
World War II / WW II & VE Day display pack
A set of headings, lettering, banners, posters and images for a WW2 / VE Day display:
WW II HEADING: Prints onto 1 A4 sheet, with the title 'World War II’
WW II BANNER X 2: In 2 sizes, one prints onto 3 A4 sheets, the other 4.
WW II A-Z LETTERING: Lower and upper case letters, plus numbers and punctuation to print and cut out.
WW II IN PHOTOGRAPHS: 15 titled photographs, showing images taken during the war -
The Women’s Volunteer Defence Corps
Rescue workers
Bombing at the library
Air raid warden
Ration book
Refreshments for the soldiers
The Queen visits an Anderson shelter
Aftermath of a Blitz
The Women’s land army
Bombings in Merseyside
Hawker Hurricane
Destroyed houses
WW II POSTERS: 10 A4 sheets containing photographs and explanations of different aspects of WW II -
WW II begins - Outlines the start of the war, with pictures of Neville Chamberlain, Adolph Hitler, and Winston Churchill
The Blitz - Explains what the Blitz was.
Blackouts - Curtains, and reasons why
Air raid shelters
Anderson shelters
Gas masks
Participants of WW II
VE day
WW II INSTRUCTIONAL IMAGES: A collection of images made during the war to educate people about gas masks, enemy aircraft, air raid precautions, and fire precautions. (4 pages, with 3 or 4 images on each)
VE Day heading
VE day lettering
Union flag border
Small and large union flags

The history of flying & the first aeroplane flight PowerPoint lessons and worksheets
A set of PowerPoint presentations plus a medium term plan looking at the history of flight. The PowerPoints are:
The history of flight: Describes the development of flight from the first kites made by the Chinese around 200 BC to the modern types of aircraft today. Includes kites, wings, ornithopter, hot air balloon, hydrogen balloon, airships, helicopters, autogyro, biplanes and monoplanes, flying boat, the jet engine, space shuttles and Concorde. Also looks briefly at the work of: the Montgolfier brothers, George Cayley, Otto Lilienthall, Samuel Pierpont Langley, the Wright brothers and Frank Whittle.
The first balloon flight ~ The Montgolfier brothers: A story of their lives, and how they designed the Montgolfier balloon.
The first aeroplane flight ~ The Wright brothers: A story of their lives and how they designed the first heavier than air powered aircraft.
How to make a paper plane (x2): Step by step instructions on how to make a paper plane, with illustrations.
Printable resources
Maps of the world / Europe/ UK/ North and South America/ South Asia/ Australia/ China/ Russian Federation / Mexico/ Africa
Topic cover
9x sheets with images of different types of inventions for flying
The Montgolfier brothers writing sheets
The Wright brothers writing sheets
Design a hot air balloon x 3
Airship picture
Pictures of the Wright brothers and their planes
3 x A4 titles The history of flight / The Wright brothers / The Montgolfier brothers
A-Z lettering
Large ‘Flight’ letters
Planning document

Florence Nightingale, Scutari and the Crimean war display pack
A set of images, headings, borders lettering, posters, a map of Florence's journey to Scurari and a word mat.
2 x versions of Florence Nightingale title: Prints out onto an A4 sheet
Florence Nightingale banner: prints on to 4 A4 sheets, or you can cut out the letters.
Artefacts: 5 A4 pages, with descriptions, including Florence Nightingale's lamp, owl and medicine chest.
Key vocabulary: 25 words the children may need to refer to.
Florence Nightingale: A timeline of her life - A detailed timeline, with pictures and text, beginning in 1820 when she was born. Prints onto 10 A4 pages to display horizontally on the wall.
Florence Nightingale border: to cut up and use as a display border (in 4 different colours, blue, black, brown, green and grey.
Florence Nightingale's life in pictures: 14 pictures at different stages in her life. (Can be used as display, or for the children to sort into date order.
Florence Nightingale picture timeline: as above, but dated.
Florence Nightingale word mat: with key vocabulary and corresponding pictures to help children in their writing.
Hospital before and after: 2 pictures of the hospital in Scutari with questions. Also included is a picture of a modern day hospital for comparison.
Journey to Scutari: the route that Florence took.
Nurses booklet - packing list: text from the actual pamphlet that the nurses travelling to Scutari received.

Volcanoes: KS2 Natural disasters - powerpoint lessons
Detailed explanations of how volcanoes are formed, how they erupt and where they are found, plus a case study of the 2010/2011 eruptions in Iceland.
What are volcanoes? - Includes a historical background to the name volcano; explains what a volcano is; what they release; what they are like; what happens in an eruption; can they be predicted; and volcano facts.
How and why volcanoes erupt - An explanation of: where magma comes from; tectonic plates; divergent and convergent plate boundaries; hot spots; and location of the world's volcanoes.
Volcano classification - Identifies and explains the different ways in which volcanoes can be classified - Type of lava (runny or thick); Type of volcanic eruption (Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian, Pelean, or Plinian); Shape of volcano (focusing on just 2 types - Shield volcano, stratovolcano / composite, plus talks about under water volcanoes); and whether they are active, dormant or extinct.
Volcano glossary - Explanations and pictures of vocabulary relating to volcanoes (Magma chamber, vent, conduit, flank, cone, lava flow, pyroclastic flow, ash cloud, volcanic bomb, crater, caldera)
Living near a volcano - Looks at the reasons why people live near or on volcanoes, and asks the children to think about what hazards there could be.
Are there volcanoes in Britain? - A brief explanation of volcanic activity in Britain, and examples of extinct volcanoes in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
Volcano questions - 11 photographs of volcanoes and their effects, with questions.
Make a volcano - instructions for making an eruption

Transport topic - canals powerpoint
Powerpoint on the development of canals and canals around the world today. Explains how canals were the method of transporting goods before the railways; how the barges were pulled along by horses; and how they were built.

Transport topic - George Stephenson and the history of trains - powerpoints and activities
Two powerpoints looking at how and why trains developed over time, and the Father of the Railways, George Stephenson, plus 3 worksheets.
George Stephenson and locomotives: Looks at James Watt and his steam engine design; Richard Trevithick and his steam engine improvements, and the life of George Stephenson, and how he became known as the 'Father of the Railways'. Tells the story of the first steam locomotives; the Rainhill Trials; the Liverpool and Manchester Railway; and new steam locomotive designs up to 1941. Also briefly and simply explains how steam engines work.
Trains now and then: Shows different parts of a steam locomotive, and looks at pictures of different locomotives, and how they developed from George Stephenson's Rocket, to the modern bullet trains of today.
Steam train worksheets: 3 different worksheets, showing a picture of a steam train to label and caption.
The Rocket worksheet: To compare modern trains with old steam locomotives.
Steam train template: An outline of a steam train, to use for colouring, collage, paint etc.

Year 3 science Forces and Magnets - powerpoints, worksheets, display & planning
A set of resources looking at how things move on different surfaces; that some forces need contact between two objects but that magnets attract or repel each other or other materials, and comparing and grouping materials on the basis of whether they are atracted to a magnet.

SPaG Year 1 Terminology powerpoint
Explanations of the terminology letter, capital letter, words, singular, plural, sentence, punctuation, full stop, question mark and exclamation mark.

SPaG Year 2 Spelling: Adding –es to nouns and verbs ending in –y
3 powerpoint lessons looking at how to add -es to nouns and verbs, with activities, planning and word list.
Adding es to nouns ending in y
Plurals recap - adding es
Adding es to nouns ending in y worksheet
Singular and plural cards
Adding es to verbs ending in y
Adding es to verbs ending in y worksheet
Y2 Spelling Appendix: Adding es to nouns and verbs ending in y- An adaptable outline plan
Word List - With relevant words ending in y.

SPaG Year 5 & 6 Spelling: Use of the hyphen
A powerpoint lesson and a jigsaw activity to teach the spelling guidelines:
Hyphens can be used to join a prefix to a root word, especially if the prefix ends in a vowel letter and the root word also begins with one.

Year 1 Maths : Missing number problems
Introduction to missing numbers: explains what missing number problems are and gives strategies for working them out.
Behind the Barn: pictorial introduction to missing numbers – asks how many cows there are altogether if x number are hiding behind the barn
Missing number problems x 6
Printable resources:
Number cards and plus, minus and equals symbols
Flip flap number bonds to 10
number bonds to 10 addition sheet
Number bonds to 10 subtraction sheet
Toy prices
Number cards to 20

KS1 Fantasy stories - story maker settings, characters and objects
An introduction to fantasy stories - one powerpoint looks at the difference between fact and fiction; the second powerpoint guides the children through making up their own fantasy stories.
The printable files are cards - each set has 12 images so the children can use them to choose a setting, main character and an object.

Transport EYFS topic pack - powerpoints and activities
A set of 13 PowerPoint resources and several printable activities looking at different types of transport for early years.
5 Little men in a flying saucer: The song
A-Z of transport: Pictures for every letter of the alphabet, related to transport
How does it travel: A simple quiz
Old and new transport: Compares old and new kinds of transport
Row your boat: The song
The history of cars: Pictures of cars, how they have changed
The history of transport: From the Stone age to the modern age.
The Wheels on the bus: The song, with sounds and animations
Types of transport: Different kinds with labels
Transport 2: Different kinds, why we need it etc.
Transport shapes: Simple shapes in the environment related to transport
Vehicles that travel in the air: Pictures and facts
Vehicles that travel on water: Pictures and facts
Vehicles that travel on land: Pictures and facts
Transport advertisements - Adverts from the past 100 years showing old cars etc. Can be printed or viewed as a show.
Transport lotto: Game to print out and laminate
Shape car: A car to make by cutting out shape
Black and white pictures with headings to colour / write on
5 Little Astronauts - props, heading and rhyme
5 Little Firefighters - props, heading and rhyme
5 Little men in a flying saucer - heading, props, masks and earth

Alphabet line / frieze for display with lower and upper case letters
This set contains 26 alphabet flashcards in lower case and 26 in upper and lower case, both in Sassoon Primary font, with pictures matching each initial letter sound.
There are also alternate lower case letters for f and k, plus ck, ll, ff, ss and zz.
There are 2 cards per A4 page for you to print as many times as you like.
They can be used as flashcards, for an alphabet frieze or other display work.

Changes in Britain from the Stone Age, Bronze Age to Iron Age pack - powerpoints, activities, plan
INTRODUCTION TO PREHISTORY POWERPOINT: A timeline showing the history of the Earth, from when it was first formed to the beginning of the Stone Age
WORKSHEET: Prehistory writing sheet
THE STONE AGE POWERPOINT (30 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Stone Age life including:
Sources of information
Stone Age Britain
Stone Age people
Change from hunter-gatherers to farmers
Skara Brae
STONE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Cave paintings
Stone Age climate
Stone Age food
Stone Age way of life
Write a report about .... (x10) - Different Stone Age archaeology sites
Topic covers (x4 different designs) For topic books
Stone Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
THE BRONZE AGE POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including:
Sources of information
Discovery of copper and bronze
Britain in the Bronze Age
Daily life
BRONZE AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Write a report about the Amesbury Archer
Bronze Age ways of living
Bronze Age travel
Bronze Age technology
Bronze Age religion
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
THE IRON AGEPOWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Iron Age life including
Sources of information
Iron Age Britain
Iron Age people & tribes
Iron Age life
Buildings - Hill Forts
Art and Culture
Arrival of the Romans
IRON AGE WORKSHEETS (pdf): (for recording research)
Iron Age sites recording sheet
Iron Age tribes in the local area
Iron Age art and culture
Iron Age farming
Iron Age hill forts
Iron Age tribal kingdoms
Topic covers (x2) For topic books
Iron Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
Plus and adaptable outline MT plan with links, suggestions etc

KS1 Geography and History of the United Kingdom: powerpoints and activities pack
A set of resources for KS1 to teach children about the geography, history and culture of the UK.
Geography of the UK: ENGLAND
Geography of the UK: SCOTLAND
Geography of the UK: WALES
Geography of the UK: NORTHERN IRELAND
Each powerpoint is approximately 20 pages long and includes information on:
The location of the country in the world and in the UK
The names of the ocean and surrounding seas
The capital city
Information on the capital city and key landmarks
Specific features such as castles, brochs, lochs, stone circles etc.
Myths and Legends
HISTORY OF THE UK: A quick look through different periods in the history of the United Kingdom; how the UK has been invaded and settled, why places are as they are, and how the countries got their names.
THE UNION FLAG: The story of how it came into being. It includes:
Flag of England; Saint George, the story of St George and the Dragon, the St George's Cross
The Flag of Wales
The Flag of Scotland; St Andrew, the story of King Angus MacFergus
The Flag of Britain, 1606
The Flag of the Protectorate; including the arms of Ireland
Great Britain; the ensign armorial, 1707
St Patrick's Cross; the story of St Patrick
The Union Flag
How to draw the Union Flag
THE ROYAL COAT OF ARMS: Explains what a coat of arms is and how they are created. Explains about the Royal coat of arms today.
Factfiles x 4: For fact finding missions, cities, rivers, mountains and a blank one. They contain boxes for text, lines for explanations and a blank map of the UK.
Flag activities: 6 different flag sheets
Map of UK
Topic cover
Jigsaw of the UK
Simple outline plan in word with links and suggestions.

Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2
Powerpoint files:
Dinosaur AfL - 7 different questions to pose to the children before the topic begins.
Where and when did the dinosaurs live - Looks at Pangaea, and the timescale involved and how long ago it was.
Dinosaur discoveries - Looks at how fossils were found and ideas emerged about dinosaurs. Talks about early ‘palaeontologists’ including Robert Plot, Robert Buckland, Mary Anning, Mary Ann and Gideon Mantell, Richard Owen and their discoveries.
How fossils are formed - A step by step guide
Dinosaur diets - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
What happened to the dinosaurs - looks at different theories of why dinosaurs became extinct.

KS2 History Bronze Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display
A set of resources for a unit of work covering the Bronze Age in Britain, looking at the Amesbury Archer, Must Farm and Stonehenge amongst other things.
POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including
• Sources of information
• Discovery of copper and bronze
• Britain in the Bronze Age
• Religion
• Henges
• Daily life
BRONZE AGE ACTIVITIES: (for recording research)
• Write a report about the Amesbury Archer
• Write a report about Must Farm
• Bronze Age ways of living
• Bronze Age travel
• Bronze Age technology
• Bronze Age religion
• Topic covers (x2) For topic books
• Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
• A4 title
• A-Z lettering in a bronze background
• The Bronze Age banner
• Bronze Age timeline
• Bronze Age artefacts
• Bronze Age border for display boards

Roman numerals KS2 maths resources: powerpoints display posters clock and cards
This pack meets the new curriculum requirements for teaching Roman numerals in KS2 - Year 3, 4 and 5.
It covers Roman numerals on a clock; an explanation and history of Roman numerals; Roman numerals to 100 and to 1000
It consists of powerpoint lessons, display, headings, worksheets and activities

SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Using k for the /k/ sound
Resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
The /k/ sound is spelt as k rather than as c before e, i and y.
Explains the spelling rule and gives examples of words for a class activity where the children can try to spell the words.
Wordsearch with relevant words