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George's Marvellous Business Studies & Economic Resources

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Please check out my quality teaching resources that cover both Business Studies and Economics. I have been a teacher for over 10 years and always aim to produce high quality worksheets, activities and presentations. I have taught both Business Studies and Economics from GCSE to A-Level. Please come back often to see my latest and greatest resources.




Please check out my quality teaching resources that cover both Business Studies and Economics. I have been a teacher for over 10 years and always aim to produce high quality worksheets, activities and presentations. I have taught both Business Studies and Economics from GCSE to A-Level. Please come back often to see my latest and greatest resources.
Production Methods - Job, Batch & Flow Production - Operations - Group Task & Worksheet

Production Methods - Job, Batch & Flow Production - Operations - Group Task & Worksheet

A great lesson on the three production methods; job, batch and flow. The lesson includes all the key theory of the three production methods (including examples and pros and cons) which leads up nicely to a fun group task. Students are split into there teams (job, batch and flow) and have to create as many paper cars as possible. Each group has slightly different rules. The game illustrate the pros and cons of each production method. I have also included a simple worksheet on the production methods. There is also a nice traffic light plenary quiz at the end of the lesson. Perfect for teaching the Operations topic in GCSE Business Studies. This lesson may also be useful for Design Technology lessons.
Economies of Scale - GCSE Economics - Internal & External Economies of Scale - PPT & Worksheets

Economies of Scale - GCSE Economics - Internal & External Economies of Scale - PPT & Worksheets

This detailed lesson helps students fully understand economies of scale. The lesson starts with a fun ‘How Big’ starter worksheet - this is where students have to guess the different sizes of large companies (answers included). The lesson then looks at how large companies can benefit from economies of scale. The lesson covers the economies of scale diagram and how average costs fall as production increases. The lesson also looks at the clear difference between internal and external economies of scale. I have focused many tasks throughout this lesson that helps students fully understand the concept of economies of scale. The lesson also looks at diseconomies of scale in a lot of detail. I have also provided a great task based on Mega Dairies in the UK and how they hope to benefit from economies of scale - this includes a number of great video clips and an excellent worksheet that could be used in a group activity. This lesson could easily stretch across 2-3 hours of teaching. A great lesson which would be perfect for GCSE Economics and also useful for A-Level.
Monetary Policy & Central Banks

Monetary Policy & Central Banks

Students will understand the key economic theory of monetary policy and how this links into central banks. The lesson covers what monetary policy is and the different policies available, including changing interest rates and quantitative easing. The lesson covers the Monetary Policy Committee. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and overview revision tasks. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes high mark essay style questions.
Exchange Rates - Economics - How Exchange Rates Impact an Economy - GCSE - PPT & Worksheet

Exchange Rates - Economics - How Exchange Rates Impact an Economy - GCSE - PPT & Worksheet

A nice lesson that explains exchange rates and how they can impact an economy. The lesson starts with the difference between imports and exports - with a nice simple task. The lesson then explains what exchange rates are. They lesson includes numerous examples of different exchange rates and explains how a weak or strong exchange rate can impact an economy. I have included great revision aids on how to help students remember the pros and cons of both a strong and weak pound, with the great acronyms SPICED and WPIDEC. The lesson then leads to a worksheet where students need to research different exchange rates and see how the price changes when different currencies are compared. A great lesson for teaching an important topic in Economics. Perfect for GCSE Economics and even Business Studies - the lesson could also be adapted for A-Level.
Economic Growth

Economic Growth

Students will understand the key economic theory of the economic growth. Students will learn how economic growth is measured and calculated. Students will also look at GDP and GDP Per Capita. Economic growth and inflation are also touched upon. The lesson also gets students to analyse various economic growth data and how it can impact other government objectives. The lesson includes tasks, examples, worksheets and videos.


Students will understand the key economic theory of globalisation. The lesson covers what causes globalisation, the characteristics of globalisation and the consequences of globalisation. The lesson also covers the role of MNCs on making the world more global. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and overview revision tasks. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes high mark essay style questions.
Positive & Negative Externalities - Market Failure - A-Level Economics - PPT & Tasks

Positive & Negative Externalities - Market Failure - A-Level Economics - PPT & Tasks

This detailed lesson looks at both positive and negative externalities and how they can lead to market failure. The lesson includes lots of detailed theory, examples, videos, diagrams and tasks. Lesson Aim: Students will understand what both positive and negative externalities are and how they can lead to market failure. I have included a student copy of the lesson to work alongside the main PPT. I have included exam style questions and videos to help teach a tricky topic. A perfect lesson for A-Level Economics.


Students will understand the key economic theory of globalisation. Students will learn what globalisation is, the characteristics of globalisation and the likely consequence of globalisation. Students will reflect on how MNC’s also impact globalisation. The lesson includes tasks, examples and videos.
Economic Growth & The Economic Cycle

Economic Growth & The Economic Cycle

Students will understand the key economic theory of economic growth and the economic cycle. The lesson covers what is economic growth, the pros and cons of economic growth and the likely impact of economic growth to various stakeholders. The lesson also overs the stages of the economic cycle and what can cause a change in the cycle. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and videos. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes high mark essay style questions.
Economic Growth & Development

Economic Growth & Development

Students will understand the key economic theory of economic growth and development. The lesson covers the characteristics of less developed economies, the main indicators of development, and the main factors affecting growth and development. The lesson also covers the government policies to promote economic growth and development. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and overview revision tasks. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes high mark essay style questions.
Finance - Calculating Sales Revenue, Costs & Profit - GCSE Business Studies - PPT & Worksheet

Finance - Calculating Sales Revenue, Costs & Profit - GCSE Business Studies - PPT & Worksheet

A bumper lesson that covers key financial calculations for GCSE Business Studies students. The lesson shows how to calculate revenue, fixed costs, variable costs, total costs and profit. Each section has clear questions and answers, with the PPT working alongside the worksheet attached. I have tried to make the lesson fun and easy to understand. The worksheet builds upon the theory and has many more financial calculations to work out. This could easily span across 2 lessons as the worksheet is very detailed. A great resource for teaching a potentially tricky topic. Perfect for GCSE Business Studies and could easily be adapted for other course.
Oligopolies - Kinked Demand Curve & Profit Maximisation in Oligopolistic Markets - A-Level

Oligopolies - Kinked Demand Curve & Profit Maximisation in Oligopolistic Markets - A-Level

This detailed lesson (35 slides) on oligopolies is a great introduction to a very important market structure. This lesson helps students fully understand why profits are maximised when marginal revenue equals marginal costs for oligopolies and focuses heavily on the kinked demand curve. The lesson looks at the following topics and includes various tasks and examples throughout. Oligopoly Introduction Kinked Demand Curve Game Theory Profit Maximisation I have included various tasks for students to work on during the lesson and have linked to some great videos that help explain a potentially difficult topic. I have also included a great key diagram revision resource for kinked demand curves which has all the information students need on one simple and effective diagram. I have briefly introduced game theory - however this will be covered in a lot more detail in another of my lessons. This lesson is perfect for A-Level Economics.
The Economic Problem - Scarcity, Opportunity Cost & Choice - Capital & Consumer Goods - Economics

The Economic Problem - Scarcity, Opportunity Cost & Choice - Capital & Consumer Goods - Economics

A nice lesson that covers the economic problem. The lesson looks at scarcity and choice and how resources are allocated. The lesson looks at opportunity cost and includes a nice task on this topic. I have also included a Mars Bar utility task which will keep students engaged. I have also included a keyword scramble and a nice factors of production gap fill task. I have also included a nice worksheet based on topics around the economic problem - this worksheet includes matching tasks, gap fills and questions. I have also included a student version of the lesson. This lesson can be used for either GCSE or A-Level Economics. Lesson aim: Students will fully understand the economic problem and how resources are allocated.
Generating Business Ideas - Sources of Ideas - PPT & Group Tasks - A-Level Business Studies

Generating Business Ideas - Sources of Ideas - PPT & Group Tasks - A-Level Business Studies

A nice lesson that looks at the four ways entrepreneurs can generate business ideas: 1. Spotting trends and anticipating their impact 2. Identifying a market niche 3. Copying ideas from other countries 4. Taking a scientific approach The lesson covers the theory of each and includes relevant examples. The lesson also includes relevant video clips and quick tasks. The lesson concludes with a nice group task where students need to work together to answer key questions on the lesson covered. I have also included a nice plenary task where students need to memorise the key terms covered in today’s lesson and write them down with relevant key terms. This lesson is aimed at AS Level Business Studies students, but it could be adapted for GCSE Business Studies.
The Labour Market - Trade Unions - A-Level Economics / Microeconomics - Lesson 6 of 6

The Labour Market - Trade Unions - A-Level Economics / Microeconomics - Lesson 6 of 6

This detailed lesson carries on with the key theory behind the labour market. This lesson looks at the key theory behind trade unions and how they impact the labour market. The lesson includes all the key theory, diagrams, video clips and questions. I have also included a student copy of the lesson. This is a perfect lesson for A-Level Economics and helps cover a tough topic. Lesson 6 of 6 of the labour market.
GCSE Economics - How the Market Works - Keyword Championships - Fun Revision Game - OCR - Micro

GCSE Economics - How the Market Works - Keyword Championships - Fun Revision Game - OCR - Micro

At the end of each year (and even each term) I like to play a fun revision game with my GCSE Economics students. Unit 1 Keyword Championships helps students re-cap on all the keywords from the unit How the Market Works from GCSE Economics. I first explain the rules of the game to my students (see below) and hand out the packs to groups of 4-5 students. I simply print out and cut up all the keywords and definitions to make a large pile. One person from each group grabs a card and reads out the definition to their other group members - the first person who guesses the correct definition wins a point which is recorded on the score card (see PPT). The pile of cards goes round the group and the scores are recorded. The game finishes when all cards have been used. This game takes around 1 hour to complete all cards. This game has proved a huge hit with students of all abilities and really has helped them learn the keywords and basic theory of Economics. A perfect game for GCSE Economicss. This game has been made to fit the OCR syllabus, however it could easily be adapted for other exam boards. Included in this lesson are following: Keyword Championship Title Screen Rule of the game Score card Unit 1 - How the Market Works Keywords (ready to be cut up) There is space for adding your own keywords and definitions to make the game more fun and suited to your students. E.g. I like to add in the odd fact and business quote to help make the game a little more fun. Rules of Keyword Championships: Get into groups of 4-5 people. Shuffle your keyword cards and turn them upside down into a nice pile. One person in your group will then pick up a card and read the description. The first person to correctly identify the keyword gets a point. Keep going around the table until all keywords have been identified and find out who has the most points. The winning person in each group will win a prize.
Types of Unemployment & Calculating & Analysing Employment Data

Types of Unemployment & Calculating & Analysing Employment Data

This detailed and engaging lesson covers the key theory behind the different types of unemployment and how employment data can be properly analysed. The lesson gives examples and clear definitions of cyclical, structural, frictional and seasonal unemployment. There are many examples of unemployment and videos. The lesson includes many tasks and activities throughout.
Economies of Scale - Whole Lesson - GCSE Business Studies - PPT, Starter & Worksheet

Economies of Scale - Whole Lesson - GCSE Business Studies - PPT, Starter & Worksheet

This detailed lesson helps introduce economies of scale. The lesson starts with a fun ‘How Big’ starter worksheet - this is where students have to guess the different sizes of large companies (answers included). This will get students thinking about mass production. The lesson then looks at how large companies can benefit from economies of scale. The lesson covers the economies of scale diagram and how average costs fall as production increases. The lesson also introduces diseconomies of scale. There are a number of relevant video clips to help give some great examples. A great lesson which would be perfect for GCSE Business Studies.
International Trade

International Trade

Students will understand the key economic theory of international trade. Students will learn about imports, exports and the advantages of comparative advantage. Students will also learn the more general benefits and drawback of international trade and protectionism. The lesson also includes info on the WTO. The lesson includes tasks, examples and videos.
The Balance of Payments

The Balance of Payments

Students will understand the key economic theory of the balance of payments. The lesson covers how sections of the balance of payments such as the current account and financial account. The lesson also covers foreign direct investment (FDI) and evaluating a current account deficit and surplus. The lesson includes deep theory, many tasks, examples and overview revision tasks. This lesson is aimed at higher level Macroeconomic teaching and includes high mark essay style questions.