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Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack

Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack

A set of powerpoints showing photographs of the most popular toys of the pre-50s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and modern toys; an introduction to the history of toys - going back to dolls in Ancient Greece to computers today; a look at portraits of children from the past playing with toys; a sorting toy activity into old and new, and an old poem about the wonders of a toy shop. There are also 4 maths powerpoints looking at addition and subtraction in the toy shop, with cards to print for games. The activities include: An acrostic poem template Animal cut-out templates to join together to make a moving toy Colouring sheets Pictures of new/old teddy Puppets for role play Russian doll set to print and laminate for size ordering 6 x Santa lists to use around Christmas A thaumatrope template with instructions 3 x cover templates for a topic book Toy sorting cards - to sort into different materials/ properties. Toys from the past questionnaire to take home to fill in with parents. A copy of an old book 'What shall we do next' from 1907 full of games and activities that children played The Wonderful Toymaker fairy tale to read An outline planning document with cross curricular links that can be adapted. DISPLAY Old toys display - photographs Children's portraits playing with toys Toys banner Toys heading Toys in the past heading Toys timeline
The history of flying & the first aeroplane flight  PowerPoint lessons and worksheets

The history of flying & the first aeroplane flight PowerPoint lessons and worksheets

A set of PowerPoint presentations plus a medium term plan looking at the history of flight. The PowerPoints are: The history of flight: Describes the development of flight from the first kites made by the Chinese around 200 BC to the modern types of aircraft today. Includes kites, wings, ornithopter, hot air balloon, hydrogen balloon, airships, helicopters, autogyro, biplanes and monoplanes, flying boat, the jet engine, space shuttles and Concorde. Also looks briefly at the work of: the Montgolfier brothers, George Cayley, Otto Lilienthall, Samuel Pierpont Langley, the Wright brothers and Frank Whittle. The first balloon flight ~ The Montgolfier brothers: A story of their lives, and how they designed the Montgolfier balloon. The first aeroplane flight ~ The Wright brothers: A story of their lives and how they designed the first heavier than air powered aircraft. How to make a paper plane (x2): Step by step instructions on how to make a paper plane, with illustrations. Printable resources Maps of the world / Europe/ UK/ North and South America/ South Asia/ Australia/ China/ Russian Federation / Mexico/ Africa Worksheets(15): Topic cover 9x sheets with images of different types of inventions for flying The Montgolfier brothers writing sheets The Wright brothers writing sheets Design a hot air balloon x 3 Airship picture Pictures of the Wright brothers and their planes 3 x A4 titles The history of flight / The Wright brothers / The Montgolfier brothers A-Z lettering Large ‘Flight’ letters Planning document
Transport topic -  George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities

Transport topic - George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities

Two powerpoints looking at how and why trains developed over time, and the Father of the Railways, George Stephenson, plus 3 worksheets. George Stephenson and locomotives: Looks at James Watt and his steam engine design; Richard Trevithick and his steam engine improvements, and the life of George Stephenson, and how he became known as the 'Father of the Railways'. Tells the story of the first steam locomotives; the Rainhill Trials; the Liverpool and Manchester Railway; and new steam locomotive designs up to 1941. Also briefly and simply explains how steam engines work. Trains now and then: Shows different parts of a steam locomotive, and looks at pictures of different locomotives, and how they developed from George Stephenson's Rocket, to the modern bullet trains of today. Steam train worksheets: 3 different worksheets, showing a picture of a steam train to label and caption. The Rocket worksheet: To compare modern trains with old steam locomotives. Steam train template: An outline of a steam train, to use for colouring, collage, paint etc.
KS2 history topic: The Roman Empire & its impact on Britain display pack

KS2 history topic: The Roman Empire & its impact on Britain display pack

A set of resources in pdf format to print and display. The pack consists of: 4 Different A4 titles: The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain / The Romans / The Roman invasion of Britain / The Roman Empire A-Z lettering: with blue 'Roman temple' background Banner x 2: With lettering 'The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain' and 'The Roman Empire' Border: Strips of border decorated with a Roman soldier for display borders,plus corners with 'SPQR'. Famous Romans posters (x 4): A heading plus one A4 sheet for each of the following; Julius Caesar, Emperor Claudius, Emperor Hadrian and Romulus (& Remus), with information about each person. Maps of Roman Britain posters (x 4): A heading, plus an old 4th century map of what Britain was thought to be like; A map of Iron Age tribes in Britain, a map of mining in Roman Britain and a map of Roman Britain in around AD 150 Roman artefacts posters (x 10; 2 on each A4 page): Heading, plus images of a Roman jug, an oil lamp, samian ware, aurus of Nero, a fresco, glassware, a mosaic, a military diploma, writing implements and copper and lead ingots. Roman Emperor posters (x 5): A4 heading, plus images of the first five Roman Emperors; Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Nero.Clausius Roman god posters (x 8): A4 heading plus the gods / goddesses Saturn, Jupiter, Juno, Janus, Neptune, Minerva, Mars and Vulcan. Photo pack of Roman sites in Britain: A heading plus an A4 page for each of the following; Bath, Hadrian's Wall, Richborough Fort, Great Witcombe Roman villa, Vindolanda, Venta Silurem, Anderitum, London Wall and Viroconium. Each photograph contains a map of the UK showing the location of each site. The Roman Army posters (x 8): Heading plus images of a legionary with his equipment and armour labelled, an aquilifer, archer, ballista, catapult, centurio, cavalry, cassis, cuirass, tunic, boot, scutum, pilum, standard and gladius. Timeline of the Roman Empire: An A4 sheet, showing the rise and fall of the Roman Empire from 750 BC to AD 500 Vocabulary display of the Roman Empire: Contains 2 words per A4 page, with an image and definition of the following words; Senate, legionary, republic, emperor, empire, civilization, citizen, Mediterranean, barbarian, archaeologist, military, plebeian, tribe, artefact, century, hostage, BC and AD
World War II / WW II & VE Day display pack

World War II / WW II & VE Day display pack

A set of headings, lettering, banners, posters and images for a WW2 / VE Day display: WW II HEADING: Prints onto 1 A4 sheet, with the title 'World War II’ WW II BANNER X 2: In 2 sizes, one prints onto 3 A4 sheets, the other 4. WW II A-Z LETTERING: Lower and upper case letters, plus numbers and punctuation to print and cut out. WW II IN PHOTOGRAPHS: 15 titled photographs, showing images taken during the war - The Women’s Volunteer Defence Corps Rescue workers Bombing at the library Air raid warden Ration book Refreshments for the soldiers Dunkirk The Queen visits an Anderson shelter Aftermath of a Blitz Homeless The Women’s land army Bombings in Merseyside Hawker Hurricane Evacuees Destroyed houses WW II POSTERS: 10 A4 sheets containing photographs and explanations of different aspects of WW II - WW II begins - Outlines the start of the war, with pictures of Neville Chamberlain, Adolph Hitler, and Winston Churchill The Blitz - Explains what the Blitz was. Blackouts - Curtains, and reasons why Air raid shelters Anderson shelters Gas masks Evacuation Rationing Participants of WW II VE day WW II INSTRUCTIONAL IMAGES: A collection of images made during the war to educate people about gas masks, enemy aircraft, air raid precautions, and fire precautions. (4 pages, with 3 or 4 images on each) VE Day heading VE day lettering Union flag border Small and large union flags
Tocuaro & Mexico - Powerpoint lessons, worksheets and activities

Tocuaro & Mexico - Powerpoint lessons, worksheets and activities

A set of geography resources looking at where Tocuaro is and what it is like there. POWERPOINTS Tocuaro mind map: For the beginning of the topic, to record what the children already know. Where is Tocuaro?: Shows the location of Tocuaro, in relation to the UK, Europe, and the rest of the world. What is Tocuaro like?: Photographs of life in and around Tocuaro, for the children to look at to find information. What is it like to live in Tocuaro?: Photographs of a Mexican family, different types of jobs and activities, food, dining, school, and traditional costumes. Is life in Mexico similar to life in the UK?: Photographs showing different aspects of life in Tocuaro and Mexico - street scenes; church; market stalls; crafts; houses; children; high street; washing clothes, and cooking. PRINTABLE RESOURCES (PDF) How to get to Tocuaro: A world map for the children to draw a route from their home town to Mexico. What is it like in Tocuaro: Three versions for different abilities - to write down what they think Tocuaro is like. Similarities and Differences: Worksheet for writing lists of similarities and differences. Mask template x 3: For the children to design their own mask.
Healthy Eating display

Healthy Eating display

A set of resources for display about Healthy Eating and different food groups. It includes food group posters, blank food group posters, images of different types of food that can be used for display or card games, headings and lettering.
Year 1 Science - Plants topic pack

Year 1 Science - Plants topic pack

This set of resources includes planning, worksheets and powerpoints. The powerpoint lessons cover the following objectives: identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.
Seaside holidays (history and geography) - PowerPoint lessons and worksheets

Seaside holidays (history and geography) - PowerPoint lessons and worksheets

A set of powerpoint lessons looking at the history and geography of seaside holidays, plus activities, worksheets and display resources. POWERPOINTS Seaside mind map: For AfL Seaside introduction: Looks at why we go to the seaside, and how it differs from other places. It shows pictures of the countryside, town, and seaside, asking children to point out the differences. What is the seaside like?: Looks at photographs to explore the human and physical features of coastal locations When do we go on holiday and what do we see?: Looks at the different times of year we have school holidays, and how they coincide with religious festivals. It shows photographs of different objects and activities at modern seaside resorts. Seaside in the past: 18 seaside photographs from 1880 until the 2000s. The children are asked to talk about what they see in each picture. Human and physical features: A study of Blackpool, with photographs and maps, to explore the key human and physical features of the resort. The children can match features they see in photographs to a map. There are also links to British seaside tourist websites. Looking at aerial photographs: Eight seaside locations to look for human and physical features. How has the seaside changed?: Six pictures of seasides in the past to look at and discuss. Pictures of seasides in the past: Six pictures of seasides in the past to look at and discuss. The Victorian seaside: A look at how seaside resorts developed, and why people in Victorian times enjoyed going to the seaside. It looks at the different things that children did at the seaside, and compares them to what children do today. ACTIVITIES: Acrostic poem Aerial photographs of different seaside locations showing pictures of coastal locations around the UK Playing cards Colouring pictures My favourite environment worksheet Packing list: Ready to go on holiday My seaside holiday with seaside border, to write a description Passport of places visited to itemise and describe where they have been Passport: A blank passport to fill in Postcard; blank to fill in Stamps to use on the postcards Seaside border paper for writing Seaside holidays in the past: Compare 2 pictures to see how things were different in the past. Seaside pictures past and present: For activities such as ordering events, describing, comparing etc Survey – places visited: For a class survey Topic covers x 4: With ‘The Seaside’ / ‘Seaside Holidays’ headings Town country seaside description: To describe the different areas UK jigsaw: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales UK map: To mark out places visited What can you find at the seaside: For making a list What can you see? Pictures of the town, seaside and countryside to describe Plus lots more!
Places of worship - the Church and Christianity powerpoint and activities

Places of worship - the Church and Christianity powerpoint and activities

A powerPoint lesson plus worksheets. The PowerPoint is 46 pages long and split into different sections: What do church buildings look like? Shows photographs of new and old / large and small churches, and the oldest church in Britain; shows the layout of many church buildings, and explains who goes to church and why. What do church buildings look like inside? A large photograph of the inside of the church for children to look at; then shows and explains about different types of furniture found inside a church. (Altar, font, stained glass windows, lectern, pulpit, pews and kneelers, and organ) What artefacts are found inside churches? Shows religious artefacts, and explains why they are found in churches. (Crosses, Hymn board, candles, Bible, Tabernacle, chalice, ciborium and patten, statues, and the stations of the cross.) What symbols might be found inside a church? The Ichthus, doves, candles, Communion bread, water, colours, bells, incense) What celebrations might happen in church? Sunday services, baptism, marriage, funerals. How should we behave in a church? Asks questions about appropriate behaviour. Worksheets (pdf format to print out) Church building - Shows the inside of a church, for children to label Church diagram - Shows the layout of a church, in a cross shape Church objects - Pictures of a font, Chalice and communion bread, an altar, stained glass window, pulpit and church organ for the children to write about. Design a hassock - A template for designs Objects worksheet - For the children to choose an object they find in church, and draw, and describe it. Symbols of Christianity - Pictures of the Ichthus, dove, and cross with space for the children to write about them./ artefacts in a church / symbols / celebrations/ how should you behave in a church.
The Vikings display pack

The Vikings display pack

A set of posters, lettering, title and wordmat for a Vikings display. Viking lettering - Spells 'The Vikings', plus all upper and lower cases and numbers are included so that you can print out what you need. The Vikings title - A4 title Viking gods posters - Includes Odin, Freya, Frey, Thor, Tyr, Loki, Idun ,plus Valhalla - with short descriptions and pictures. Vikings posters - 7 A4 posters on: Inside a Viking longhouse; Viking runes; Viking raids; Viking Runestones; Viking homeland; Viking ships; the Battle of Stamford Bridge - all with pictures and descriptions. Vikings word mat - Contains Viking vocabulary with accompanying pictures; Viking gods; map of the Viking invasions, Danelaw, Yorvic, Lindisfarne and Iona; and a list of famous Vikings.
Nocturnal animals powerpoint

Nocturnal animals powerpoint

A 30 page PowerPoint file, explaining what nocturnal animals are; why they come out at night; how they feed and live etc. The animals include: Bats Owls Badgers Foxes Hedgehogs Moles Mice The file also includes a page of related vocabulary, how nocturnal animals see, and looking for evidence of nightime activity.
Y2 Materials display pack

Y2 Materials display pack

A set of headings, lettering, posters and vocabulary to use when making a display of everyday materials. Materials display lettering - In lower and upper case to cut out. Materials banner (2 versions) - prints out onto 2 A4 sheets Materials heading (2 different versions) - prints onto an A4 sheet. Propertiess - each word is on an A4 page - Vocabulary with explanations Natural and manufactured materials - each natural material is on an A4 page, with an illustration of an object that is made out of the natural material:- bone, clay, cotton, sand, leather, metal, rock, wood, wool.
Year 5 science - Forces - powerpoints, worksheets, planning  & investigation sheets

Year 5 science - Forces - powerpoints, worksheets, planning & investigation sheets

A set of resources for the new science curriculum, looking at different aspects of forces such as air resistance, water resistance, friction, gravity and mechanisms. It contains: 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC - LO: To find out what the children already know about forces POWERPOINT: A recap of previous learning from Year 3. WORKSHEET: A sheet for the children to record what they already know about forces. 2. FALLING TO EARTH - LO: Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object POWERPOINT: A look at gravity and explanations of weight, newtons, and how forces can balance objects to keep them from falling. WORKSHEET 1: Force meter recording sheet WORKSHEET 2: Falling objects and gravity recording sheet 3. FRICTION - LO: Identify the effects of friction that act between moving surfaces POWERPOINT: Explains what friction is, when it happens and how useful it can be in daily life. WORKSHEET: Friction recording sheet 4. WATER RESISTANCE - LO: Identify the effects of water resistance that act between moving surfaces POWERPOINT: Explains what water resistance is and what effects it can have. Looks at different shapes and how high or low the water resistance would be for each. WORKSHEET: Water resistance recording sheet 5. AIR RESISTANCE - LO: Identify the effects of air resistance that act between moving surfaces POWERPOINT: Explains air resistance and how it can slow different objects down. Looks at ways in which it can be useful and situations where it is important. WORKSHEET 1: Air resistance activity WORKSHEET 2: Weight in water and air recording sheet 6. LEVERS, PULLEYS AND GEARS - LO: Recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. POWERPOINT: Looks at and explains each mechanism in turn, giving examples of each and how forces are altered by them. 7. FORCES RECAP POWERPOINT 1: A recap of all the learning covered in the topic POWERPOINT 2: A quiz WORKSHEET 1: Sheet for recording what they have learnt WORKSHEET 2: A quiz answer sheet, can be used for assessment. OTHER RESOURCES A-Z lettering, with a picture background A4 Forces title Forces topic booklet front cover - with space for children to draw their own forces design. Vocabulary powerpoint - can be used as a show and printed out for display. Writing sheet Investigation and recording sheets - A folder of blank tables, graphs and planning and recording sheets Year 5 Forces medium term planning: An outline of the activities and learning objectives with websites and ideas. It can be added to and amended for your own use
EYFS Rhythm and Rhyme phonic activities resource pack

EYFS Rhythm and Rhyme phonic activities resource pack

This pack is a collection of PowerPoints and printable resources in pdf. It will help give children experience how words rhyme, and to develop an awareness of rhythm in speech. Listening to and joining in with rhymes and playing rhyming games help children to develop skills to know how letters correspond to sounds. Fits in with Letters and Sounds Phase 1. PRINTABLE GAMES AND ACTIVITIES: • Dominoes – showing pictures of simple cvc words • Odd one out cards – print, cut and laminate for a rhyming game • Rhyming pairs – 40 images showing pictures of rhyming pairs. There are 4 per A4 page so can also be used for display or flashcards • Rhyming soup game – A printable version of the powerpoint. The children have to make a soup out of rhyming objects (eg snake, cake, rake etc) • Rhyming words bingo – 4 bingo cards with 7 pictures each. • Two rhyming worksheets • DISPLAY: • Large lettering: Rhymes (one letter per A4 page, if you want them smaller you can alter the print settings.) • Large lettering: Rhyme Time(one letter per A4 page, if you want them smaller you can alter the print settings.) • What rhymes with….posters – A set of 6 A4 colourful posters with pictures of rhyming words. Rhymes include what rhymes with…can / hat / pot / bug / cap and zip. POWERPOINT GAMES: • Can you think of words that rhyme - Simple introduction to rhyming. • Making up rhymes - Explains rhyming words, and then encourages the children to make up rhymes using the images. • Odd one out - Find the picture that doesn’t rhyme from a choice of 3, with immediate feedback. • Playing with words - 20 images of words with longer syllables. • Rhyming pairs - Find the rhyming pair from a choice of 3, with immediate feedback. • Rhyming puppets - 14 name rhymes for the children to finish. • Rhyming soup - ake - An interactive version of the game, the children click on the object to put it in the soup bowl. • Rhyming soup - an • Rhyming soup - at • Rhyming soup – ip • Rhyming soup – ox • Rhyming words - 11 sets of rhyming words, encouraging the children to make up rhymes with them. • Words that rhyme - Find the 2 pictures that rhyme from a choice of 3. • POWERPOINT RHYMES: • A pig who was big - 9 rhyming verses about pigs • Action Rhymes - 8 different rhymes: Two little feet / I wiggle / This is the way / Wind the bobbin up / A sailor went to sea / Jack-in-the-box / Clean up/ I’m a little teapot / Row your boat. • 5 fat peas • Dingle Dangle Scarecrow • Down in the jungle • Head, shoulders, knees and toes • Katalina Matalina • Peanut butter • Ten fingers • The Farmer’s in his den • The wheels on the bus • There was a princess
KS2 HOMOPHONES posters / flashcards

KS2 HOMOPHONES posters / flashcards

A set of A4 posters containing all the homophones identified in the Year 3/4 and 5/6 spelling appendix. Each page is split into 2 so that 2 homophones are printed on one page. You can cut them in half and use as flashcards or leave them whole and display them. For Y3/4 there are 21 pages, plus 3 pages containing just one word. For Y4/5 there are 24 pages plus 1 page containing just one word, plus a set of 4 noun/verb posters. 3 & Y4 HOMOPHONES: accept except affect effect ball bawl berry bury brake break fair fare grate great groan grown here hear heel heal he’ll knot not mail male meat meet medal meddle missed mist peace piece plain plane rain rein reign scene seen weather whether whose who’s Y5 & Y6 HOMOPHONES: aisle isle aloud allowed affect effect altar alter ascent assent bridal bridle cereal serial compliment complement descent dissent desert dessert draft draught farther father guessed guest heard herd led lead morning mouring past passed precede proceed principal principle prophet profit stationary stationery steel steal wary weary who’s whose Y5 & Y6 HOMOPHONES - nouns and verbs: Each set prints onto 1 A4 advice advise device devise licence license practice practise
Handwriting sheets for KS1: lower and upper case letters and digits

Handwriting sheets for KS1: lower and upper case letters and digits

This set contains a variety of writing worksheets to promote correct letter formation. The font used throughout is Sassoon, plus a slanted dotted handwriting version in the lower case letter packs PENCIL CONTROL SHEETS: A range of pre-letter formation sheets to get children used to the directions and actions needed for writing letters Arches Crosses Curls Lines Peaks Snakes Zigzags Zeds LOWER CASE LETTERS: This set consists of 4 folders of different handwriting families SET 1: Downward strokes Dotted letters l t i j Dotted letters u and y Sassoon letters l t i j Sassoon letters u and y All downward letters SET 2: Down and retrace Downward letters b k h dotted Downward letters m n r p dotted Sassoon downward letters b k h k (2 versions with curly/straight k) Sassoon downward letters r m n p All down/retrace letters SET 3: curly letters Curly letters a c o dotted Curly letters d g q dotted Sassoon curly letters a c o Sassoon curly letters d g q Sassoon curly letters e f s (curly and straight versions of f) Sassoon curly letters c o a d g q SET 4: Zigzag letters Dotted zigzag letters v w z x Sassoon zigzag letters v w z x Plus a digit formation 0-9 sheet CAPITAL LETTERS: These are divided into similarly formed letters Curled capitals C G O Q S Capitals diagonal X Y V W Capitals straight E F H I L T Capitals straight then diagonal A M N Z K Capitals straight then curled B D P R U J DISPLAY / ACTIVITIES Topic covers - 5 different versions with the heading 'My Handwriting Book' for children to keep their work together. Hollow letters: Each letter prints onto 1 A4 sheet. Can be laminated for finger painting etc, or used as activity sheets. There are two versions, one with large letters filling the page, the other with smaller letters. Lower case letter formation: This can be used for display as a reminder of correct letter formation, or laminated and used in practical activities. The posters show fingers pointing where to begin writing, where to end, and which way to go - children can see at a glance if they are forming their letters correctly. BLANK HANDWRITING SHEETS Two different versions with different line widths. Where possible, alternate ways of writing k and f are included.