Orginally designed for a high ability year 8 group to cut and stick the organisms, drawing lines to show the feeding relationships.
The blank card was left for the pupils to draw the sun, but this could be taken out/sun drawn on for the pupils depending on ability.
This activity was also used with an SEN year 9 class for revision. The cards were laminated and cut out for them, as were the arrows. Pupils then sorted the cards into simple food chains and expanded as they wished - these were then noted down in their books.
Lesson plan and activities for year 7 on pregnanacy. Lesson covers stages of development in the foetus as well as new key words and diagrams. Includes an AfL plenary task.
Lesson plan and activities for AQAs B1.2 Carbon cycle. Any page references are for OUPs 'AQA GCSE Science&' book - ISBN 978-0-19-913583-7.
With the animated ppt slides, I ask students to use mini-whiteboards to fill in names of carbon stores and processes as we go along.
Lesson and activities for AQAs A2 Biology 1.3 Variation in population size. Any reference to questions and/or pages from the book refer to Nelson Thorne's AQA A2 Biology student book, ISBN 978-0748798131.
Lesson and activities for AQAs AS Biology 7.1 & 7.2 Variation and types of variation. All reference to questions and/or pages in the book are from Nelson Thorne's AQA AS Biology student book - ISBN 978-0748782758.
AQA As Biology 2011.
Instructions are provided in the notes section of the powerpoint slides. Designed as the second part of a 2-hour double lesson.
All questions with reference to the student textbook is with regards to Nelson Thornes AQA As Biology.
Please rate & comment as appropriate.
Lesson and activities (one taken from another TES user - fiendishlyclver thank you!) designed for AQAs C1.1 Extracting Metals. Designed for a SEN class with MLD.
AQA As Biology 2011.
The student questions are with regards to the student textbook published by Nelson Thornes, AQA As Biology.
Please rate & comment as appropriate.
Lesson and activities for AQAs A2 Biology 1.1 Populations and ecosystems. Any reference to questions and/or pages from the book refer to Nelson Thorne's AQA A2 Biology student book, ISBN 978-0748798131.
A simple method for pupils to follow - designed for high ability year 8 group, but the images would allow for differentiation for lower ability groups.
I have designed the worksheet just to give the simple method which will be used by pupils to determine which pen was used to write a 'mystery note'.
Lesson and activities for AQAs AS Biology 4.3 Gas exchange in the lungs. All reference to questions and/or pages in the book are from Nelson Thorne's AQA AS Biology student book - ISBN 978-0748782758.
Designed for the lower ability end of a mid to low ability group of year 9 pupils as part of a Core, Challenge and Super-Challenge activity on combustion.
The worksheets covers combustion, fuels, hydrocarbons, word equations and the combination of carbon with oxygen.
A CPD ppt created for a departmental meeting outlining some AfL techniques I commonly used. Could be useful for others looking for ideas or running in-house CPD on AfL, i.e on professional development days or for NQT/PGCE sessions in school.
Lesson and activities for AQAs AS Biology 4.5 Lung Disease. All reference to questions and/or pages in the book are from Nelson Thorne's AQA AS Biology student book - ISBN 978-0748782758.
A table for year 7 pupils to fill out on the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Under the title of the state of matter, the box is there for pupils to draw a particle diagram of the solids, liquid or gas.
The worksheet is designed to be filled out and discussed as a whole class activity, and then pupils use this to classify substances which are typically difficult to classify. E.g custard, jelly, sand etc.
Lesson and activities for AQAs 1.2 Data and disease. All reference to questions and/or pages in the book are from Nelson Thorne's AQA AS Biology student book - ISBN 978-0748782758.