitions. Grammar and Conjugation Exercise: Practice with verb tenses, passive voice, and reported speech. Reading Comprehension: Multiple-choice and open-ended questions to deepen text understanding. Writing and Speaking: Writing prompts and debate activities. This resource is ideal for French language courses and provides an opportunity to integrate critical thinking while developing language skills.
[French A2] Grammar, Vocabulary: QUANTITIES (les quantités)

[French A2] Grammar, Vocabulary: QUANTITIES (les quantités)

Here’s a lesson and exercises on QUANTITIES: 2 corrected pages for your students. Contents Lesson on expressing quantities, with examples Exercise : o 10 sentences to transform Learners have to reformulate sentences by adding expressions of quantity such as “pas beaucoup”, “assez”, or “un kilo de”, while respecting the grammatical rules linked to articles and negations. o 5 sentences to complete with the correct expression (choose from the list) o 5 sentences of rephrasing, to enrich vocabulary Objectives and methodology Lesson objectives: Express quantities: Use of partial articles (du, de la, des) with quantity adverbs (“un peu”, “beaucoup”, etc.). Zero quantity: Transformation into “pas de” or “ne … plus de” in case of negation. Verbs of appreciation: Use of definite articles (le, la, les) with verbs like “aimer” and “détester”. Exercise objectives : Reformulation: Learn to reformulate sentences to integrate grammar rules. Rule practice: Transform sentences using precise quantities. Reinforcement: Master the transformation of partial and definite articles. Vocabulary: Learn new ways of speaking about quantities.
Create your own Pokémon

Create your own Pokémon

This fun document lets students create their own Pokemon from their imagination. They can draw their Pokemon, and add information such as : height and weight its type(s) its evolution A sure-fire hit with young schoolchildren
[French] Crée ton propre Pokémon

[French] Crée ton propre Pokémon

Ce document ludique permet aux élèves de créer leur propre Pokémon à partir de leur imagination. Ils peuvent dessiner leur Pokémon et apporter des informations telles que : sa taille et son poids son ou ses type(s) son évolution Objectifs Encourager les arts graphiques et le dessin Développer l’imagination Améliorer l’expression écrite Public Succès assuré auprès des jeunes écoliers et collégiens.