A complete collection of resources to teach the Pearsons BTEC Applied science Level 3 qualification Unit 3
Students will be ready to attempt past papers following this.
Targeted towards Pearsons BTEC Applied Science Unit 2 - Assignment A.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
Describe how substances treat light.
Describe how to calibrate a colorimeter.
Deduce the concentration of an unknown solution using an absorbance / concentration plot.
A resource used for BTEC Applied science Nationals level 3 - Unit 2 assignment B.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
Construction and interpretation of cooling curves:
• temperature as a function of time
• rate of cooling from the gradient of the tangent to the cooling curve
• determination of melting point from the shape of a curve for a substance freezing
• super cooling
• shape of the curve and rate of cooling in relation to intermolecular forces and the state (solid or liquid) of the substance.
Created for BTEC Applied science Extended diploma. Unit 4 Assignment C. By the end of the series of lessons learners will be able to:
Identify materials needed to create an organic solid (aspirin).
Describe how to make aspirin in a lab.
Evaluate the procedure and suggest improvements.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify what is meant by concentration.
Describe how to calculate % yield.
Use n=m/mr AND c = n/v interchangeably to calculate mass and moles for equations.
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify the 2 intermolecular bonds.
Describe how London / Van-Der-Waals forces are formed.
Describe how permanent dipole / Hydrogen bonds are formed.
Compare the strength of Van-Der-Waals and Hydrogen bonds.
This lesson is aimed toward KS5 students (Yrs 16-18)
By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
Identify the advantages of recycling.
Identify the disadvantages of recycling.
Describe how metals are typically recycled.
Explain why the Life Cycle Assessment is important.
A series of 2 lessons which help deliver the 4B assignment. Pearson BTEC Applied Science level 3.
Lesson 1:
Contains background information on esters.
Lesson 2:
Includes a step by step guide students can follow to produce esters.
Created for BTEC Applied science Extended diploma. Unit 4 Assignment D. This resource will help the students to structure their assignment to include all necessary points to reach distinction standard.
Aimed toward BTEC Applied science Nationals Level 3 students - unit 2 Assignment A.
Learners will be able to.
Identify the concentration of solutions.
Describe how to calculate concentration.
Create a method for serial dilutions.
Targeting the Pearsons BTEC nationals Applied Science Unit 2 - Assignment A.
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
Calibrate equipment,
Produce COSHH standard risk assessments,
and produce a standard / stock solution.
Aimed toward BTEC nationals level 3 Applied science Unit 2 assignment C.
Learners will be able to:
Identify equipment needed to extract leaf pigments.
Describe how to interpret a chromatogram.
Suggest possible improvements to chromatography.
The entire unit work of new technology Chemistry in the activate 3 SoW.
Files have been used to great impact on google slides. All features should still work on microsoft powerpoint.
All answers are included and is suitable to be delivered by a non-subect specialist.
The entire unit of work for turning points in Chemistry in the activate 3 SoW.
Files have been used to great impact on google slides. All features should still work on microsoft powerpoint.
All answers are included and is suitable to be delivered by a non-subect specialist.