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George's Marvellous Business Studies & Economic Resources

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Please check out my quality teaching resources that cover both Business Studies and Economics. I have been a teacher for over 10 years and always aim to produce high quality worksheets, activities and presentations. I have taught both Business Studies and Economics from GCSE to A-Level. Please come back often to see my latest and greatest resources.




Please check out my quality teaching resources that cover both Business Studies and Economics. I have been a teacher for over 10 years and always aim to produce high quality worksheets, activities and presentations. I have taught both Business Studies and Economics from GCSE to A-Level. Please come back often to see my latest and greatest resources.
Economies of Scale - GCSE Economics - Internal & External Economies of Scale - PPT & Worksheets

Economies of Scale - GCSE Economics - Internal & External Economies of Scale - PPT & Worksheets

This detailed lesson helps students fully understand economies of scale. The lesson starts with a fun ‘How Big’ starter worksheet - this is where students have to guess the different sizes of large companies (answers included). The lesson then looks at how large companies can benefit from economies of scale. The lesson covers the economies of scale diagram and how average costs fall as production increases. The lesson also looks at the clear difference between internal and external economies of scale. I have focused many tasks throughout this lesson that helps students fully understand the concept of economies of scale. The lesson also looks at diseconomies of scale in a lot of detail. I have also provided a great task based on Mega Dairies in the UK and how they hope to benefit from economies of scale - this includes a number of great video clips and an excellent worksheet that could be used in a group activity. This lesson could easily stretch across 2-3 hours of teaching. A great lesson which would be perfect for GCSE Economics and also useful for A-Level.
The Circular Flow of Income

The Circular Flow of Income

Students will understand the key economic theory of the circular flow of income. The lesson reflects on value added and national income. The lesson also includes theory the difference between nominal and real data and the goods and factor markets. The lesson includes a clear run through of how the circular flow if income is connected, and the different leakages and injections into an economy. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and videos. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes a fun group task.
Franchises / Franchising - Pros & Cons - Business Ownership - PPT & Worksheets - Franchise

Franchises / Franchising - Pros & Cons - Business Ownership - PPT & Worksheets - Franchise

This bumper lesson covers everything students need to know about franchises. This PPT includes a description of franchises, there pros and cons and includes various tasks throughout. The lesson also includes relevant examples of business franchises and links to some great videos. The lesson also looks at the important difference between a franchisee and a franchisor. I have also included two detailed worksheets based on franchises that can be used straight after the PPT is used in class. This is a perfect resource for GCSE Business Studies and the Setting up a New Business unit. I have also included a 10 question multiple choice quiz, which is perfect for the lesson starter.
Stakeholders & Business Objectives - Business Studies - GCSE - Worksheet, PPT & Quiz

Stakeholders & Business Objectives - Business Studies - GCSE - Worksheet, PPT & Quiz

A bumper lesson on a typical businesses stakeholders. The presentation looks at the main stakeholders for different businesses and their differing objectives. Stakeholders I have focused on include workers, customers, managers, suppliers, government and the local community. The lesson includes numerous real life business examples with an emphasis on McDonalds. There are also a number of tasks throughout the lesson to help keep students engaged. I have also included a nice worksheet on stakeholders to be used at the end of the PPT. I have also included a nice 10 question multiple choice quiz on stakeholders and other topics as a perfect starter for the lesson. Perfect for GCSE Business Studies.
Balance Sheets - Finance - Business Studies - PPT, Tasks, Starter Activity & Worksheets

Balance Sheets - Finance - Business Studies - PPT, Tasks, Starter Activity & Worksheets

A great lesson that covers balance sheets. The PPT covers the theory behind balance sheets and how they are constructed. There are numerous examples to help explain how a balance sheet needs to ‘balance’. I have included numerous balance sheet tasks and worksheets to help students fully grasp this tricky topic. I have also included a nice quiz on finance, perfect for a lesson starter. The detailed worksheets and activities will easily stretch across 2 lessons. Perfect for GCSE and A-Level Business Studies.
Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

Students will understand the key economic theory of exchange rates. Students will learn what exchange rates are, how they are calculated and how they can impact economies and why they are so important. Students will learn the pros and cons of having a weak and strong currency. The lesson also introduces supply and demand of exchange rates with diagrams and examples. The lesson includes tasks, examples and videos. The lesson also includes a nice worksheet to help consolidate learning.
Market Failure - Introduction & The Main Causes of Market Failure - A-Level Economics

Market Failure - Introduction & The Main Causes of Market Failure - A-Level Economics

This lesson is a perfect introduction to market failure. The lesson includes lots of detailed theory, diagrams, examples and tasks. The lesson starts with a look at productive and allocative efficiency. The lesson then explains what market failure is and why it is a big problem. The lesson then looks briefly a the following types of market failure: * Externalities * Merit and Demerit Goods * Public goods Main lesson aim: Students will understand what market failure is and the main causes of market failure. I have made a nice task where students need to tick whether a product is a public, merit or demerit good and explain their answer. I have also included a nice worksheet on the topics covered. I have also included a student copy of the PPT. This lesson is perfect to GCSE or A-Level Economics.
Business Ethics - CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility - Business Studies - GCSE PPT & Tasks

Business Ethics - CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility - Business Studies - GCSE PPT & Tasks

A great lesson on teaching business ethics. The lesson starts with students asked to decide whether it is right that Nike uses sweatshops to increase profits - students write down their response on a post-it note and add it to the whiteboard. Students are then shown a great 20 minute documentary on Nike and Sweatshops (link to video included) and then they get an opportunity to change their view. This lesson then looks at the pros and cons of businesses operating ethically and how it may impact their image. The PPT includes examples of some of the least ethical businesses. The lesson then looks at the evidence of whether McDonald’s is ethical or not. Students then consolidate their learning with the 2 page worksheet. A great fun and interactive lesson that helps cover the Growing as a Business topic in GCSE Business Studies.
Leadership Styles - Demographic, Autocratic, Paternalistic & Laissez-Faire - Business Studies Lesson

Leadership Styles - Demographic, Autocratic, Paternalistic & Laissez-Faire - Business Studies Lesson

A great lesson on teaching four of the main leadership styles in the world of business. There is clear theory on the importance of a good leader and how that can influence how businesses and companies are run. There is detailed theory on the pros and cons of demographic, autocratic, paternalistic and laissez-faire leaders. I have included examples for each type of leader. The lesson starts with a great leadership quiz, this will determine what type of leader each student is (I like to do a tally of the results on the board and see which type of leader is the most common). I like to refer back to the leadership quiz throughout the lesson after each type of leader is properly covered and see if students agree with their results. I have also included a nice task where students need to vote the leadership styles of famous entrepreneurs. The lesson finishes with a task where students need to read different scenarios and vote which type of leader would be best and explain why. Perfect for GCSE Business Studies.
Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio & Acid Test Ratio - Balance Sheets - Finance - PPT & Worksheets

Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio & Acid Test Ratio - Balance Sheets - Finance - PPT & Worksheets

A great lesson for teaching liquidity ratios. The PPT covers how to calculate both current ratios and acid test ratios. I have explained why each is so important to a businesses financial health and included relevant examples to help students fully understand. This lesson ties in very nicely to my lesson on balance sheets. The lesson leads on to a bumper worksheet where students need to calculate and analyse current ratios and acid test ratios for a number of businesses. I have also included a nice multiple choice quiz on finance as a great starter activity. Perfect for teaching a potentially tricky topic. Aimed at GCSE Business Studies, but could easily be used for A-Level Business Studies.
Objectives of Government Macroeconomic Policy - A-Level Economics - PPT & Group Task

Objectives of Government Macroeconomic Policy - A-Level Economics - PPT & Group Task

This detailed PPT helps introduce macroeconomics and the main government objectives. The lesson starts with a simple look at what macroeconomics is and which stakeholders it impacts. Below is a summary of the overall lesson objectives: Students will understand the main objectives of government macroeconomic policy: economic growth, price stability, minimising unemployment and a stable balance of payments on current account. The lesson looks mainly at the main government objectives, as listed below: * Stable low inflation * Sustainable growth * High employment * Improvements in productivity * Rising living standards and a fall in relative poverty * Sound government finances The lesson introduces each topic in brief detail to help students get an overview of the different objectives. The lesson also includes a 10 mark data exam style question based on the topic. I have also included links to a few key videos throughout the lesson to help students understand the topic. The lesson concludes with a fun group activity where students need to work together to create their won political party and come up with their own objectives and how they hope to improve the economy. I have included grading cards that can easily be printed and filled in to help students vote on their elected party. The plenary is a simple traffic light quiz that re-caps on the key theory covered. This lesson is perfect for introducing macroeconomics to students. It has been designed for the new Economics A-Level, but could easily be used for GCSE and other economic based courses. The lesson is linked to the UK economy, but again this could easily be updated for other countries. A perfect introduction to macroeconomics and government objectives.
Price Stability & Inflation

Price Stability & Inflation

Students will understand the key economic theory of inflation and price stability. Students will learn about purchasing power, basket of goods and the consumer price index. Students will also reflect on the difference between nominal and real values and how this links to inflation. The lesson includes tasks, examples and videos. The lesson also includes a nice worksheet to help consolidate learning.
Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates

Students will understand the key economic theory of exchange rates. The lesson covers what a trade-weighted index is and fixed and floating exchange rates. The lesson also covers the supply and demand of exchange rates and how governments can influence them. The lesson also looks at The Marshall Lerner Condition and the J-Curve effect. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and overview revision tasks. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes high mark essay style questions.
Inflation, Price Stability & Deflation

Inflation, Price Stability & Deflation

Students will understand the key economic theory of inflation, price stability and deflation. The lesson covers inflation, hyperinflation, disinflation, reflation and much more. The lesson covers the equation of exchange, the quantity theory of money and the Fisher Equation of Exchange. The lesson also covers the consequences of inflation and deflation and whether deflation can ever be good for an economy. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and videos. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes high mark essay style questions.
Exchange Rates - Economics - How Exchange Rates Impact an Economy - GCSE - PPT & Worksheet

Exchange Rates - Economics - How Exchange Rates Impact an Economy - GCSE - PPT & Worksheet

A nice lesson that explains exchange rates and how they can impact an economy. The lesson starts with the difference between imports and exports - with a nice simple task. The lesson then explains what exchange rates are. They lesson includes numerous examples of different exchange rates and explains how a weak or strong exchange rate can impact an economy. I have included great revision aids on how to help students remember the pros and cons of both a strong and weak pound, with the great acronyms SPICED and WPIDEC. The lesson then leads to a worksheet where students need to research different exchange rates and see how the price changes when different currencies are compared. A great lesson for teaching an important topic in Economics. Perfect for GCSE Economics and even Business Studies - the lesson could also be adapted for A-Level.
Influences on Exchange Rates - Economics - Appreciation & Depreciation - GCSE - Complete Lesson

Influences on Exchange Rates - Economics - Appreciation & Depreciation - GCSE - Complete Lesson

A nice lesson on the main influences on exchange rates. The lesson looks at eight of main influences on an economies exchange rate. The lesson also looks at the difference between appreciation and depreciation of exchange rates. I have included a nice task where students are given one of the eight influences and have to fill in a fact sheet. The lesson concludes with a number of tasks and exam style questions. Perfect for GCSE Economics and Business Studies. The lesson could also be adapted for A-Level.
Break Even Analysis - Calculations, Theory & Graphs - Business Finance - A-Level / GCSE

Break Even Analysis - Calculations, Theory & Graphs - Business Finance - A-Level / GCSE

A really detailed lesson (that could easily span over 2-3 lessons) on break-even. The lesson looks at the key theory behind break-even and how it is calculated. The lesson has loads of tasks throughout and gets students to complete tables, graphs and formulas to calculate a businesses break-even point. A great lesson includes a student handout which can be printed and used alongside the overall lesson PPT. The lesson includes examples and great revision tips on a potentially difficult financial topic. Perfect for both A-Level and GCSE Business Studies.
Customer Service - Operations - PPT & Worksheet - GCSE Business Studies

Customer Service - Operations - PPT & Worksheet - GCSE Business Studies

A nice lesson that teaches the theory behind good customer service. The theory is backed up with good clear examples and numerous activities. This lesson looks at the main advantages of a business offering good customer service and what this could lead to. There are also links to relevant videos. I have also included a detailed worksheet that covers key questions based around this topic. Perfect for the operations topic in GCSE Business Studies.