Badminton Lesson Plans for Year 7 - 11
Over 40 quality lesson plans to teach badminton from year 7 through to year 11.
They include the activity description, objectives, teaching points, evaluation of performance and differentiation.
This is a series of four lessons designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Movement Analysis topic. This lessons are entitled:
Basic Movement
Basic Movement 2
Planes of Movement
Types of Lever
They each contain both a PowerPoint and a workbook to cover the Learning Goals and Key words:
A Fully Editable PE Handbook which can easily be adapted to your school. This comprehensive documents includes:
Aims of The Department
Resources and Facilities
Timings of the day
Department Policies
Assessment /Recording/Reporting
Community Links and Partnerships
Equal Opportunities
Gifted and Talented
Grounds Maintenance
Monitoring and Evaluation
Health and Safety
PE Department Rules and Safety Code
Risk assessment and planning before a Lesson
Before a lesson starts staff should
In identifying risk staff should
In case of emergency staff should …
Inter College / College Liaison
Lesson Observation - Guidance
Marketing The PE Department
Merit System
Minibus / Coach
Partnerships When Staffing Lessons
Colleges Sports Partnership
Sixth Form Recruitment
Special Needs
Departmental Procedures
Accident Procedure
Minor injuries (cuts, wounds, bumps etc).
Major Injury
Broken / Damage to PE Equipment and / or Property
Lost Property
Pupil Attendance and Absence Procedures
Pupil Discipline
Pupil Dress and Hygiene
Pupil Non-Participation/Pupils Forgetting Kit
Resources and Finance
Security and
Staff absence
Staff Appraisal / Threshold requirements
Staff Development
Wet Weather Provision
Allocation Of Time
Assessment for Learning
Teaching and Learning Styles
Teaching and Learning Assessment
Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS)
Learning Styles and Writing in PE
What Makes an Outstanding Lesson
Excellent PE Lesson
Cross-Curricular Links
Extra-Curricular Activities
Ski Trip
Performance Development
Writing a UCAS Reference
Lesson Observation Form
Grades Input to Pupil Tracking System
A fully interactive Revision Powerpoint, for the Sport and Society section of the AQA Physical Education A Level . It includes nearly 200 exam questions, with mark schemes as well as mindmaps.
This is the third lesson from a series of eleven designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Applied Anatomy & Physiology topic. This lesson is titled ‘The Structure and Function of the Muscular System’ and includes both a PowerPoint and a workbook to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
To be able to label the muscles in the body
Explain how the skeletal system and the muscular system work together to allow movement.
Use examples to explain the 3 types of muscle contraction
Key words Tendon, Prime mover (agonist), Antagonist, Isotonic contraction,
Isometric contraction and Musculoskeletal system.
This is the first lesson from a series of nine designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Physical Training topic. This lesson is titled ‘Health and Fitness and Components of Fitness’. and includes both a powerpoint and a workbook to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
Define the key terms Health and Fitness and identify the relationship between both of them
Define the 10 components of fitness
Provide sporting examples explaining why components of fitness are important
This is the second lesson from a series of nine designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Physical Training topic. This lesson is titled ‘Health and Fitness and Components of Fitness’. and includes both a powerpoint and a workbook to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
Define the 10 components of fitness, so that I can answer an exam question
Provide sporting examples explaining why components of fitness are important, so that I can present my knowledge to the class
Critique work presented by other members of the group
Justify reasons for components of fitness
Apply my knowledge of components of fitness to a longer mark exam question
To identify the relative importance of the components of fitness to different sporting activities
This is the first lesson from a series of four designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Movement Analysis topic. This lesson is titled ‘Basic Movement’. and includes both a PowerPoint and a workbook to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
This is the ninth lesson from a series of eleven designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Applied Anatomy & Physiology topic. This lesson is titled ‘Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise’. and includes both a PowerPoint and a workbook to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
To compare and contrast the differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise
To list examples of each type of exercise and justify your choices
Fully interactive Powerpoint containing 550+ Exam Questions for GCSE PE (AQA) with markschemes and Examiner Reports. This resource has been updated to include all exam questions up to and including the June 2019 exam paper. The questions include multiple choice, short answers and long answers. This is an ideal classroom resource or a great revision tool.
Fully interactive Powerpoint containing 300+ Exam Questions for GCSE PE (AQA) with markschemes. The questions include multiple choice, short answers and long answers. This is an ideal classroom resource or a great revision tool.
This is the seventh lesson from a series of ten designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Sports Psychology topic. This lesson is titled ‘Arousal’. and includes both a PowerPoint and a workbook to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
Define arousal and explain the ‘inverted-U’ theory for sport
Link sporting skills and situations to arousal and the ’inverted-U’ theory
Know, explain and apply 4 stress management techniques for managing arousal
Athletics 5 Star Award Points Table for all athletic events. This is very useful for scoring pentathlon, heptathlon and other athletic competitions including Victor and Victrix Ludorum’s. Useful to use for GCSE and PE assessments.
This is a ten lesson series designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Sports Psychology topic. Each lesson includes both a PowerPoint and a workbook to cover the Learning Goals and Key words, as well as homeworks and Exam questions.
Lesson 1 and 2 Skills and ability.
Lesson 3 Goals and targets.
Lesson 4 Information Processing.
Lesson 5 Guidance.
Lesson 6 Feedback.
Lesson 7 Arousal.
Lesson 8 Aggression.
Lesson 9 Personality Types.
Lesson 10 Motivation.
400+ Exam Questions for AQA A Level PE Paper 1 Powerpoint with Markschemes and Examiners Reports. This interactive resource includes every exam question which has been used including Summer 2019 for Paper 1. The questions are organised into categories and the markschemes and examiners reports are revealed at the click of a mouse. There are links to the contents page etc. This will be invaluable to both teachers and students. Paper 2 will be coming soon!
This is the seventh lesson from a series of nine designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Physical Training topic. This lesson is titled ‘Methods of Training’. and includes both a powerpoint to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
To know the 8 types of training
Describe the 8 types of training, identifying advantages and disadvantages of each
Apply types of training to components of fitness and various sports
This is the first lesson from a series of eleven designed to cover the AQA GCSE PE Applied Anatomy & Physiology topic. This lesson is titled ‘The structure and functions of the skeleton’. and includes both a powerpoint and a workbook to cover the following Learning Goals and Key words:
Identify where the main bones in the body are.
To categorise the 4 main types of bones.
Describe the 6 main functions of the skeletal system.