This includes six session, these include:
lesson 1 - light
steps to success- Recognise that you need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Know that there are natural sources of light and man made sources.
Explain that you need light in order to see things.
Know the meaning of different idioms related to light.
lesson 2 - reflective surfaces
steps to success - Explain reflection.
Identify reflective materials.
Select the most reflective material for a purpose.
lesson 3 - sun safety
steps to success - Explain the benefits and dangers of the sun.
Explain about UV light and its dangers.
Describe ways to protect our eyes from the sun.
lesson 4 - rainbows
steps to success - Know that white light consists of seven colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
Know that a rainbow occurs when it is sunny and raining.
Know that light can be separated into different colours with a prism.
lesson 5 - shadows
steps to success - Explain how light travels.
Know what opaque, translucent and transparent means.
Sort different materials depending on if they are opaque, translucent or transparent.
lesson 6 - changing shadows - this is an investigation on how a shadow changes when you move the light source further away.
steps to success - Explain how a shadow is formed.
Plan and set up an investigation into the way shadows change size.
Observe patterns in the way shadows change size.
Explain the patterns I find.
Each lesson has idioms included related to light and these are recapped each session.
These are available individually if wanted. please check out my shop :)
This lesson explains how light travels in straight lines
looks at opaque, translucent and transparent and what each of them means.
children have to complete an activity where they have to test different materials and put them in a table depedending if they are opaque, translucent or transparent
This is an investigation: how do shadows change when the distance between the light source and the object changes?
Firstly it talks about how we make shadows and what a shadow is.
It then goes through the investigation step by step - starting with the question, what equipment, how to make it a fair test (looking at independent and dependent variables), the results and then the conclusion.
It takes the children through step by step as they write it up in their books along the way.
please check out my shop as this follows on from the texture lesson.
During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was.
Recaps the tools and how these can create textures and patterns. It then has a chance to reflect on what they have done in the previous session with the textures
video of how to complete score and slip
task - children to practise the score and slip technique
Please check out my shop as this lesson leads on from the cutting lesson.
During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was. Include a quote for the children to remember.
It recaps the previous sculptures that have been looked at and this week introduces - figure for landscape and rock form
Has a recap of the tools that can be used for clay.
Video of how to create textures and patterns on the clay
task- children to create textures and patterns on their piece of clay using the tools provided and things they can find in the classroom.
Please check out my shop as this lesson follows on from the moulding clay lesson.
This revisits the key facts - birth/ death, where she was born, what type of artist she was, what a sculpture is and a key quote for the children to learn.
this looks at two key sculptures and a discussion is needed of each one - monolith - empyrean and sphere with inner form
The tools are then looked at and what they are used for.
Children then experiment cutting clay with the tools.
Please check out my shop as this follows on from the score and slip lesson
During this lesson it looks at the key facts of Barbara Hepworth (recap) - birth/ death/ where she was born and what type of artist she was.
This lesson brings everything together that they have learnt over the course of the term. It reminds them of all the techniques they have used and how they are going to create their own sculpture based on Barbara Hepworth.
Children are shown the four sculptures (monolith - empyrean, sphere with inner form, figure for landscape and rock form) that have been looked at in previous weeks and the children will produce their own using this as a guide.
children to use the skills they have learnt over the term to create their own sculpture
Starts with vocab slides for that session
Discusses what the Qur’an is and why it is important for Muslims
There is a short recitation of the Bismillah and what that is/ what is means
Looks at how we can represent people through pictures or words. There are two slides - one with just words and they have to guess who the character is and then a following slide with pictures and they have to guess who the character is. Then a discussion is needed as to which is best - words or picrtures.
Then it looks at how Muslims believe it is better for Allah to be described through words (99 names) and it shows then the first 5 names that Muslims refer to Allah as.
There is then a comprehension style task (answers included)
Then as an extension they have to design a poster to help people remember some of Allah’s 99 names.
This powerpoint is a full lesson based on the primary national strategy - relationships green booklet for years 5/6.
Included is :-
What does it mean to feel embarrassed?
physical and emotional effects of embarrassment
Who can make you feel embarrassed?
Why do we get embarrassed over things?
What influences just how embarrassing we find a particular situation?
What behaviours might embarrassment lead us to use?
What can we do to help ourselves when we feel embarrassed?
They then have some questions to answer on a story about a boy who was embarrased
This is a complete lesson. It is part of a set of Christian passage sessions so please check out my shop for more.
Included in this powerpoint -
key vocabulary
What is a wedding?
Before the wedding
who the couple need to speak to after they become engaged
Who takes part in the wedding and what are their jobs
wedding traditions
what happens after the wedding
task 1 - order the day
task 2 - write an explanation for the main parts of the wedding
Greater than and less than problem solving sheets
there are three differentiated sheets with problems
LA - working on one digit
MA - working on two digit
HA - working on three digit
These questions are linked to under the sea
This powerpoint is for KS2 it goes through the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.
It starts by discussing who he is and why he is famous.
It introduces Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon and the dates at each point of the excavation.
It goes through each part of the tomb and what was found in each part, it has a map of each section.
This could be used as a stimulus for a topic session or for a writing session.
Included with this resource you get:
Two week lesson plan which has success criteria included. Ideas for each day and how it is being taught.
Powerpoint included difficult vocab that they may not have come across (includes example from text/what the word means/ linked words/ picture)
Comprehension questions which are differentiated.
Story plan sheet.
Grammar focus for the week worksheet - a or an
Here are two differentiated worksheets on fractions. The higher ability sheet is two step problems and the middle ability is just one step.
Hope these are ok for you to use :)
Included in this resource you will receive:-
Weekly plan of what to do each day
Success criteria for each lesson
Comprehension activity linked to the book 'escape from Pompeii with three levels (bronze, silver, gold)
Key word slides of difficult words that they may come across in the book (these include the word/ meaning of the word/ picture/ linked words)
Story plan (which could be used for a big write the following week)
draft story of the story plan
Grammar powerpoint on adverbs to help with the story
Postcard example.
This powerpoint explains what happens when alcohol is drunk on different parts of the body.
It discusses the negative effects on the body and also the positive.
It has facts on ages alcohol can be drunk and when and how alcohol is made.
After the powerpoint i gave the children a copy of the body and the children labelled the key parts and what the impact of alcohol is on each of these parts.
This detailed presentation includes 2 sessions.
session 1 - discusses what is energy, looks at non renewable energy and climate change and how green houses gases (cause and consequence of them ) are contributing to these. work for session 1 is to write about green house gases and include cause and consequence using the powerpoint as support.
Session 2 - recap of previous session. Then looks at renewable energy and how this is better for the environment. activity - to produce an information leaflet about how to save energy.
Key vocab slides included aswell for the words the children need to know by the end of the two sessions
This powerpoint includes vocabulary slides of key words that i would expect the children to know.
It talks about his early life, the problems in south Africa (aparteid) and why he ended up in prison.
Includes invictus poem that Mandela found comfort in while in prison - i am going to learn this with my children.
Discusses his nobel peace prize and then his death - dates used
Children create factfile a out Nelson Mandela
This powerpoint recognises that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
Starts of with a key vocabulary slide which i expect them to know by the end of the lesson
section 2 - key facts
section 3 - why should we protect elephants
section 4 - what is endangering elephants in africa - discusses climate change, ivory trade and deforestation
section 5 - what is being done to protect the elphants
activity - children to write a short piece using all of this information - there is a slide with reminders on for them
included is a power point which goes through facts about modern Greece.
it includes maps, and general facts for e.g. religions, countries that border, climate, economy
Then there is a worksheet with a map of Greece with some questions linked to the map.