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Inquiring Mind of the English Teacher Kind

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With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.




With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.
King Lear Act 3 Scene 4 Close Reading Inference Worksheet

King Lear Act 3 Scene 4 Close Reading Inference Worksheet

Help students go beyond basic plot recall and develop close reading analysis skills with this set of high-order questions covering Act 3, scene 4, of William Shakespeare’s King Lear. Delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats, this worksheet saves English Language Arts teachers valuable time at home without sacrificing rigor in the classroom. An answer key is provided. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly Define words/phrases as they are used in the text Verify interpretations of language using reference materials Explore the intended effects of Shakespeare’s narrative techniques Describe tone in context Conduct brief research on pelicans to better understand their symbolic value in context ('pelican daughters") Examine how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Othello Act 1 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Othello Act 1 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Help learners go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 1, scene 3, of William Shakespeare’s Othello. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare’s word choices and dramatic techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Discern the tone of a character’s remarks Identify textual evidence in support of claims Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare
The Tempest Act 3 Scene 1 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet

The Tempest Act 3 Scene 1 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 3, scene 1, of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Read for literal comprehension Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Describe tone in context Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Contrast two characters (Miranda and Ferdinand) Apply knowledge of literary devices including personification, situational irony, and dramatic irony Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss dramatic works
The Tempest Act 4 Quiz and Answer Key

The Tempest Act 4 Quiz and Answer Key

Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this quiz covering Act 4 of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The quiz may double as a guided reading worksheet to facilitate active engagement with the play. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following: Prospero’s advice for the engaged couple, Miranda and Ferdinand Ariel’s role in terms of arranging the wedding ceremony Gifts given to Miranda and Ferdinand The sprites who impersonate various goddesses An interruption during the wedding festivities Prospero’s erratic behavior How Prospero intends to entice his enemies Caliban’s awareness of a trap Prospero’s assessment of Caliban’s character Caliban’s epiphany The appearance of spirits in the form of animals
Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 4 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet and Answer Key

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scene 4 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet and Answer Key

Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 2, scene 4, of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Define words as they are used in the text Describe tone in context Discern the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Compare and contrast characters Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss Shakespearean drama
Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 3, scene 1, of William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word and phrase meanings Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Apply knowledge of literary devices such as foreshadowing, pun, and dramatic irony Choose the best textual evidence in support of a claim Consider relevant themes in the context of the scene Come to class better prepared to discuss dramatic works
King Lear Act 5 Scene 1 Close Reading Inference Worksheet

King Lear Act 5 Scene 1 Close Reading Inference Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 5, scene 1, of William Shakespeare’s King Lear. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this exercise, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings Discern the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss dramatic works
Othello Act 2 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Othello Act 2 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Help learners go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 2, scene 1, of William Shakespeare’s Othello. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare’s word choices and dramatic techniques Discern tone in context Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Identify textual evidence in support of claims Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare
Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Help learners go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 3, scene 3, of William Shakespeare’s Othello. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare’s word choices and dramatic techniques Describe tone in context Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Apply knowledge of literary devices including dramatic irony, verbal irony, situational irony, and metaphor Support ideas and claims with relevant textual evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare
Macbeth Act 4 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Macbeth Act 4 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering a meaningful excerpt from Act 4, scene 3, of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this exercise, students will: Identify what the text states both explicitly and implicitly Define complex words and phrases in context Discern the greater significance of a given detail Determine the function of a particular excerpt Discern tone in context Examine how characters think, behave, interact, and develop Apply knowledge of literary devices including allusion
Othello Act 4 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Othello Act 4 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Help learners go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 4, scene 1, of William Shakespeare’s Othello. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare’s word choices and dramatic techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Support ideas and claims with relevant textual evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare
Othello Act 4 Scene 2 Close Reading Worksheet

Othello Act 4 Scene 2 Close Reading Worksheet

Help learners go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 4, scene 2, of William Shakespeare’s Othello. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare’s word choices and dramatic techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Support ideas and claims with relevant textual evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare
The Tempest Act 2 Scene 2 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet

The Tempest Act 2 Scene 2 Close Reading Analysis Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 2, scene 2, of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Read for literal comprehension Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Describe tone in context Determine the function of a given excerpt Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Compare two characters (Antonio and Sebastian) Apply knowledge of literary devices including situational irony Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss dramatic works
Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5 Close Reading Worksheet

Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5 Close Reading Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic comprehension, explore literary devices, and improve critical thinking skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering Act 1, scene 5, of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Consider using this resource as an in-class group activity; it may facilitate deeper conversations about characters, plot developments, and literary craft. By engaging with this close reading analysis activity, students will: Read for literal comprehension Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Apply knowledge of literary devices including euphemism, simile, personification, and hyperbole Conduct brief research to answer a question connecting the drama to aspects of Greek mythology Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant textual evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic comprehension, explore literary devices, and improve critical thinking skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering Act 3, scene 1, of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and emphasizing the protagonist’s internal conflict as expressed in his famous soliloquy: “To be, or not to be?”. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Consider using this resource as an in-class group activity; it may facilitate deeper conversations about characters, plot developments, and literary craft. By engaging with this close reading analysis activity, students will: Read for literal comprehension Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Apply knowledge of literary devices including metaphor Determine the function of a given excerpt Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant textual evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2 Close Reading Worksheet

Hamlet Act 2 Scene 2 Close Reading Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic comprehension, explore literary devices, and improve critical thinking skills with this close reading inference worksheet covering the soliloquy in Act 2, scene 2, of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Consider using this resource as an in-class group activity; it may facilitate deeper conversations about characters, plot developments, and literary craft. By engaging with this close reading analysis activity, students will: Read for literal comprehension Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Discern tone in context Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant textual evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Quiz and Answer Key

Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Quiz and Answer Key

Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this plot-based quiz covering Act 1 of William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to facilitate active engagement with Shakespearean drama. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Specifically, students will demonstrate knowledge of the following: The purpose of a chorus A character known as a peace-maker The reason for street-fighting in Verona Prince Escalus’s declaration Romeo’s cause for sadness Lord Capulet’s attitude toward marrying off Juliet Benvolio’s encouragement (to Romeo) Juliet’s attitude toward marriage Mercutio’s treatment of Romeo A foreshadowing fear Tybalt’s temperament Lord Capulet’s reaction to Romeo’s presence at the party The revelation of Juliet’s true identity
Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Scene 1 Close Reading Worksheet

Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 2, scene 1, of William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly and implicitly Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word and phrase meanings Discern the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Choose the best textual evidence in support of a claim Apply knowledge of figurative language and dramatic irony Support inferences or claims with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss dramatic works
Othello Act 1 Scene 2 Close Reading Worksheet

Othello Act 1 Scene 2 Close Reading Worksheet

Help learners go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 1, scene 2, of William Shakespeare’s Othello. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare’s word choices and dramatic techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare
Othello Act 2 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Othello Act 2 Scene 3 Close Reading Worksheet

Help learners go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and dramatic craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Act 2, scene 3, of William Shakespeare’s Othello. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will: Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings Infer the intended effects of Shakespeare’s word choices and dramatic techniques Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop Apply knowledge of literary devices including metaphor Support ideas and claims with relevant textual evidence Write about Shakespearean drama with clarity, accuracy, and precision Come to class better prepared to discuss works of Shakespeare