I have developed lessons designed primarily for middle and high school students in science. These labs have been classroom tested for many years. Awards 2007-2005 Professional Learning Grant from the Waltham Chamber of Commerce 2001, and my name is on Mars 2001 Mars Rover for my contributions to NASA educational system.
I have developed lessons designed primarily for middle and high school students in science. These labs have been classroom tested for many years. Awards 2007-2005 Professional Learning Grant from the Waltham Chamber of Commerce 2001, and my name is on Mars 2001 Mars Rover for my contributions to NASA educational system.
The incredible power of magnets is illustrated in two engaging labs hands-on labs. Clear and easy-to-follow editable lab worksheet
Included is a reading for students to fully understand the power of magnets
Students will discover that magnets are attracted to special metals.
Magnets attract and repel other magnets.
What makes some materials magnetic
Wide mouth jar
Eisco Labs Floating Ring Magnet Set with Wooden Base
Total Pages
7 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
45 minutes
STEM This is the most incredible chemistry lesson you will ever teach your Middle school students. It is tons of fun, and messy, and will put magic in your subject.Included detailed instructions to follow each step. Templates for cutting and tracing are included at the end of the lesson. Students will be making their beautiful decorations from paper templates. The lesson explains the chemistry behind all this fun.
Happy Holidays
1/2 cup Shaving Cream
Food Dye or water-based paints
A sheet pan, cake pan, plastic food container—even a paper plate will work
Measuring Cups
Paint Brushes very soft
Cloth to cover lab tables
Products contain
Lab Procedure
This is a terrific lesson in dimension analysis. The method applied in high school chemistry to solve problems requires practice. Students will enjoy learning how to become skillful and confident in completing this practice with real-world applications
Make chemistry FUN during Christmas
Happy Holidays
Are you looking for Back to School Activities to teach/review lab safety. Look no further.
Here is a fun and engaging way to review lab safety with your students. Also works great to decorate your room. Use it for extra credit or to teach how to act in a lab. Fully editable
No Prep!
Total Pages
1 page
Answer Key
Rubric only
Teaching Duration
30 minutes
This is a fun way to get to know your students
Each time I reference to Science Teachers on my Facebook page, it consistently prompts a teacher to express disbelief that it’s already time to prepare for the upcoming school year. While it may feel premature, the reality is that the start of the school year is swiftly approaching, necessitating the planning of initial classroom activities.
This worksheet serves as a lighthearted and engaging tool to both understand your students better and informally assess their proficiency in the English language. Additionally, included are guidelines on effectively incorporating this enjoyable resource into your classroom activities.
This lab is a great resource to engage your middle school students to discover how minerals can be identified and quickly classified with a streak test. An explanation of why minerals change due to chemistry is included. This lab has been classroom-tested with a discussion question at the end. Students will understand WHY minerals change their color upon completion of this lab
Streak plate
6 to 10 labeled Minerals
Total Pages
5 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour
Grade 8 STEM Your middle school students will love this Hands-on Lab to discover how heat is the energy used to cause the temperature of an object to increase. The lab setup is quick and only requires mittens and a thermometer. This fun activity will have students discover the concept that heat is a form of energy that flows from areas of high intensity to areas of low intensity.
Objective Students will discover heat is the transfer of one area of energy to another and is felt as temperature
Lesson plan with guided teacher questions are included
No Prep
Key Terms are included
Undertake a design project to construct, test, and modify a device that either releases or absorbs thermal energy by chemical processes. Emphasis is on the design, controlling the transfer of energy to the environment, and modification of a device using factors such as the type and concentration of a substance. Examples of designs could involve chemical reactions such as dissolving ammonium chloride or calcium chloride. Assessment is limited to the criteria of amount, time, and temperature of substance in testing the device.
Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
30 minutes
The following standards are listed
PS3.A: Definitions of Energy
PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces
PS3.D: Energy in Chemical Processes and Everyday Life
This lab can be used in chemistry, health, physics, or Earth Science class.
Students will learn the effects of evaporation on cooling. Materials are items found in every science class. They will fill in a chart with their data to discover the information for themselves. A worksheet is included to check your students; understanding.
2 Thermometers
2 Pieces of dry cloth
*Answer key is provided
Need an engaging activity to investigate UV radiation and its effect on your students’ health.
Keep your young scientists safe this summer with the knowledge gathered with this fun lab. Your students will be surprised to see white beads change color with exposure to UV light. Great to encourage the use of sunscreen. This lab is perfect for end-of-year, camps or part of your health lessons.
I have also used it during my unit on Astronomy
UV beads
Sunscreen 15,30, 50
Ziploc bags
Lab Instructions
Worksheet to learn the importance of sunscreen
Here is a fun lab to use this popular toy to teach your high school chemistry and physics students thermodynamics in simple yet very important experimental techniques in this lab.
Included is
Explanation of how this bird acts as a heat engine
4 Labs
directions on how to make your own drinking bird
Lab questions with an answer key
Apply the concept of significant figures to limit measurement to the proper number of digits.
Recognize the number of significant figures in a given quantity. Limit mathematical results to the proper number of significant figures.
Are you looking for a fun activity to motivate your high school students to learn significant digits?
Summary of the rules
10 practice problems
3 Engaging Worksheets
A complete answer key is provided
Keep one of the worksheets as a review or a sub plan!
Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
2 hours
Taking measurements, performing dimensional analysis, determining temperature, density, and so on are all things that cannot be done without math
The first section reviews measurements in metric.
Start your year teaching chemistry on the right foot and find out where your students are in their math skills. Everyone knows you can not do chemistry well without a math background. d. The tests have bunnies on them to help students not be so nervous doing math. This lesson contains 2 tests. You can use one before and the other one after
In order to excel in chemistry, you must understand unit conversions, significant figures, summation notations, probability and statistics, exponents and logarithms, proportions, and concentrations. In most cases, these subjects overlap, so they are frequently discussed together
Grab this free lesson to make soap in your classroom
Are you looking for a way to make science both fun and safe for your students?
This is the most important lesson of the year for high school students. Your kids will love and remember this lesson because instead of just reading and answering questions they will be performing labs to learn the importance of safety in the classroom.
Total Pages 15
Teaching Duration
2 days
This resource was created to help teachers review and teach the Metric system and density. It is a classic lab highly recommended for the start of the school year. Students will be engaged and learn how to use the Metric System
This product contains
Fun no prep lab
10 Metric problems
Answer Key
10 index cards
Graduate cylinder
Rubber stopper
The metric system is a decimal system based on the meter, liter, and gram as units of length, capacity, and weight or mass. The system was first proposed by the French astronomer and mathematician Gabriel Mouton (1618–94) in 1670 and was standardized in France under the Republican government in the 1790s. Unlike the English system which has multiple units for length (inch, foot, yard, mile), the metric only has one – the meter (m). Similarly, there are four basic metric units: ● Length – meter (m) ● Mass – gram (g) ● Volume – liter (l or L) ● Time – second (s) Base unit values can be modified (made larger or smaller) through the use of prefixes (ex. kilo, 1000; hecto, 100; deka, 10; deci, 0.1; centi, 0.01; milli, 0.001).
Taking measurements, performing dimensional analysis, determining temperature, density, and so on are all things that cannot be done without math
The first section reviews measurements in metric.
Start your year teaching chemistry on the right foot and find out where your students are in their math skills. Everyone knows you can not do chemistry well without a math background. d. The tests have bunnies on them to help students not be so nervous doing math. This lesson contains 2 tests. You can use one before and the other one after
In order to excel in chemistry, you must understand unit conversions, significant figures, summation notations, probability and statistics, exponents and logarithms, proportions, and concentrations. In most cases, these subjects overlap, so they are frequently discussed together
Are you looking for a way to motivate your high school chemistry students, here it is!! During the first days of the year take them outside to work in groups to review measuring and estimating skills. Just print and go
This lesson contains
Students will estimate
Perform the actual measurements
Compare English and Metric
Meter stick
Graduated cylinder
Large beaker
Students design and create containers that will keep one standard-sized ice cubes in their solid form for a set period of time. The winner is the person who creates the container that keeps the ice cube solid for the longest period of time.
Ribbon Templates are included for first, second, and third prize
After the actual “Great Ice Cube Melt” students will analyze what worked and what did not
Take the classic STEM challenge to the next level. Question Can you build a better cooler that can hold ice colder longer? This lab is an application of the engineering process. Also, includes
Critical thinking
Materials are common items around the home
No prep for you but lots of science for your students.
Students learn and apply concepts in thermodynamics and energy—mainly convection, conduction, and radiation— to solve a challenge. This is accomplished by splitting students into teams and having them follow the engineering design process to design and build a small insulated box, with the goal of keeping an ice cube frozen
This fun lesson can be used for
Home School
Low Prep
Product contains
3 Labs
Poem by Robert Frost
This lesson will work well with your English Department.
Lab #1
Warm moist place
Fresh-cut hay, fallen leaves, or grass
Lab #2
Steel wool (not the soapy kind)
Lab #3
Lemon Juice
ade 8 STEM Three Weather Snow Lab
Lab 1
Middle Schools students will use their scientific skills to determine that snow is not as clean as most people believe. A very little setup time is required however a great deal of science will occur. Most students are shocked to see how many particles even freshly fallen snow contains.
This lab will also teach physical change, and illustrate the application of math in the lab. Students will determine that snow is much less dense than rain. One meter of snow equals only 10 to 15 cm of water.
Lab 2
Students will discover that snow has the same weight as water but more volume
Lab 3
How does salt affect the temperature of melting ice
2 Styrofoam cups
Clean Snow
Dirty Snow
The third section is a reading for students to understand real-life issues with treating the roads with ice melt.